insert functions and templates for query and json protocol

This commit is contained in:
Toshiya Kawasaki 2017-09-21 21:54:14 +09:00
parent e330d7876e
commit 6c33888b0f
2 changed files with 88 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ six>=1.9

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
import inspect
import importlib
from lxml import etree
import click
@ -15,6 +17,8 @@ from botocore import xform_name
from botocore.session import Session
import boto3
from moto.core.responses import BaseResponse
from moto.core import BaseBackend
from implementation_coverage import (
@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ def to_snake_case(s):
return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower()
def get_function_in_query_responses(service, operation):
def get_function_in_responses(service, operation, protocol):
"""refers to definition of API in botocore, and autogenerates function
You can see example of elbv2 from link below.
@ -174,10 +178,14 @@ def get_function_in_query_responses(service, operation):
body += ' {}={},\n'.format(input_name, input_name)
body += ' )\n'
body += ' template = self.response_template({}_TEMPLATE)\n'.format(operation.upper())
body += ' return template.render({})\n'.format(
','.join(['{}={}'.format(_, _) for _ in output_names])
if protocol == 'query':
body += ' template = self.response_template({}_TEMPLATE)\n'.format(operation.upper())
body += ' return template.render({})\n'.format(
','.join(['{}={}'.format(_, _) for _ in output_names])
elif protocol == 'json':
body += ' # TODO: adjust reponse\n'
body += ' return json.dumps({})\n'.format(','.join(['{}={}'.format(_, _) for _ in output_names]))
return body
@ -255,8 +263,8 @@ def get_response_query_template(service, operation):
for output_name, output_shape in outputs.items():
t_result.append(_get_subtree(output_name, output_shape, replace_list))
body = etree.tostring(t_root, pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8')
body_lines = body.splitlines()
xml_body = etree.tostring(t_root, pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8')
xml_body_lines = xml_body.splitlines()
for replace in replace_list:
name = replace[0]
prefix = replace[1]
@ -268,35 +276,91 @@ def get_response_query_template(service, operation):
end_tag = '</%s>' % name
loop_end = '{{ endfor }}'
start_tag_indexes = [i for i, l in enumerate(body_lines) if start_tag in l]
start_tag_indexes = [i for i, l in enumerate(xml_body_lines) if start_tag in l]
if len(start_tag_indexes) != 1:
raise Exception('tag %s not found in response body' % start_tag)
start_tag_index = start_tag_indexes[0]
body_lines.insert(start_tag_index + 1, loop_start)
xml_body_lines.insert(start_tag_index + 1, loop_start)
end_tag_indexes = [i for i, l in enumerate(body_lines) if end_tag in l]
end_tag_indexes = [i for i, l in enumerate(xml_body_lines) if end_tag in l]
if len(end_tag_indexes) != 1:
raise Exception('tag %s not found in response body' % end_tag)
end_tag_index = end_tag_indexes[0]
body_lines.insert(end_tag_index, loop_end)
body = '\n'.join(body_lines)
xml_body_lines.insert(end_tag_index, loop_end)
xml_body = '\n'.join(xml_body_lines)
body = '\n{}_TEMPLATE = """{}"""'.format(operation.upper(), xml_body)
return body
def insert_code_to_class(path, base_class, new_code):
with open(path) as f:
lines = [_.replace('\n', '') for _ in f.readlines()]
mod_path = os.path.splitext(path)[0].replace('/', '.')
mod = importlib.import_module(mod_path)
clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isclass)
_response_cls = [_[1] for _ in clsmembers if issubclass(_[1], base_class) and _[1] != base_class]
if len(_response_cls) != 1:
raise Exception('unknown error, number of clsmembers is not 1')
response_cls = _response_cls[0]
code_lines, line_no = inspect.getsourcelines(response_cls)
end_line_no = line_no + len(code_lines)
func_lines = [' ' * 4 + _ for _ in new_code.splitlines()]
lines = lines[:end_line_no] + func_lines + lines[end_line_no:]
with open(path, 'w') as f:
def insert_query_codes(service, operation):
func_in_responses = get_function_in_responses(service, operation, 'query')
func_in_models = get_function_in_models(service, operation)
template = get_response_query_template(service, operation)
# edit
responses_path = 'moto/{}/'.format(service)
print_progress('inserting code', responses_path, 'green')
insert_code_to_class(responses_path, BaseResponse, func_in_responses)
# insert template
with open(responses_path) as f:
lines = [_[:-1] for _ in f.readlines()]
lines += template.splitlines()
with open(responses_path, 'w') as f:
# edit
models_path = 'moto/{}/'.format(service)
print_progress('inserting code', models_path, 'green')
insert_code_to_class(models_path, BaseBackend, func_in_models)
def insert_json_codes(service, operation):
func_in_responses = get_function_in_responses(service, operation, 'json')
func_in_models = get_function_in_models(service, operation)
# edit
responses_path = 'moto/{}/'.format(service)
print_progress('inserting code', responses_path, 'green')
insert_code_to_class(responses_path, BaseResponse, func_in_responses)
# edit
models_path = 'moto/{}/'.format(service)
print_progress('inserting code', models_path, 'green')
insert_code_to_class(models_path, BaseBackend, func_in_models)
def main():
service, operation = select_service_and_operation()
api_protocol = boto3.client(service_name)._service_model.metadata['protocol']
api_protocol = boto3.client(service)._service_model.metadata['protocol']
initialize_service(service, operation, api_protocol)
if api_protocol == 'query':
func_in_responses = get_function_in_responses(service, operation)
func_in_models = get_function_in_models(service, operation)
teamplte = get_response_xml_template(service, operation)
insert_query_codes(service, operation)
elif api_protocol == 'json':
insert_json_codes(service, operation)
print_progress('skip inserting code', 'api protocol "{}" is not supported'.format(api_protocol), 'yellow')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print(get_function_in_responses('elbv2', 'describe_listeners'))
# print(get_function_in_models('elbv2', 'describe_listeners'))
b = get_response_query_template('elbv2', 'describe_listeners')
# main()