2023-12-02 19:59:43 +00:00
import boto3
import pytest
from botocore . exceptions import ClientError
2024-01-07 12:03:33 +00:00
from moto import mock_aws
2023-12-02 19:59:43 +00:00
from . . import dynamodb_aws_verified
2024-01-07 12:03:33 +00:00
2023-12-02 19:59:43 +00:00
def test_multiple_transactions_on_same_item ( ) :
schema = {
" KeySchema " : [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
" AttributeDefinitions " : [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
dynamodb = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * schema
# Insert an item
dynamodb . put_item ( TableName = " test-table " , Item = { " id " : { " S " : " foo " } } )
def update_email_transact ( email ) :
return {
" Update " : {
" Key " : { " id " : { " S " : " foo " } } ,
" TableName " : " test-table " ,
" UpdateExpression " : " SET #e = :v " ,
" ExpressionAttributeNames " : { " #e " : " email_address " } ,
" ExpressionAttributeValues " : { " :v " : { " S " : email } } ,
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . transact_write_items (
TransactItems = [
update_email_transact ( " test1@moto.com " ) ,
update_email_transact ( " test2@moto.com " ) ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
assert err [ " Code " ] == " ValidationException "
assert (
err [ " Message " ]
== " Transaction request cannot include multiple operations on one item "
2024-01-07 12:03:33 +00:00
2023-12-02 19:59:43 +00:00
def test_transact_write_items__too_many_transactions ( ) :
schema = {
" KeySchema " : [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
" AttributeDefinitions " : [ { " AttributeName " : " pk " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
dynamodb = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
dynamodb . create_table (
TableName = " test-table " , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * schema
def update_email_transact ( email ) :
return {
" Put " : {
" TableName " : " test-table " ,
" Item " : { " pk " : { " S " : " :v " } } ,
" ExpressionAttributeValues " : { " :v " : { " S " : email } } ,
update_email_transact ( " test1@moto.com " )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . transact_write_items (
TransactItems = [
update_email_transact ( f " test { idx } @moto.com " ) for idx in range ( 101 )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
assert err [ " Code " ] == " ValidationException "
assert (
err [ " Message " ]
== " 1 validation error detected at ' transactItems ' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length less than or equal to 100. "
2024-01-07 12:03:33 +00:00
2023-12-02 19:59:43 +00:00
def test_transact_write_items_multiple_operations_fail ( ) :
# Setup
schema = {
" KeySchema " : [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
" AttributeDefinitions " : [ { " AttributeName " : " id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ] ,
dynamodb = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
table_name = " test-table "
dynamodb . create_table ( TableName = table_name , BillingMode = " PAY_PER_REQUEST " , * * schema )
# Execute
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
dynamodb . transact_write_items (
TransactItems = [
" Put " : {
" Item " : { " id " : { " S " : " test " } } ,
" TableName " : table_name ,
} ,
" Delete " : {
" Key " : { " id " : { " S " : " test " } } ,
" TableName " : table_name ,
} ,
# Verify
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
assert err [ " Code " ] == " ValidationException "
assert (
err [ " Message " ]
== " TransactItems can only contain one of Check, Put, Update or Delete "
2024-01-07 12:03:33 +00:00
2023-12-02 19:59:43 +00:00
def test_transact_write_items_with_empty_gsi_key ( ) :
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , " us-east-2 " )
client . create_table (
TableName = " test_table " ,
KeySchema = [ { " AttributeName " : " unique_code " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
AttributeDefinitions = [
{ " AttributeName " : " unique_code " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
{ " AttributeName " : " unique_id " , " AttributeType " : " S " } ,
] ,
GlobalSecondaryIndexes = [
" IndexName " : " gsi_index " ,
" KeySchema " : [ { " AttributeName " : " unique_id " , " KeyType " : " HASH " } ] ,
" Projection " : { " ProjectionType " : " ALL " } ,
] ,
ProvisionedThroughput = { " ReadCapacityUnits " : 5 , " WriteCapacityUnits " : 5 } ,
transact_items = [
" Put " : {
" Item " : { " unique_code " : { " S " : " some code " } , " unique_id " : { " S " : " " } } ,
" TableName " : " test_table " ,
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
client . transact_write_items ( TransactItems = transact_items )
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
assert err [ " Code " ] == " ValidationException "
assert (
err [ " Message " ]
== " One or more parameter values are not valid. A value specified for a secondary index key is not supported. The AttributeValue for a key attribute cannot contain an empty string value. IndexName: gsi_index, IndexKey: unique_id "
@dynamodb_aws_verified ( )
def test_transaction_with_empty_key ( table_name = None ) :
dynamodb = boto3 . resource ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
client = boto3 . client ( " dynamodb " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
table = dynamodb . Table ( table_name )
table . put_item ( Item = { " pk " : " mark " , " lock " : { " acquired_at " : 123 } } )
with pytest . raises ( ClientError ) as exc :
client . transact_write_items (
TransactItems = [
" Update " : {
" TableName " : table_name ,
" Key " : { " pk " : { " S " : " " } } ,
" UpdateExpression " : " SET sth = :v " ,
" ExpressionAttributeValues " : { " :v " : { " N " : " 0 " } } ,
err = exc . value . response [ " Error " ]
assert err [ " Code " ] == " ValidationException "
assert (
err [ " Message " ]
== " One or more parameter values are not valid. The AttributeValue for a key attribute cannot contain an empty string value. Key: pk "