2021-10-18 19:44:29 +00:00
import sure # noqa # pylint: disable=unused-import
2018-07-10 13:58:02 +00:00
import json
2016-03-01 17:03:59 +00:00
import moto.server as server
2019-10-31 15:44:26 +00:00
2016-03-01 17:03:59 +00:00
Test the different server responses
2019-10-31 15:44:26 +00:00
2016-03-01 17:03:59 +00:00
def test_list_apis():
2018-07-10 13:58:02 +00:00
backend = server.create_backend_app("apigateway")
2016-03-01 17:03:59 +00:00
test_client = backend.test_client()
res = test_client.get("/restapis")
2021-02-15 10:31:33 +00:00
2018-07-10 13:58:02 +00:00
2019-10-31 15:44:26 +00:00
2018-07-10 13:58:02 +00:00
def test_usage_plans_apis():
backend = server.create_backend_app("apigateway")
test_client = backend.test_client()
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
# List usage plans (expect empty)
2018-07-10 13:58:02 +00:00
res = test_client.get("/usageplans")
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
# Create usage plan
2018-07-10 13:58:02 +00:00
res = test_client.post("/usageplans", data=json.dumps({"name": "test"}))
created_plan = json.loads(res.data)
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
# List usage plans (expect 1 plan)
2018-07-10 13:58:02 +00:00
res = test_client.get("/usageplans")
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
# Get single usage plan
2018-07-10 13:58:02 +00:00
res = test_client.get("/usageplans/{0}".format(created_plan["id"]))
fetched_plan = json.loads(res.data)
2020-04-27 17:39:33 +00:00
# Not existing usage plan
res = test_client.get("/usageplans/{0}".format("not_existing"))
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
# Delete usage plan
2018-07-10 13:58:02 +00:00
res = test_client.delete("/usageplans/{0}".format(created_plan["id"]))
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
# List usage plans (expect empty again)
2018-07-10 13:58:02 +00:00
res = test_client.get("/usageplans")
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
2019-10-31 15:44:26 +00:00
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
def test_usage_plans_keys():
backend = server.create_backend_app("apigateway")
test_client = backend.test_client()
usage_plan_id = "test_plan_id"
# Create API key to be used in tests
res = test_client.post("/apikeys", data=json.dumps({"name": "test"}))
created_api_key = json.loads(res.data)
# List usage plans keys (expect empty)
res = test_client.get("/usageplans/{0}/keys".format(usage_plan_id))
2020-04-27 17:39:33 +00:00
# Invalid api key (does not exists at all)
res = test_client.get(
"/usageplans/{0}/keys/{1}".format(usage_plan_id, "not_existing")
# not existing usage plan with existing api key
res = test_client.get(
"/usageplans/{0}/keys/{1}".format("not_existing", created_api_key["id"])
# not jet added api key
res = test_client.get(
"/usageplans/{0}/keys/{1}".format(usage_plan_id, created_api_key["id"])
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
# Create usage plan key
res = test_client.post(
data=json.dumps({"keyId": created_api_key["id"], "keyType": "API_KEY"}),
created_usage_plan_key = json.loads(res.data)
# List usage plans keys (expect 1 key)
res = test_client.get("/usageplans/{0}/keys".format(usage_plan_id))
# Get single usage plan key
res = test_client.get(
"/usageplans/{0}/keys/{1}".format(usage_plan_id, created_api_key["id"])
2019-10-31 15:44:26 +00:00
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
fetched_plan_key = json.loads(res.data)
# Delete usage plan key
res = test_client.delete(
"/usageplans/{0}/keys/{1}".format(usage_plan_id, created_api_key["id"])
2019-10-31 15:44:26 +00:00
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
# List usage plans keys (expect to be empty again)
res = test_client.get("/usageplans/{0}/keys".format(usage_plan_id))
2019-10-31 15:44:26 +00:00
2018-07-11 16:17:58 +00:00
def test_create_usage_plans_key_non_existent_api_key():
backend = server.create_backend_app("apigateway")
test_client = backend.test_client()
usage_plan_id = "test_plan_id"
# Create usage plan key with non-existent api key
res = test_client.post(
data=json.dumps({"keyId": "non-existent", "keyType": "API_KEY"}),
2021-10-20 22:02:20 +00:00
def test_put_integration_response_without_body():
# Method under test: put_integration_response
# Moto/Boto3 requires the responseTemplates-parameter to have a value - even if it's an empty dict
# Botocore <= 1.21.65 does not automatically pass this parameter, so Moto will successfully throw an error if it's not supplied
# However: As of botocore >= 1.22.0, the responseTemplates is automatically supplied - which means we can no longer test this using boto3
# This was the equivalent boto3-test:
# with pytest.raises(ClientError) as ex:
# client.put_integration_response(
# restApiId=api_id, resourceId=root_id, httpMethod="GET", statusCode="200"
# )
# ex.value.response["Error"]["Code"].should.equal("BadRequestException")
# ex.value.response["Error"]["Message"].should.equal("Invalid request input")
# As a workaround, we can create a PUT-request without body, which will force the error
# Related: # https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js/issues/2588
backend = server.create_backend_app("apigateway")
test_client = backend.test_client()
res = test_client.put(
{"__type": "BadRequestException", "message": "Invalid request input"}