2021-10-08 10:06:55 +00:00
import boto3
2022-05-09 13:01:31 +00:00
import botocore
2021-10-08 10:06:55 +00:00
import pytest
2021-10-18 19:44:29 +00:00
import sure # noqa # pylint: disable=unused-import
2021-11-23 19:49:59 +00:00
from boto3 . dynamodb . conditions import Key
2022-01-25 10:26:39 +00:00
from botocore . exceptions import ClientError
2022-05-09 13:01:31 +00:00
from unittest import SkipTest
from moto import mock_dynamodb , settings
2021-10-08 10:06:55 +00:00
2021-10-11 22:16:46 +00:00
table_schema = {
" KeySchema " : [ { " AttributeName " : " partitionKey " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
" GlobalSecondaryIndexes " : [
" IndexName " : " GSI-K1 " ,
" KeySchema " : [
{ " AttributeName " : " gsiK1PartitionKey " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " gsiK1SortKey " , " KeyType " : " RANGE " } ,
] ,
2022-03-10 14:39:59 +00:00
" Projection " : { " ProjectionType " : " KEYS_ONLY " } ,
2021-10-11 22:16:46 +00:00
] ,
" AttributeDefinitions " : [
{ " AttributeName " : " partitionKey " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " gsiK1PartitionKey " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " gsiK1SortKey " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
] ,
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-10-08 10:06:55 +00:00
def test_query_gsi_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception ( ) :
item = {
" partitionKey " : " pk-1 " ,
" gsiK1PartitionKey " : " gsi-pk " ,
" gsiK1SortKey " : " gsi-sk " ,
" someAttribute " : " lore ipsum " ,
dynamodb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * table_schema
table = dynamodb . Table ( " test-table " )
table . put_item ( Item = item )
# check using wrong name for sort key throws exception
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . query (
KeyConditionExpression = " gsiK1PartitionKey = :pk AND wrongName = :sk " ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = { " :pk " : " gsi-pk " , " :sk " : " gsi-sk " } ,
IndexName = " GSI-K1 " ,
) [ " Items " ]
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" Query condition missed key schema element: gsiK1SortKey "
# check using wrong name for partition key throws exception
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . query (
KeyConditionExpression = " wrongName = :pk AND gsiK1SortKey = :sk " ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = { " :pk " : " gsi-pk " , " :sk " : " gsi-sk " } ,
IndexName = " GSI-K1 " ,
) [ " Items " ]
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" Query condition missed key schema element: gsiK1PartitionKey "
# verify same behaviour for begins_with
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . query (
KeyConditionExpression = " gsiK1PartitionKey = :pk AND begins_with ( wrongName , :sk ) " ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = { " :pk " : " gsi-pk " , " :sk " : " gsi-sk " } ,
IndexName = " GSI-K1 " ,
) [ " Items " ]
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" Query condition missed key schema element: gsiK1SortKey "
# verify same behaviour for between
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . query (
KeyConditionExpression = " gsiK1PartitionKey = :pk AND wrongName BETWEEN :sk1 and :sk2 " ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = {
" :pk " : " gsi-pk " ,
" :sk1 " : " gsi-sk " ,
" :sk2 " : " gsi-sk2 " ,
} ,
IndexName = " GSI-K1 " ,
) [ " Items " ]
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" Query condition missed key schema element: gsiK1SortKey "
2021-10-11 22:16:46 +00:00
2022-09-07 11:45:34 +00:00
def test_query_table_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception ( ) :
item = {
" partitionKey " : " pk-1 " ,
" someAttribute " : " lore ipsum " ,
dynamodb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * table_schema
table = dynamodb . Table ( " test-table " )
table . put_item ( Item = item )
# check using wrong name for sort key throws exception
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . query (
KeyConditionExpression = " wrongName = :pk " ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = { " :pk " : " pk " } ,
) [ " Items " ]
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" Query condition missed key schema element: partitionKey "
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-10-11 22:16:46 +00:00
def test_empty_expressionattributenames ( ) :
ddb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
ddb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * table_schema
table = ddb . Table ( " test-table " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
2022-03-10 14:39:59 +00:00
table . get_item ( Key = { " id " : " my_id " } , ExpressionAttributeNames = { } )
2021-10-11 22:16:46 +00:00
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" ExpressionAttributeNames can only be specified when using expressions "
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-10-11 22:16:46 +00:00
def test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_empty_projection ( ) :
ddb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
ddb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * table_schema
table = ddb . Table ( " test-table " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . get_item (
2022-03-10 14:39:59 +00:00
Key = { " id " : " my_id " } , ProjectionExpression = " " , ExpressionAttributeNames = { }
2021-10-11 22:16:46 +00:00
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal ( " ExpressionAttributeNames must not be empty " )
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-10-11 22:16:46 +00:00
def test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_projection ( ) :
ddb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
ddb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * table_schema
table = ddb . Table ( " test-table " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . get_item (
2022-03-10 14:39:59 +00:00
Key = { " id " : " my_id " } , ProjectionExpression = " id " , ExpressionAttributeNames = { }
2021-10-11 22:16:46 +00:00
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal ( " ExpressionAttributeNames must not be empty " )
2021-10-12 19:32:10 +00:00
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-10-12 19:32:10 +00:00
def test_update_item_range_key_set ( ) :
ddb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
# Create the DynamoDB table.
table = ddb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * table_schema
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . update_item (
Key = { " partitionKey " : " the-key " } ,
UpdateExpression = " ADD x :one SET a = :a ADD y :one " ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = { " :one " : 1 , " :a " : " lore ipsum " } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
' Invalid UpdateExpression: The " ADD " section can only be used once in an update expression; '
2021-10-13 09:52:29 +00:00
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-10-13 10:36:16 +00:00
def test_batch_get_item_non_existing_table ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-west-2 " )
with pytest . raises ( client . exceptions . ResourceNotFoundException ) as exc :
client . batch_get_item ( RequestItems = { " my-table " : { " Keys " : [ { " id " : { " N " : " 0 " } } ] } } )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
assert err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ResourceNotFoundException " )
assert err [ " Message " ] . should . equal ( " Requested resource not found " )
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-10-13 09:52:29 +00:00
def test_batch_write_item_non_existing_table ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-west-2 " )
with pytest . raises ( client . exceptions . ResourceNotFoundException ) as exc :
# Table my-table does not exist
client . batch_write_item (
RequestItems = { " my-table " : [ { " PutRequest " : { " Item " : { } } } ] }
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
assert err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ResourceNotFoundException " )
assert err [ " Message " ] . should . equal ( " Requested resource not found " )
2021-10-18 09:11:04 +00:00
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-10-18 09:11:04 +00:00
def test_create_table_with_redundant_attributes ( ) :
dynamodb = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
AttributeDefinitions = [
{ " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " created_at " , " AttributeType " : " N " } ,
] ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values were invalid: Number of attributes in KeySchema does not exactly match number of attributes defined in AttributeDefinitions "
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
AttributeDefinitions = [
{ " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " user " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " created_at " , " AttributeType " : " N " } ,
] ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
GlobalSecondaryIndexes = [
" IndexName " : " gsi_user-items " ,
" KeySchema " : [ { " AttributeName " : " user " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
" Projection " : { " ProjectionType " : " ALL " } ,
] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values were invalid: Some AttributeDefinitions are not used. AttributeDefinitions: [created_at, id, user], keys used: [id, user] "
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-10-18 09:11:04 +00:00
def test_create_table_with_missing_attributes ( ) :
dynamodb = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
2022-03-10 14:39:59 +00:00
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
2021-10-18 09:11:04 +00:00
KeySchema = [
{ " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " created_at " , " KeyType " : " RANGE " } ,
] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" Invalid KeySchema: Some index key attribute have no definition "
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
2022-03-10 14:39:59 +00:00
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
2021-10-18 09:11:04 +00:00
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
GlobalSecondaryIndexes = [
" IndexName " : " gsi_user-items " ,
" KeySchema " : [ { " AttributeName " : " user " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
" Projection " : { " ProjectionType " : " ALL " } ,
] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values were invalid: Some index key attributes are not defined in AttributeDefinitions. Keys: [user], AttributeDefinitions: [id] "
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-10-18 09:11:04 +00:00
def test_create_table_with_redundant_and_missing_attributes ( ) :
dynamodb = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
AttributeDefinitions = [
{ " AttributeName " : " created_at " , " AttributeType " : " N " }
] ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values were invalid: Some index key attributes are not defined in AttributeDefinitions. Keys: [id], AttributeDefinitions: [created_at] "
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
AttributeDefinitions = [
{ " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " created_at " , " AttributeType " : " N " } ,
] ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
GlobalSecondaryIndexes = [
" IndexName " : " gsi_user-items " ,
" KeySchema " : [ { " AttributeName " : " user " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
" Projection " : { " ProjectionType " : " ALL " } ,
] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values were invalid: Some index key attributes are not defined in AttributeDefinitions. Keys: [user], AttributeDefinitions: [created_at, id] "
2021-11-10 21:42:33 +00:00
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-11-10 21:42:33 +00:00
def test_put_item_wrong_attribute_type ( ) :
dynamodb = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
AttributeDefinitions = [
{ " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " created_at " , " AttributeType " : " N " } ,
] ,
KeySchema = [
{ " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " created_at " , " KeyType " : " RANGE " } ,
] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
item = {
" id " : { " N " : " 1 " } , # should be a string
" created_at " : { " N " : " 2 " } ,
" someAttribute " : { " S " : " lore ipsum " } ,
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . put_item ( TableName = " test-table " , Item = item )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values were invalid: Type mismatch for key id expected: S actual: N "
item = {
" id " : { " S " : " some id " } ,
" created_at " : { " S " : " should be date not string " } ,
" someAttribute " : { " S " : " lore ipsum " } ,
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . put_item ( TableName = " test-table " , Item = item )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values were invalid: Type mismatch for key created_at expected: N actual: S "
2021-11-23 19:49:59 +00:00
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-11-23 19:49:59 +00:00
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_Query.html#DDB-Query-request-KeyConditionExpression
def test_hash_key_cannot_use_begins_with_operations ( ) :
dynamodb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
table = dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " key " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " key " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 1 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 1 } ,
items = [
{ " key " : " prefix-$LATEST " , " value " : " $LATEST " } ,
{ " key " : " prefix-DEV " , " value " : " DEV " } ,
{ " key " : " prefix-PROD " , " value " : " PROD " } ,
with table . batch_writer ( ) as batch :
for item in items :
batch . put_item ( Item = item )
table = dynamodb . Table ( " test-table " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as ex :
table . query ( KeyConditionExpression = Key ( " key " ) . begins_with ( " prefix- " ) )
ex . value . response [ " Error " ] [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
ex . value . response [ " Error " ] [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" Query key condition not supported "
# Test this again, but with manually supplying an operator
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-11-23 19:49:59 +00:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( " operator " , [ " < " , " <= " , " > " , " >= " ] )
def test_hash_key_can_only_use_equals_operations ( operator ) :
dynamodb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 1 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 1 } ,
table = dynamodb . Table ( " test-table " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . query (
KeyConditionExpression = f " pk { operator } :pk " ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = { " :pk " : " p " } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal ( " Query key condition not supported " )
2021-12-05 23:05:30 +00:00
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-12-05 23:05:30 +00:00
def test_creating_table_with_0_local_indexes ( ) :
dynamodb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 1 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 1 } ,
LocalSecondaryIndexes = [ ] ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values were invalid: List of LocalSecondaryIndexes is empty "
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2021-12-05 23:05:30 +00:00
def test_creating_table_with_0_global_indexes ( ) :
dynamodb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 1 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 1 } ,
GlobalSecondaryIndexes = [ ] ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values were invalid: List of GlobalSecondaryIndexes is empty "
2022-01-25 10:26:39 +00:00
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2022-01-25 10:26:39 +00:00
def test_multiple_transactions_on_same_item ( ) :
table_schema = {
" KeySchema " : [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
2022-03-10 14:39:59 +00:00
" AttributeDefinitions " : [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
2022-01-25 10:26:39 +00:00
dynamodb = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * table_schema
# Insert an item
dynamodb . put_item ( TableName = " test-table " , Item = { " id " : { " S " : " foo " } } )
def update_email_transact ( email ) :
return {
" Update " : {
" Key " : { " id " : { " S " : " foo " } } ,
" TableName " : " test-table " ,
" UpdateExpression " : " SET #e = :v " ,
" ExpressionAttributeNames " : { " #e " : " email_address " } ,
" ExpressionAttributeValues " : { " :v " : { " S " : email } } ,
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . transact_write_items (
TransactItems = [
update_email_transact ( " test1@moto.com " ) ,
update_email_transact ( " test2@moto.com " ) ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" Transaction request cannot include multiple operations on one item "
2022-02-10 20:09:45 +00:00
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2022-02-10 20:09:45 +00:00
def test_transact_write_items__too_many_transactions ( ) :
table_schema = {
" KeySchema " : [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
2022-03-10 14:39:59 +00:00
" AttributeDefinitions " : [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
2022-02-10 20:09:45 +00:00
dynamodb = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * table_schema
def update_email_transact ( email ) :
return {
" Put " : {
" TableName " : " test-table " ,
" Item " : { " pk " : { " S " : " :v " } } ,
" ExpressionAttributeValues " : { " :v " : { " S " : email } } ,
2022-04-27 11:58:59 +00:00
update_email_transact ( " test1@moto.com " )
2022-02-10 20:09:45 +00:00
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . transact_write_items (
TransactItems = [
update_email_transact ( f " test { idx } @moto.com " ) for idx in range ( 26 )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . match ( " Member must have length less than or equal to 25 " )
2022-02-24 02:07:23 +00:00
2022-03-11 22:29:16 +00:00
2022-02-24 02:07:23 +00:00
def test_update_item_non_existent_table ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-west-2 " )
with pytest . raises ( client . exceptions . ResourceNotFoundException ) as exc :
client . update_item (
TableName = " non-existent " ,
Key = { " forum_name " : { " S " : " LOLCat Forum " } } ,
UpdateExpression = " set Body=:Body " ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = { " :Body " : { " S " : " " } } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
assert err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ResourceNotFoundException " )
assert err [ " Message " ] . should . equal ( " Requested resource not found " )
2022-05-09 13:01:31 +00:00
2022-09-30 10:07:20 +00:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize (
" expression " ,
" set example_column = :example_column, example_column = :example_column " ,
" set example_column = :example_column ADD x :y set example_column = :example_column " ,
] ,
def test_update_item_with_duplicate_expressions ( expression ) :
dynamodb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " example_table " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
record = {
" pk " : " example_id " ,
" example_column " : " example " ,
table = dynamodb . Table ( " example_table " )
table . put_item ( Item = record )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . update_item (
Key = { " pk " : " example_id " } ,
UpdateExpression = expression ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = { " :example_column " : " test " } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" Invalid UpdateExpression: Two document paths overlap with each other; must remove or rewrite one of these paths; path one: [example_column], path two: [example_column] "
# The item is not updated
item = table . get_item ( Key = { " pk " : " example_id " } ) [ " Item " ]
item . should . equal ( { " pk " : " example_id " , " example_column " : " example " } )
2022-05-09 13:01:31 +00:00
def test_put_item_wrong_datatype ( ) :
if settings . TEST_SERVER_MODE :
raise SkipTest ( " Unable to mock a session with Config in ServerMode " )
session = botocore . session . Session ( )
config = botocore . client . Config ( parameter_validation = False )
client = session . create_client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " , config = config )
client . create_table (
TableName = " test2 " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " mykey " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " mykey " , " AttributeType " : " N " } ] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
client . put_item ( TableName = " test2 " , Item = { " mykey " : { " N " : 123 } } )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " SerializationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal ( " NUMBER_VALUE cannot be converted to String " )
# Same thing - but with a non-key, and nested
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
client . put_item (
TableName = " test2 " ,
Item = { " mykey " : { " N " : " 123 " } , " nested " : { " M " : { " sth " : { " N " : 5 } } } } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " SerializationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal ( " NUMBER_VALUE cannot be converted to String " )
2022-05-11 09:14:43 +00:00
def test_put_item_empty_set ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
dynamodb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
client . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " Key " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " Key " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " ,
table = dynamodb . Table ( " test-table " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . put_item ( Item = { " Key " : " some-irrelevant_key " , " attr2 " : { " SS " : set ( [ ] ) } } )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values were invalid: An number set may not be empty "
2022-06-02 22:03:56 +00:00
def test_update_expression_with_trailing_comma ( ) :
resource = boto3 . resource ( service_name = " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
table = resource . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 1 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 1 } ,
table . put_item ( Item = { " pk " : " key " , " attr2 " : 2 } )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
table . update_item (
Key = { " pk " : " key " , " sk " : " sk " } ,
# Trailing comma should be invalid
UpdateExpression = " SET #attr1 = :val1, #attr2 = :val2, " ,
ExpressionAttributeNames = { " #attr1 " : " attr1 " , " #attr2 " : " attr2 " } ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = { " :val1 " : 3 , " :val2 " : 4 } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
' Invalid UpdateExpression: Syntax error; token: " <EOF> " , near: " , " '
2022-08-31 20:09:39 +00:00
def test_batch_put_item_with_empty_value ( ) :
ddb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
ddb . create_table (
AttributeDefinitions = [
{ " AttributeName " : " pk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " sk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
] ,
TableName = " test-table " ,
KeySchema = [
{ " AttributeName " : " pk " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " sk " , " KeyType " : " SORT " } ,
] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 5 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 5 } ,
table = ddb . Table ( " test-table " )
# Empty Partition Key throws an error
with pytest . raises ( botocore . exceptions . ClientError ) as exc :
with table . batch_writer ( ) as batch :
batch . put_item ( Item = { " pk " : " " , " sk " : " sth " } )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values are not valid. The AttributeValue for a key attribute cannot contain an empty string value. Key: pk "
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
# Empty SortKey throws an error
with pytest . raises ( botocore . exceptions . ClientError ) as exc :
with table . batch_writer ( ) as batch :
batch . put_item ( Item = { " pk " : " sth " , " sk " : " " } )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" One or more parameter values are not valid. The AttributeValue for a key attribute cannot contain an empty string value. Key: sk "
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )
# Empty regular parameter workst just fine though
with table . batch_writer ( ) as batch :
batch . put_item ( Item = { " pk " : " sth " , " sk " : " else " , " par " : " " } )
2022-09-07 11:45:34 +00:00
def test_query_begins_with_without_brackets ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
client . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " ,
AttributeDefinitions = [
{ " AttributeName " : " pk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " sk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
] ,
KeySchema = [
{ " AttributeName " : " pk " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " sk " , " KeyType " : " RANGE " } ,
] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 123 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 123 } ,
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
client . query (
TableName = " test-table " ,
KeyConditionExpression = " pk=:pk AND begins_with sk, :sk " ,
ExpressionAttributeValues = { " :pk " : { " S " : " test1 " } , " :sk " : { " S " : " test2 " } } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
' Invalid KeyConditionExpression: Syntax error; token: " sk " '
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationException " )