2015-06-30 09:44:39 +00:00
from __future__ import unicode_literals
2015-07-22 15:42:26 +00:00
import re
2015-06-30 09:44:39 +00:00
import boto . kms
from boto . exception import JSONResponseError
2015-07-22 15:42:26 +00:00
from boto . kms . exceptions import AlreadyExistsException , NotFoundException
2015-06-30 09:44:39 +00:00
import sure # noqa
from moto import mock_kms
2015-07-22 15:42:26 +00:00
from nose . tools import assert_raises
2015-06-30 09:44:39 +00:00
def test_create_key ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Description ' ] . should . equal ( " my key " )
key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyUsage ' ] . should . equal ( " ENCRYPT_DECRYPT " )
key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Enabled ' ] . should . equal ( True )
def test_describe_key ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
key = conn . describe_key ( key_id )
key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Description ' ] . should . equal ( " my key " )
key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyUsage ' ] . should . equal ( " ENCRYPT_DECRYPT " )
2016-10-02 14:33:59 +00:00
def test_describe_key_via_alias ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
conn . create_alias ( alias_name = ' alias/my-key-alias ' , target_key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ] )
alias_key = conn . describe_key ( ' alias/my-key-alias ' )
alias_key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Description ' ] . should . equal ( " my key " )
alias_key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyUsage ' ] . should . equal ( " ENCRYPT_DECRYPT " )
alias_key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Arn ' ] . should . equal ( key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Arn ' ] )
def test_describe_key_via_alias_not_found ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
conn . create_alias ( alias_name = ' alias/my-key-alias ' , target_key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ] )
conn . describe_key . when . called_with ( ' alias/not-found-alias ' ) . should . throw ( JSONResponseError )
def test_describe_key_via_arn ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
arn = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Arn ' ]
the_key = conn . describe_key ( arn )
the_key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Description ' ] . should . equal ( " my key " )
the_key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyUsage ' ] . should . equal ( " ENCRYPT_DECRYPT " )
the_key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ] . should . equal ( key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ] )
2015-06-30 09:44:39 +00:00
def test_describe_missing_key ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
conn . describe_key . when . called_with ( " not-a-key " ) . should . throw ( JSONResponseError )
def test_list_keys ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key1 " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key2 " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
keys = conn . list_keys ( )
keys [ ' Keys ' ] . should . have . length_of ( 2 )
2015-07-22 15:42:26 +00:00
2015-11-24 23:44:55 +00:00
def test_enable_key_rotation ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
conn . enable_key_rotation ( key_id )
conn . get_key_rotation_status ( key_id ) [ ' KeyRotationEnabled ' ] . should . equal ( True )
2016-10-02 14:33:59 +00:00
def test_enable_key_rotation_via_arn ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Arn ' ]
conn . enable_key_rotation ( key_id )
conn . get_key_rotation_status ( key_id ) [ ' KeyRotationEnabled ' ] . should . equal ( True )
2015-11-24 23:44:55 +00:00
def test_enable_key_rotation_with_missing_key ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
conn . enable_key_rotation . when . called_with ( " not-a-key " ) . should . throw ( JSONResponseError )
2016-10-02 14:33:59 +00:00
def test_enable_key_rotation_with_alias_name_should_fail ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
conn . create_alias ( alias_name = ' alias/my-key-alias ' , target_key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ] )
alias_key = conn . describe_key ( ' alias/my-key-alias ' )
alias_key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Arn ' ] . should . equal ( key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Arn ' ] )
conn . enable_key_rotation . when . called_with ( ' alias/my-alias ' ) . should . throw ( JSONResponseError )
2015-11-24 23:44:55 +00:00
def test_disable_key_rotation ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
conn . enable_key_rotation ( key_id )
conn . get_key_rotation_status ( key_id ) [ ' KeyRotationEnabled ' ] . should . equal ( True )
conn . disable_key_rotation ( key_id )
conn . get_key_rotation_status ( key_id ) [ ' KeyRotationEnabled ' ] . should . equal ( False )
def test_disable_key_rotation_with_missing_key ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
conn . disable_key_rotation . when . called_with ( " not-a-key " ) . should . throw ( JSONResponseError )
def test_get_key_rotation_status_with_missing_key ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
conn . get_key_rotation_status . when . called_with ( " not-a-key " ) . should . throw ( JSONResponseError )
def test_get_key_rotation_status ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
conn . get_key_rotation_status ( key_id ) [ ' KeyRotationEnabled ' ] . should . equal ( False )
def test_create_key_defaults_key_rotation ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( " us-west-2 " )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = " my policy " , description = " my key " , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
conn . get_key_rotation_status ( key_id ) [ ' KeyRotationEnabled ' ] . should . equal ( False )
2015-11-25 19:50:55 +00:00
def test_get_key_policy ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( ' us-west-2 ' )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = ' my policy ' , description = ' my key1 ' , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
policy = conn . get_key_policy ( key_id , ' default ' )
policy [ ' Policy ' ] . should . equal ( ' my policy ' )
2016-10-02 14:33:59 +00:00
def test_get_key_policy_via_arn ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( ' us-west-2 ' )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = ' my policy ' , description = ' my key1 ' , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
policy = conn . get_key_policy ( key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Arn ' ] , ' default ' )
policy [ ' Policy ' ] . should . equal ( ' my policy ' )
2015-11-25 19:50:55 +00:00
def test_put_key_policy ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( ' us-west-2 ' )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = ' my policy ' , description = ' my key1 ' , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
conn . put_key_policy ( key_id , ' default ' , ' new policy ' )
policy = conn . get_key_policy ( key_id , ' default ' )
policy [ ' Policy ' ] . should . equal ( ' new policy ' )
2016-10-02 14:33:59 +00:00
def test_put_key_policy_via_arn ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( ' us-west-2 ' )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = ' my policy ' , description = ' my key1 ' , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Arn ' ]
conn . put_key_policy ( key_id , ' default ' , ' new policy ' )
policy = conn . get_key_policy ( key_id , ' default ' )
policy [ ' Policy ' ] . should . equal ( ' new policy ' )
def test_put_key_policy_via_alias_should_not_update ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( ' us-west-2 ' )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = ' my policy ' , description = ' my key1 ' , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
conn . create_alias ( alias_name = ' alias/my-key-alias ' , target_key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ] )
conn . put_key_policy . when . called_with ( ' alias/my-key-alias ' , ' default ' , ' new policy ' ) . should . throw ( JSONResponseError )
policy = conn . get_key_policy ( key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ] , ' default ' )
policy [ ' Policy ' ] . should . equal ( ' my policy ' )
def test_put_key_policy ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( ' us-west-2 ' )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = ' my policy ' , description = ' my key1 ' , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
conn . put_key_policy ( key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' Arn ' ] , ' default ' , ' new policy ' )
policy = conn . get_key_policy ( key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ] , ' default ' )
policy [ ' Policy ' ] . should . equal ( ' new policy ' )
2015-11-25 19:50:55 +00:00
def test_list_key_policies ( ) :
conn = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( ' us-west-2 ' )
key = conn . create_key ( policy = ' my policy ' , description = ' my key1 ' , key_usage = ' ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ' )
key_id = key [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
policies = conn . list_key_policies ( key_id )
policies [ ' PolicyNames ' ] . should . equal ( [ ' default ' ] )
2015-07-22 15:42:26 +00:00
def test__create_alias__returns_none_if_correct ( ) :
kms = boto . connect_kms ( )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
resp = kms . create_alias ( ' alias/my-alias ' , key_id )
resp . should . be . none
def test__create_alias__raises_if_reserved_alias ( ) :
kms = boto . connect_kms ( )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
reserved_aliases = [
' alias/aws/ebs ' ,
' alias/aws/s3 ' ,
' alias/aws/redshift ' ,
' alias/aws/rds ' ,
for alias_name in reserved_aliases :
with assert_raises ( JSONResponseError ) as err :
kms . create_alias ( alias_name , key_id )
ex = err . exception
ex . error_message . should . be . none
ex . error_code . should . equal ( ' NotAuthorizedException ' )
ex . body . should . equal ( { ' __type ' : ' NotAuthorizedException ' } )
ex . reason . should . equal ( ' Bad Request ' )
ex . status . should . equal ( 400 )
def test__create_alias__can_create_multiple_aliases_for_same_key_id ( ) :
kms = boto . connect_kms ( )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
kms . create_alias ( ' alias/my-alias3 ' , key_id ) . should . be . none
kms . create_alias ( ' alias/my-alias4 ' , key_id ) . should . be . none
kms . create_alias ( ' alias/my-alias5 ' , key_id ) . should . be . none
def test__create_alias__raises_if_wrong_prefix ( ) :
kms = boto . connect_kms ( )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
with assert_raises ( JSONResponseError ) as err :
kms . create_alias ( ' wrongprefix/my-alias ' , key_id )
ex = err . exception
ex . error_message . should . equal ( ' Invalid identifier ' )
ex . error_code . should . equal ( ' ValidationException ' )
ex . body . should . equal ( { ' message ' : ' Invalid identifier ' , ' __type ' : ' ValidationException ' } )
ex . reason . should . equal ( ' Bad Request ' )
ex . status . should . equal ( 400 )
def test__create_alias__raises_if_duplicate ( ) :
region = ' us-west-2 '
kms = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( region )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
alias = ' alias/my-alias '
kms . create_alias ( alias , key_id )
with assert_raises ( AlreadyExistsException ) as err :
kms . create_alias ( alias , key_id )
ex = err . exception
ex . error_message . should . match ( r ' An alias with the name arn:aws:kms: {region} : \ d {{ 12}}: {alias} already exists '
. format ( * * locals ( ) ) )
ex . error_code . should . be . none
ex . box_usage . should . be . none
ex . request_id . should . be . none
ex . body [ ' message ' ] . should . match ( r ' An alias with the name arn:aws:kms: {region} : \ d {{ 12}}: {alias} already exists '
. format ( * * locals ( ) ) )
ex . body [ ' __type ' ] . should . equal ( ' AlreadyExistsException ' )
ex . reason . should . equal ( ' Bad Request ' )
ex . status . should . equal ( 400 )
def test__create_alias__raises_if_alias_has_restricted_characters ( ) :
kms = boto . connect_kms ( )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
alias_names_with_restricted_characters = [
' alias/my-alias! ' ,
' alias/my-alias$ ' ,
' alias/my-alias@ ' ,
for alias_name in alias_names_with_restricted_characters :
with assert_raises ( JSONResponseError ) as err :
kms . create_alias ( alias_name , key_id )
ex = err . exception
ex . body [ ' __type ' ] . should . equal ( ' ValidationException ' )
ex . body [ ' message ' ] . should . equal ( " 1 validation error detected: Value ' {alias_name} ' at ' aliasName ' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:/_-]+$ " . format ( * * locals ( ) ) )
ex . error_code . should . equal ( ' ValidationException ' )
ex . message . should . equal ( " 1 validation error detected: Value ' {alias_name} ' at ' aliasName ' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9:/_-]+$ " . format ( * * locals ( ) ) )
ex . reason . should . equal ( ' Bad Request ' )
ex . status . should . equal ( 400 )
def test__create_alias__raises_if_alias_has_colon_character ( ) :
# For some reason, colons are not accepted for an alias, even though they are accepted by regex ^[a-zA-Z0-9:/_-]+$
kms = boto . connect_kms ( )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
alias_names_with_restricted_characters = [
' alias/my:alias ' ,
for alias_name in alias_names_with_restricted_characters :
with assert_raises ( JSONResponseError ) as err :
kms . create_alias ( alias_name , key_id )
ex = err . exception
ex . body [ ' __type ' ] . should . equal ( ' ValidationException ' )
ex . body [ ' message ' ] . should . equal ( " {alias_name} contains invalid characters for an alias " . format ( * * locals ( ) ) )
ex . error_code . should . equal ( ' ValidationException ' )
ex . message . should . equal ( " {alias_name} contains invalid characters for an alias " . format ( * * locals ( ) ) )
ex . reason . should . equal ( ' Bad Request ' )
ex . status . should . equal ( 400 )
def test__create_alias__accepted_characters ( ) :
kms = boto . connect_kms ( )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
alias_names_with_accepted_characters = [
' alias/my-alias_/ ' ,
' alias/my_alias-/ ' ,
for alias_name in alias_names_with_accepted_characters :
kms . create_alias ( alias_name , key_id )
def test__create_alias__raises_if_target_key_id_is_existing_alias ( ) :
kms = boto . connect_kms ( )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
alias = ' alias/my-alias '
kms . create_alias ( alias , key_id )
with assert_raises ( JSONResponseError ) as err :
kms . create_alias ( alias , alias )
ex = err . exception
ex . body [ ' __type ' ] . should . equal ( ' ValidationException ' )
ex . body [ ' message ' ] . should . equal ( ' Aliases must refer to keys. Not aliases ' )
ex . error_code . should . equal ( ' ValidationException ' )
ex . message . should . equal ( ' Aliases must refer to keys. Not aliases ' )
ex . reason . should . equal ( ' Bad Request ' )
ex . status . should . equal ( 400 )
def test__delete_alias ( ) :
kms = boto . connect_kms ( )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
alias = ' alias/my-alias '
kms . create_alias ( alias , key_id )
resp = kms . delete_alias ( alias )
resp . should . be . none
# we can create the alias again, since it has been deleted
kms . create_alias ( alias , key_id )
def test__delete_alias__raises_if_wrong_prefix ( ) :
kms = boto . connect_kms ( )
with assert_raises ( JSONResponseError ) as err :
kms . delete_alias ( ' wrongprefix/my-alias ' )
ex = err . exception
ex . body [ ' __type ' ] . should . equal ( ' ValidationException ' )
ex . body [ ' message ' ] . should . equal ( ' Invalid identifier ' )
ex . error_code . should . equal ( ' ValidationException ' )
ex . message . should . equal ( ' Invalid identifier ' )
ex . reason . should . equal ( ' Bad Request ' )
ex . status . should . equal ( 400 )
def test__delete_alias__raises_if_alias_is_not_found ( ) :
region = ' us-west-2 '
kms = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( region )
alias_name = ' alias/unexisting-alias '
with assert_raises ( NotFoundException ) as err :
kms . delete_alias ( alias_name )
ex = err . exception
ex . body [ ' __type ' ] . should . equal ( ' NotFoundException ' )
ex . body [ ' message ' ] . should . match ( r ' Alias arn:aws:kms: {region} : \ d {{ 12}}: {alias_name} is not found. ' . format ( * * locals ( ) ) )
ex . box_usage . should . be . none
ex . error_code . should . be . none
ex . message . should . match ( r ' Alias arn:aws:kms: {region} : \ d {{ 12}}: {alias_name} is not found. ' . format ( * * locals ( ) ) )
ex . reason . should . equal ( ' Bad Request ' )
ex . request_id . should . be . none
ex . status . should . equal ( 400 )
def test__list_aliases ( ) :
region = " eu-west-1 "
kms = boto . kms . connect_to_region ( region )
create_resp = kms . create_key ( )
key_id = create_resp [ ' KeyMetadata ' ] [ ' KeyId ' ]
kms . create_alias ( ' alias/my-alias1 ' , key_id )
kms . create_alias ( ' alias/my-alias2 ' , key_id )
kms . create_alias ( ' alias/my-alias3 ' , key_id )
resp = kms . list_aliases ( )
resp [ ' Truncated ' ] . should . be . false
aliases = resp [ ' Aliases ' ]
def has_correct_arn ( alias_obj ) :
alias_name = alias_obj [ ' AliasName ' ]
alias_arn = alias_obj [ ' AliasArn ' ]
return re . match ( r ' arn:aws:kms: {region} : \ d {{ 12}}: {alias_name} ' . format ( region = region , alias_name = alias_name ) ,
alias_arn )
len ( [ alias for alias in aliases if
has_correct_arn ( alias ) and ' alias/aws/ebs ' == alias [ ' AliasName ' ] ] ) . should . equal ( 1 )
len ( [ alias for alias in aliases if
has_correct_arn ( alias ) and ' alias/aws/rds ' == alias [ ' AliasName ' ] ] ) . should . equal ( 1 )
len ( [ alias for alias in aliases if
has_correct_arn ( alias ) and ' alias/aws/redshift ' == alias [ ' AliasName ' ] ] ) . should . equal ( 1 )
len ( [ alias for alias in aliases if
has_correct_arn ( alias ) and ' alias/aws/s3 ' == alias [ ' AliasName ' ] ] ) . should . equal ( 1 )
len ( [ alias for alias in aliases if
has_correct_arn ( alias ) and ' alias/my-alias1 ' == alias [ ' AliasName ' ] ] ) . should . equal ( 1 )
len ( [ alias for alias in aliases if
has_correct_arn ( alias ) and ' alias/my-alias2 ' == alias [ ' AliasName ' ] ] ) . should . equal ( 1 )
len ( [ alias for alias in aliases if ' TargetKeyId ' in alias and key_id == alias [ ' TargetKeyId ' ] ] ) . should . equal ( 3 )
len ( aliases ) . should . equal ( 7 )
2015-11-24 23:44:55 +00:00
def test__assert_valid_key_id ( ) :
from moto . kms . responses import _assert_valid_key_id
import uuid
_assert_valid_key_id . when . called_with ( " not-a-key " ) . should . throw ( JSONResponseError )
_assert_valid_key_id . when . called_with ( str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) ) . should_not . throw ( JSONResponseError )
2015-11-25 19:50:55 +00:00
def test__assert_default_policy ( ) :
from moto . kms . responses import _assert_default_policy
_assert_default_policy . when . called_with ( " not-default " ) . should . throw ( JSONResponseError )
_assert_default_policy . when . called_with ( " default " ) . should_not . throw ( JSONResponseError )