2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
import boto3
from botocore . exceptions import ClientError
import pytest
import sure # noqa # pylint: disable=unused-import
from moto import mock_elbv2 , mock_ec2
2022-08-13 09:49:43 +00:00
from moto . core import DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID as ACCOUNT_ID
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
from . test_elbv2 import create_load_balancer
def test_create_target_group_with_invalid_healthcheck_protocol ( ) :
_ , vpc , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
# Can't create a target group with an invalid protocol
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
conn . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " /HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200 " } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationError " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
2022-01-29 12:04:14 +00:00
" Value /HTTP at ' healthCheckProtocol ' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy enum value set: [ ' HTTPS ' , ' HTTP ' , ' TCP ' , ' TLS ' , ' UDP ' , ' TCP_UDP ' , ' GENEVE ' ] "
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
2022-03-21 20:55:19 +00:00
def test_create_target_group_with_tags ( ) :
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
response , vpc , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
response = conn . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200 " } ,
2022-04-21 19:27:14 +00:00
Tags = [ { " Key " : " key1 " , " Value " : " val1 " } ] ,
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
target_group = response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) [ 0 ]
target_group_arn = target_group [ " TargetGroupArn " ]
# Add tags to the target group
conn . add_tags (
2022-03-21 20:55:19 +00:00
ResourceArns = [ target_group_arn ] ,
2022-04-21 19:27:14 +00:00
Tags = [ { " Key " : " key2 " , " Value " : " val2 " } ] ,
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
conn . describe_tags ( ResourceArns = [ target_group_arn ] ) [ " TagDescriptions " ] [ 0 ] [
" Tags "
2022-03-21 20:55:19 +00:00
] . should . equal ( [ { " Key " : " key1 " , " Value " : " val1 " } , { " Key " : " key2 " , " Value " : " val2 " } ] )
# Verify they can be removed
conn . remove_tags ( ResourceArns = [ target_group_arn ] , TagKeys = [ " key1 " ] )
conn . describe_tags ( ResourceArns = [ target_group_arn ] ) [ " TagDescriptions " ] [ 0 ] [
" Tags "
] . should . equal ( [ { " Key " : " key2 " , " Value " : " val2 " } ] )
def test_create_target_group_and_listeners ( ) :
response , vpc , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
load_balancer_arn = response . get ( " LoadBalancers " ) [ 0 ] . get ( " LoadBalancerArn " )
response = conn . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200 " } ,
2022-05-19 17:35:38 +00:00
target_group = response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) [ 0 ]
target_group_arn = target_group . get ( " TargetGroupArn " )
target_group . get ( " HealthCheckProtocol " ) . should . equal ( " HTTP " )
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
# Check it's in the describe_target_groups response
response = conn . describe_target_groups ( )
response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) . should . have . length_of ( 1 )
# Plain HTTP listener
response = conn . create_listener (
LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 80 ,
2022-03-21 20:55:19 +00:00
DefaultActions = [ { " Type " : " forward " , " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn } ] ,
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
listener = response . get ( " Listeners " ) [ 0 ]
listener . get ( " Port " ) . should . equal ( 80 )
listener . get ( " Protocol " ) . should . equal ( " HTTP " )
listener . get ( " DefaultActions " ) . should . equal (
2022-03-21 20:55:19 +00:00
[ { " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn , " Type " : " forward " } ]
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
http_listener_arn = listener . get ( " ListenerArn " )
response = conn . describe_target_groups (
LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn , Names = [ " a-target " ]
response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) . should . have . length_of ( 1 )
# And another with SSL
2022-03-21 20:55:19 +00:00
actions = { " Type " : " forward " , " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn }
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
response = conn . create_listener (
LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn ,
Protocol = " HTTPS " ,
Port = 443 ,
Certificates = [
" CertificateArn " : " arn:aws:iam: {} :server-certificate/test-cert " . format (
] ,
DefaultActions = [ actions ] ,
listener = response . get ( " Listeners " ) [ 0 ]
listener . get ( " Port " ) . should . equal ( 443 )
listener . get ( " Protocol " ) . should . equal ( " HTTPS " )
listener . get ( " Certificates " ) . should . equal (
" CertificateArn " : " arn:aws:iam: {} :server-certificate/test-cert " . format (
listener . get ( " DefaultActions " ) . should . equal (
2022-03-21 20:55:19 +00:00
[ { " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn , " Type " : " forward " } ]
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
https_listener_arn = listener . get ( " ListenerArn " )
response = conn . describe_listeners ( LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn )
response . get ( " Listeners " ) . should . have . length_of ( 2 )
response = conn . describe_listeners ( ListenerArns = [ https_listener_arn ] )
response . get ( " Listeners " ) . should . have . length_of ( 1 )
listener = response . get ( " Listeners " ) [ 0 ]
listener . get ( " Port " ) . should . equal ( 443 )
listener . get ( " Protocol " ) . should . equal ( " HTTPS " )
response = conn . describe_listeners (
ListenerArns = [ http_listener_arn , https_listener_arn ]
response . get ( " Listeners " ) . should . have . length_of ( 2 )
conn . create_rule (
ListenerArn = http_listener_arn ,
Conditions = [ { " Field " : " path-pattern " , " Values " : [ " /* " ] } ] ,
Priority = 3 ,
Actions = [ actions ] ,
# Try to delete the target group and it fails because there's a
# listener referencing it
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as e :
2022-03-21 20:55:19 +00:00
conn . delete_target_group ( TargetGroupArn = target_group_arn )
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
e . value . operation_name . should . equal ( " DeleteTargetGroup " )
e . value . args . should . equal (
2022-01-30 23:00:26 +00:00
f " An error occurred (ResourceInUse) when calling the DeleteTargetGroup operation: The target group ' arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1: { ACCOUNT_ID } :targetgroup/a-target/50dc6c495c0c9188 ' is currently in use by a listener or a rule " ,
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
) # NOQA
# Delete one listener
response = conn . describe_listeners ( LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn )
response . get ( " Listeners " ) . should . have . length_of ( 2 )
conn . delete_listener ( ListenerArn = http_listener_arn )
response = conn . describe_listeners ( LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn )
response . get ( " Listeners " ) . should . have . length_of ( 1 )
# Then delete the load balancer
conn . delete_load_balancer ( LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn )
# It's gone
response = conn . describe_load_balancers ( )
response . get ( " LoadBalancers " ) . should . have . length_of ( 0 )
# And it deleted the remaining listener
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as e :
conn . describe_listeners ( ListenerArns = [ http_listener_arn , https_listener_arn ] )
e . value . response [ " Error " ] [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ListenerNotFound " )
# But not the target groups
response = conn . describe_target_groups ( )
response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) . should . have . length_of ( 1 )
# Which we'll now delete
2022-03-21 20:55:19 +00:00
conn . delete_target_group ( TargetGroupArn = target_group_arn )
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
response = conn . describe_target_groups ( )
response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) . should . have . length_of ( 0 )
def test_create_target_group_without_non_required_parameters ( ) :
response , vpc , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
# request without HealthCheckIntervalSeconds parameter
# which is default to 30 seconds
response = conn . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
response . get ( " TargetGroups " , [ ] ) . should . have . length_of ( 1 )
def test_create_invalid_target_group_long_name ( ) :
conn = boto3 . client ( " elbv2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
ec2 = boto3 . resource ( " ec2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
vpc = ec2 . create_vpc ( CidrBlock = " " , InstanceTenancy = " default " )
# Fail to create target group with name which length is 33
long_name = " A " * 33
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
conn . create_target_group (
Name = long_name ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200 " } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationError " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
" Target group name ' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ' cannot be longer than ' 32 ' characters "
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( " name " , [ " -name " , " name- " , " -name- " , " Na--me " ] )
def test_create_invalid_target_group_invalid_characters ( name ) :
conn = boto3 . client ( " elbv2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
ec2 = boto3 . resource ( " ec2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
vpc = ec2 . create_vpc ( CidrBlock = " " , InstanceTenancy = " default " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
conn . create_target_group (
Name = name ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200 " } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationError " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
f " 1 validation error detected: Value ' { name } ' at ' targetGroup.targetGroupArn.targetGroupName ' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: (?!.*--)(?!^-)(?!.*-$)^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$ "
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( " name " , [ " example.com " , " test@test " ] )
def test_create_invalid_target_group_alphanumeric_characters ( name ) :
conn = boto3 . client ( " elbv2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
ec2 = boto3 . resource ( " ec2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
vpc = ec2 . create_vpc ( CidrBlock = " " , InstanceTenancy = " default " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
conn . create_target_group (
Name = name ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200 " } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationError " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
f " Target group name ' { name } ' can only contain characters that are alphanumeric characters or hyphens(-) "
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( " name " , [ " name " , " Name " , " 000 " ] )
def test_create_valid_target_group_valid_names ( name ) :
conn = boto3 . client ( " elbv2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
ec2 = boto3 . resource ( " ec2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
vpc = ec2 . create_vpc ( CidrBlock = " " , InstanceTenancy = " default " )
conn . create_target_group (
Name = name ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200 " } ,
def test_target_group_attributes ( ) :
response , vpc , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
response = conn . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200 " } ,
target_group = response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) [ 0 ]
# Check it's in the describe_target_groups response
response = conn . describe_target_groups ( )
response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) . should . have . length_of ( 1 )
target_group_arn = target_group [ " TargetGroupArn " ]
# check if Names filter works
response = conn . describe_target_groups ( Names = [ ] )
response = conn . describe_target_groups ( Names = [ " a-target " ] )
response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) . should . have . length_of ( 1 )
target_group_arn = target_group [ " TargetGroupArn " ]
# The attributes should start with the two defaults
response = conn . describe_target_group_attributes ( TargetGroupArn = target_group_arn )
2022-04-21 19:27:14 +00:00
response [ " Attributes " ] . should . have . length_of ( 5 )
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
attributes = { attr [ " Key " ] : attr [ " Value " ] for attr in response [ " Attributes " ] }
attributes [ " deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds " ] . should . equal ( " 300 " )
attributes [ " stickiness.enabled " ] . should . equal ( " false " )
2022-04-21 19:27:14 +00:00
attributes [ " waf.fail_open.enabled " ] . should . equal ( " false " )
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
# Add cookie stickiness
response = conn . modify_target_group_attributes (
TargetGroupArn = target_group_arn ,
Attributes = [
{ " Key " : " stickiness.enabled " , " Value " : " true " } ,
{ " Key " : " stickiness.type " , " Value " : " lb_cookie " } ,
] ,
# The response should have only the keys updated
response [ " Attributes " ] . should . have . length_of ( 2 )
attributes = { attr [ " Key " ] : attr [ " Value " ] for attr in response [ " Attributes " ] }
attributes [ " stickiness.type " ] . should . equal ( " lb_cookie " )
attributes [ " stickiness.enabled " ] . should . equal ( " true " )
# These new values should be in the full attribute list
response = conn . describe_target_group_attributes ( TargetGroupArn = target_group_arn )
2022-04-21 19:27:14 +00:00
response [ " Attributes " ] . should . have . length_of ( 6 )
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
attributes = { attr [ " Key " ] : attr [ " Value " ] for attr in response [ " Attributes " ] }
attributes [ " stickiness.type " ] . should . equal ( " lb_cookie " )
attributes [ " stickiness.enabled " ] . should . equal ( " true " )
def test_create_target_group_invalid_protocol ( ) :
elbv2 = boto3 . client ( " elbv2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
ec2 = boto3 . resource ( " ec2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
vpc = ec2 . create_vpc ( CidrBlock = " " , InstanceTenancy = " default " )
# Can't create a target group with an invalid protocol
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as ex :
elbv2 . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " /HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200 " } ,
err = ex . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ValidationError " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . contain (
" Value /HTTP at ' healthCheckProtocol ' failed to satisfy constraint "
def test_describe_invalid_target_group ( ) :
conn = boto3 . client ( " elbv2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
# Check error raises correctly
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
conn . describe_target_groups ( Names = [ " invalid " ] )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " TargetGroupNotFound " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal ( " The specified target group does not exist. " )
def test_describe_target_groups_no_arguments ( ) :
response , vpc , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
response . get ( " LoadBalancers " ) [ 0 ] . get ( " LoadBalancerArn " )
conn . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
2021-12-20 17:06:57 +00:00
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 201 " } ,
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
2021-12-20 17:06:57 +00:00
groups = conn . describe_target_groups ( ) [ " TargetGroups " ]
groups . should . have . length_of ( 1 )
groups [ 0 ] . should . have . key ( " Matcher " ) . equals ( { " HttpCode " : " 201 " } )
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
def test_modify_target_group ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " elbv2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
ec2 = boto3 . resource ( " ec2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
vpc = ec2 . create_vpc ( CidrBlock = " " , InstanceTenancy = " default " )
response = client . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 8080 ,
VpcId = vpc . id ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTP " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8080 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " / " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 5 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 5 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 5 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200 " } ,
arn = response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) [ 0 ] [ " TargetGroupArn " ]
client . modify_target_group (
TargetGroupArn = arn ,
HealthCheckProtocol = " HTTPS " ,
HealthCheckPort = " 8081 " ,
HealthCheckPath = " /status " ,
HealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 10 ,
HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds = 10 ,
HealthyThresholdCount = 10 ,
UnhealthyThresholdCount = 4 ,
Matcher = { " HttpCode " : " 200-399 " } ,
response = client . describe_target_groups ( TargetGroupArns = [ arn ] )
response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ] [ " Matcher " ] [ " HttpCode " ] . should . equal ( " 200-399 " )
response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ] [ " HealthCheckIntervalSeconds " ] . should . equal ( 10 )
response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ] [ " HealthCheckPath " ] . should . equal ( " /status " )
response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ] [ " HealthCheckPort " ] . should . equal ( " 8081 " )
response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ] [ " HealthCheckProtocol " ] . should . equal ( " HTTPS " )
response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ] [ " HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds " ] . should . equal ( 10 )
response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ] [ " HealthyThresholdCount " ] . should . equal ( 10 )
2022-01-29 12:04:14 +00:00
response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ] . should . have . key ( " Protocol " ) . equals ( " HTTP " )
response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ] . should . have . key ( " ProtocolVersion " ) . equals ( " HTTP1 " )
2021-10-19 21:01:00 +00:00
response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ] [ " UnhealthyThresholdCount " ] . should . equal ( 4 )
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( " target_type " , [ " instance " , " ip " , " lambda " , " alb " , " other " ] )
def test_create_target_group_with_target_type ( target_type ) :
response , _ , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
response = conn . create_target_group ( Name = " a-target " , TargetType = target_type )
group = response [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ]
group . should . have . key ( " TargetGroupArn " )
group . should . have . key ( " TargetGroupName " ) . equal ( " a-target " )
group . should . have . key ( " TargetType " ) . equal ( target_type )
group . shouldnt . have . key ( " Protocol " )
group . shouldnt . have . key ( " VpcId " )
group = conn . describe_target_groups ( ) [ " TargetGroups " ] [ 0 ]
group . should . have . key ( " TargetGroupArn " )
group . should . have . key ( " TargetGroupName " ) . equal ( " a-target " )
group . should . have . key ( " TargetType " ) . equal ( target_type )
group . shouldnt . have . key ( " Protocol " )
group . shouldnt . have . key ( " VpcId " )
2021-11-17 21:36:20 +00:00
def test_delete_target_group_after_modifying_listener ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " elbv2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
response , vpc , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
load_balancer_arn = response . get ( " LoadBalancers " ) [ 0 ] . get ( " LoadBalancerArn " )
response = client . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " , Protocol = " HTTP " , Port = 8080 , VpcId = vpc . id
target_group_arn1 = response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) [ 0 ] [ " TargetGroupArn " ]
response = client . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target-2 " , Protocol = " HTTPS " , Port = 8081 , VpcId = vpc . id
target_group_arn2 = response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) [ 0 ] [ " TargetGroupArn " ]
response = conn . create_listener (
LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 80 ,
DefaultActions = [ { " Type " : " forward " , " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn1 } ] ,
listener_arn = response [ " Listeners " ] [ 0 ] . get ( " ListenerArn " )
client . modify_listener (
ListenerArn = listener_arn ,
DefaultActions = [ { " Type " : " forward " , " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn2 } ] ,
response = conn . describe_listeners ( LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn )
default_actions = response [ " Listeners " ] [ 0 ] [ " DefaultActions " ]
default_actions . should . equal (
[ { " Type " : " forward " , " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn2 } ]
# Target Group 1 can now be deleted, as the LB points to group 2
client . delete_target_group ( TargetGroupArn = target_group_arn1 )
# Sanity check - we're still pointing to group 2
response = conn . describe_listeners ( LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn )
default_actions = response [ " Listeners " ] [ 0 ] [ " DefaultActions " ]
default_actions . should . equal (
[ { " Type " : " forward " , " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn2 } ]
2021-12-20 17:06:57 +00:00
def test_create_listener_with_multiple_target_groups ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " elbv2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
response , vpc , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
load_balancer_arn = response . get ( " LoadBalancers " ) [ 0 ] . get ( " LoadBalancerArn " )
response = client . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " , Protocol = " HTTP " , Port = 8080 , VpcId = vpc . id
target_group_arn1 = response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) [ 0 ] [ " TargetGroupArn " ]
response = client . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target-2 " , Protocol = " HTTPS " , Port = 8081 , VpcId = vpc . id
target_group_arn2 = response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) [ 0 ] [ " TargetGroupArn " ]
conn . create_listener (
LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 80 ,
DefaultActions = [
" Type " : " forward " ,
" ForwardConfig " : {
" TargetGroups " : [
{ " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn1 , " Weight " : 100 } ,
{ " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn2 , " Weight " : 0 } ,
] ,
" TargetGroupStickinessConfig " : {
" Enabled " : False ,
" DurationSeconds " : 300 ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
response = conn . describe_listeners ( LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn )
listener = response [ " Listeners " ] [ 0 ]
groups = listener [ " DefaultActions " ] [ 0 ] [ " ForwardConfig " ] [ " TargetGroups " ]
groups . should . have . length_of ( 2 )
groups . should . contain ( { " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn1 , " Weight " : 100 } )
groups . should . contain ( { " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn2 , " Weight " : 0 } )
def test_create_listener_with_invalid_target_group ( ) :
response , _ , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
load_balancer_arn = response . get ( " LoadBalancers " ) [ 0 ] . get ( " LoadBalancerArn " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
conn . create_listener (
LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 80 ,
DefaultActions = [
" Type " : " forward " ,
" ForwardConfig " : {
" TargetGroups " : [ { " TargetGroupArn " : " unknown " , " Weight " : 100 } ]
} ,
] ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " TargetGroupNotFound " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal ( " Target group ' unknown ' not found " )
def test_delete_target_group_while_listener_still_exists ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " elbv2 " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
response , vpc , _ , _ , _ , conn = create_load_balancer ( )
load_balancer_arn = response . get ( " LoadBalancers " ) [ 0 ] . get ( " LoadBalancerArn " )
response = client . create_target_group (
Name = " a-target " , Protocol = " HTTP " , Port = 8080 , VpcId = vpc . id
target_group_arn1 = response . get ( " TargetGroups " ) [ 0 ] [ " TargetGroupArn " ]
response = conn . create_listener (
LoadBalancerArn = load_balancer_arn ,
Protocol = " HTTP " ,
Port = 80 ,
DefaultActions = [
" Type " : " forward " ,
" ForwardConfig " : {
" TargetGroups " : [
{ " TargetGroupArn " : target_group_arn1 , " Weight " : 100 }
} ,
] ,
listener_arn = response [ " Listeners " ] [ 0 ] [ " ListenerArn " ]
# Deletion does not succeed if the Listener still exists
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
client . delete_target_group ( TargetGroupArn = target_group_arn1 )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
err [ " Code " ] . should . equal ( " ResourceInUse " )
err [ " Message " ] . should . equal (
f " The target group ' { target_group_arn1 } ' is currently in use by a listener or a rule "
client . delete_listener ( ListenerArn = listener_arn )
# Deletion does succeed now that the listener is deleted
client . delete_target_group ( TargetGroupArn = target_group_arn1 )