2023-11-30 15:55:51 +00:00
from unittest import T estCase
2023-04-16 19:06:29 +00:00
import boto3
2023-10-10 15:44:00 +00:00
import pytest
2023-04-16 19:06:29 +00:00
2024-01-07 12:03:33 +00:00
from moto import mock_aws
2023-04-16 19:06:29 +00:00
2023-10-10 15:44:00 +00:00
from . import dynamodb_aws_verified
2023-04-16 19:06:29 +00:00
2023-10-10 15:44:00 +00:00
item1 = {
" pk " : { " S " : " msg1 " } ,
" body " : { " S " : " some text " } ,
" nested_attrs " : { " M " : { " some " : { " S " : " key " } } } ,
2023-10-15 12:26:20 +00:00
" price " : { " N " : " 123.4 " } ,
2023-10-10 15:44:00 +00:00
" list_attrs " : { " L " : [ { " BOOL " : True } , { " BOOL " : False } ] } ,
" bool_attr " : { " BOOL " : True } ,
item2 = { " pk " : { " S " : " msg2 " } , " body " : { " S " : " n/a " } , " unique_key " : { " S " : " key " } }
def create_items ( table_name ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
client . put_item ( TableName = table_name , Item = item1 )
client . put_item ( TableName = table_name , Item = item2 )
2023-11-04 10:37:32 +00:00
@dynamodb_aws_verified ( )
2023-10-10 15:44:00 +00:00
def test_execute_statement_select_star ( table_name = None ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
create_items ( table_name )
items = client . execute_statement ( Statement = f " select * from { table_name } " ) [ " Items " ]
assert item1 in items
assert item2 in items
2023-11-04 10:37:32 +00:00
@dynamodb_aws_verified ( )
2023-10-15 12:26:20 +00:00
def test_execute_statement_select_attr ( table_name = None ) :
2023-10-10 15:44:00 +00:00
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
create_items ( table_name )
items = client . execute_statement ( Statement = f " select unique_key from { table_name } " ) [
" Items "
assert { } in items
assert { " unique_key " : { " S " : " key " } } in items
2023-10-15 12:26:20 +00:00
2023-11-04 10:37:32 +00:00
@dynamodb_aws_verified ( )
2023-10-15 12:26:20 +00:00
def test_execute_statement_with_quoted_table ( table_name = None ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
create_items ( table_name )
items = client . execute_statement ( Statement = f ' select * from " { table_name } " ' ) [ " Items " ]
assert item1 in items
assert item2 in items
2023-10-10 15:44:00 +00:00
2023-11-04 10:37:32 +00:00
@dynamodb_aws_verified ( )
2023-10-10 15:44:00 +00:00
def test_execute_statement_with_parameter ( table_name = None ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
create_items ( table_name )
stmt = f " select * from { table_name } where pk = ? "
items = client . execute_statement ( Statement = stmt , Parameters = [ { " S " : " msg1 " } ] ) [
" Items "
assert len ( items ) == 1
assert item1 in items
stmt = f " select pk from { table_name } where pk = ? "
items = client . execute_statement ( Statement = stmt , Parameters = [ { " S " : " msg1 " } ] ) [
" Items "
assert len ( items ) == 1
assert { " pk " : { " S " : " msg1 " } } in items
2023-11-04 10:37:32 +00:00
@dynamodb_aws_verified ( )
2023-10-10 15:44:00 +00:00
def test_execute_statement_with_no_results ( table_name = None ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
create_items ( table_name )
stmt = f " select * from { table_name } where pk = ? "
items = client . execute_statement ( Statement = stmt , Parameters = [ { " S " : " msg3 " } ] ) [
" Items "
assert items == [ ]
2023-04-16 19:06:29 +00:00
2024-01-07 12:03:33 +00:00
2023-04-16 19:06:29 +00:00
class TestExecuteTransaction ( TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
self . client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
self . client . create_table (
TableName = " messages " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 1 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 5 } ,
self . item1 = { " id " : { " S " : " msg1 " } , " body " : { " S " : " some text " } }
self . item2 = { " id " : { " S " : " msg2 " } , " body " : { " S " : " n/a " } , " unique " : { " S " : " key " } }
self . client . put_item ( TableName = " messages " , Item = self . item1 )
self . client . put_item ( TableName = " messages " , Item = self . item2 )
def test_execute_transaction ( self ) :
items = self . client . execute_transaction (
TransactStatements = [
{ " Statement " : " select id from messages " } ,
" Statement " : " select * from messages where id = ? " ,
" Parameters " : [ { " S " : " msg2 " } ] ,
} ,
) [ " Responses " ]
assert len ( items ) == 3
2024-01-07 12:03:33 +00:00
2023-04-16 19:06:29 +00:00
class TestBatchExecuteStatement ( TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
self . client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
for name in [ " table1 " , " table2 " ] :
self . client . create_table (
TableName = name ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 1 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 5 } ,
self . item1 = { " id " : { " S " : " msg1 " } , " body " : { " S " : " some text " } }
self . item2 = { " id " : { " S " : " msg2 " } , " body " : { " S " : " n/a " } , " unique " : { " S " : " key " } }
self . client . put_item ( TableName = " table1 " , Item = self . item1 )
self . client . put_item ( TableName = " table1 " , Item = self . item2 )
self . client . put_item ( TableName = " table2 " , Item = self . item1 )
def test_execute_transaction ( self ) :
items = self . client . batch_execute_statement (
Statements = [
" Statement " : " select id from table1 where id = ? " ,
" Parameters " : [ { " S " : " msg1 " } ] ,
} ,
" Statement " : " select * from table2 where id = ? " ,
" Parameters " : [ { " S " : " msg1 " } ] ,
} ,
" Statement " : " select * from table2 where id = ? " ,
" Parameters " : [ { " S " : " msg2 " } ] ,
} ,
) [ " Responses " ]
assert len ( items ) == 3
assert { " TableName " : " table1 " , " Item " : { " id " : { " S " : " msg1 " } } } in items
assert { " TableName " : " table2 " , " Item " : self . item1 } in items
assert { " TableName " : " table2 " } in items
def test_without_primary_key_in_where_clause ( self ) :
items = self . client . batch_execute_statement (
Statements = [
# Unknown table
{ " Statement " : " select id from unknown-table " } ,
# No WHERE-clause
{ " Statement " : " select id from table1 " } ,
# WHERE-clause does not contain HashKey
" Statement " : " select * from table1 where body = ? " ,
" Parameters " : [ { " S " : " msg1 " } ] ,
} ,
# Valid WHERE-clause
" Statement " : " select * from table2 where id = ? " ,
" Parameters " : [ { " S " : " msg1 " } ] ,
} ,
) [ " Responses " ]
assert len ( items ) == 4
assert {
" Error " : {
" Code " : " ResourceNotFound " ,
" Message " : " Requested resource not found " ,
} in items
assert {
" Error " : {
" Code " : " ValidationError " ,
" Message " : " Select statements within BatchExecuteStatement must "
" specify the primary key in the where clause. " ,
} ,
" TableName " : " table1 " ,
} in items
assert {
" Error " : {
" Code " : " ValidationError " ,
" Message " : " Select statements within BatchExecuteStatement must "
" specify the primary key in the where clause. " ,
} ,
" TableName " : " table1 " ,
} in items
assert { " TableName " : " table2 " , " Item " : self . item1 } in items
2023-10-23 10:16:10 +00:00
2023-11-04 10:37:32 +00:00
@dynamodb_aws_verified ( )
2023-10-23 10:16:10 +00:00
def test_execute_statement_with_all_clauses ( table_name = None ) :
dynamodb_client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
items = [
" pk " : { " S " : " 0 " } ,
" Name " : { " S " : " Lambda " } ,
" NameLower " : { " S " : " lambda " } ,
" Description " : { " S " : " Run code in under 15 minutes " } ,
" DescriptionLower " : { " S " : " run code in under 15 minutes " } ,
" Price " : { " N " : " 2E-7 " } ,
" Unit " : { " S " : " invocation " } ,
" Category " : { " S " : " free " } ,
" FreeTier " : { " N " : " 1E+6 " } ,
} ,
" pk " : { " S " : " 1 " } ,
" Name " : { " S " : " Auto Scaling " } ,
" NameLower " : { " S " : " auto scaling " } ,
" Description " : {
" S " : " Automatically scale the number of EC2 instances with demand " ,
} ,
" DescriptionLower " : {
" S " : " automatically scale the number of ec2 instances with demand "
} ,
" Price " : { " N " : " 0 " } ,
" Unit " : { " S " : " group " } ,
" Category " : { " S " : " free " } ,
" FreeTier " : { " NULL " : True } ,
} ,
" pk " : { " S " : " 2 " } ,
" Name " : { " S " : " EC2 " } ,
" NameLower " : { " S " : " ec2 " } ,
" Description " : { " S " : " Servers in the cloud " } ,
" DescriptionLower " : { " S " : " servers in the cloud " } ,
" Price " : { " N " : " 7.2 " } ,
" Unit " : { " S " : " instance " } ,
" Category " : { " S " : " trial " } ,
} ,
" pk " : { " S " : " 3 " } ,
" Name " : { " S " : " Config " } ,
" NameLower " : { " S " : " config " } ,
" Description " : { " S " : " Audit the configuration of AWS resources " } ,
" DescriptionLower " : { " S " : " audit the configuration of aws resources " } ,
" Price " : { " N " : " 0.003 " } ,
" Unit " : { " S " : " configuration item " } ,
" Category " : { " S " : " paid " } ,
} ,
for item in items :
dynamodb_client . put_item ( TableName = table_name , Item = item )
partiql_statement = f " SELECT pk FROM \" { table_name } \" WHERE (contains( \" NameLower \" , ' code ' ) OR contains( \" DescriptionLower \" , ' code ' )) AND Category = ' free ' AND Price >= 0 AND Price <= 1 AND FreeTier IS NOT MISSING AND attribute_type( \" FreeTier \" , ' N ' ) "
items = dynamodb_client . execute_statement ( Statement = partiql_statement ) [ " Items " ]
assert items == [ { " pk " : { " S " : " 0 " } } ]
2023-12-17 10:53:16 +00:00
@dynamodb_aws_verified ( )
def test_insert_data ( table_name = None ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
create_items ( table_name )
resp = client . execute_statement (
Statement = f " INSERT INTO \" { table_name } \" value {{ ' pk ' : ' msg3 ' }} "
assert resp [ " Items " ] == [ ]
items = client . scan ( TableName = table_name ) [ " Items " ]
assert len ( items ) == 3
assert { " pk " : { " S " : " msg3 " } } in items
# More advanced insertion
client . execute_statement (
Statement = f " INSERT INTO \" { table_name } \" value {{ ' pk ' : ' msg4 ' , ' attr ' : {{ ' sth ' : [ ' other ' ] }} }} "
items = client . scan ( TableName = table_name ) [ " Items " ]
assert len ( items ) == 4
assert {
" pk " : { " S " : " msg4 " } ,
" attr " : { " M " : { " sth " : { " L " : [ { " S " : " other " } ] } } } ,
} in items
@dynamodb_aws_verified ( )
def test_update_data ( table_name = None ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
create_items ( table_name )
items = client . scan ( TableName = table_name ) [ " Items " ]
assert item1 in items
assert item2 in items # unchanged
# Update existing attr
client . execute_statement (
Statement = f " UPDATE \" { table_name } \" SET body= ' other ' WHERE pk= ' msg1 ' "
items = client . scan ( TableName = table_name ) [ " Items " ]
assert len ( items ) == 2
updated_item = item1 . copy ( )
updated_item [ " body " ] = { " S " : " other " }
assert updated_item in items
assert item2 in items # unchanged
# Set new attr
client . execute_statement (
Statement = f " UPDATE \" { table_name } \" SET new_attr= ' asdf ' WHERE pk= ' msg1 ' "
items = client . scan ( TableName = table_name ) [ " Items " ]
assert len ( items ) == 2
updated_item [ " new_attr " ] = { " S " : " asdf " }
assert updated_item in items
assert item2 in items
# Remove attr
client . execute_statement (
Statement = f " UPDATE \" { table_name } \" REMOVE new_attr WHERE pk= ' msg1 ' "
items = client . scan ( TableName = table_name ) [ " Items " ]
assert len ( items ) == 2
updated_item . pop ( " new_attr " )
assert updated_item in items
assert item2 in items
2024-02-02 19:29:48 +00:00
def test_batch_update__not_enough_parameters ( ) :
ddb_cli = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
ddb_res = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
ddb_res . create_table (
TableName = " users " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " username " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " username " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 5 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 5 } ,
statements = [
" Statement " : ' UPDATE users SET " first_name " = ?, " last_name " = ? WHERE " username " = ? ' ,
" Parameters " : [ { " S " : " test5 " } , { " S " : " test6 " } ] ,
resp = ddb_cli . batch_execute_statement ( Statements = statements ) [ " Responses " ]
assert resp == [
" Error " : {
" Code " : " ValidationError " ,
" Message " : " Number of parameters in request and statement don ' t match. " ,
def test_batch_update ( ) :
ddb_cli = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
ddb_res = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
table = ddb_res . create_table (
TableName = " users " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " username " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " username " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 5 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 5 } ,
table . put_item (
Item = { " username " : " XXXX " , " first_name " : " test1 " , " last_name " : " test2 " }
table . put_item (
Item = { " username " : " YYYY " , " first_name " : " test3 " , " last_name " : " test4 " }
statements = [
" Statement " : ' UPDATE users SET " first_name " = ?, " last_name " = ? WHERE " username " = ? ' ,
" Parameters " : [ { " S " : " test5 " } , { " S " : " test6 " } , { " S " : " XXXX " } ] ,
} ,
{ " Statement " : " DELETE FROM users WHERE username= ' YYYY ' " } ,
{ " Statement " : " INSERT INTO users value { ' username ' : ' new ' } " } ,
response = ddb_cli . batch_execute_statement ( Statements = statements ) [ " Responses " ]
assert response == [
{ " TableName " : " users " } ,
{ " TableName " : " users " } ,
{ " TableName " : " users " } ,
users = ddb_res . Table ( " users " ) . scan ( ) [ " Items " ]
assert len ( users ) == 2
# Changed
assert { " username " : " XXXX " , " first_name " : " test5 " , " last_name " : " test6 " } in users
# New
assert { " username " : " new " } in users
2023-12-17 10:53:16 +00:00
@dynamodb_aws_verified ( )
def test_delete_data ( table_name = None ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
create_items ( table_name )
client . execute_statement ( Statement = f " DELETE FROM \" { table_name } \" WHERE pk= ' msg1 ' " )
items = client . scan ( TableName = table_name ) [ " Items " ]
assert items == [ item2 ]
2024-01-07 12:03:33 +00:00
2023-12-17 10:53:16 +00:00
def test_delete_data__with_sort_key ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-1 " )
client . create_table (
TableName = " test " ,
AttributeDefinitions = [
{ " AttributeName " : " pk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " sk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
] ,
KeySchema = [
{ " AttributeName " : " pk " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " sk " , " KeyType " : " RANGE " } ,
] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
client . put_item ( TableName = " test " , Item = { " pk " : { " S " : " msg " } , " sk " : { " S " : " sth " } } )
client . execute_statement ( Statement = " DELETE FROM \" test \" WHERE pk= ' msg ' " )
assert client . scan ( TableName = " test " ) [ " Items " ] == [ ]