CloudFormation: Add coverage checklist (#6129)
This change introduces a checklist similar to to document moto's adherence to the full CloudFormation specification. The script (invoked via `make cloudformation_coverage`) finds any moto models that implement `moto.core.common_models.CloudFormationModel` and checks to see if all CRUD methods are implemented. For `has_cfn_attr`, it also checks to see if all of the attributes exposed by `Fn::GetAtt` are implemented. It does not check to see if `physical_resource_id` is implemented because as far as I can tell, the published AWS spec doesn't include that information: A more aggressive approach would be to remove default implementations from all the abstract methods and allow Python to throw for any unimplemented method. But that would obviously break a lot of things. Instead, I think the checklist represents good documentation for users about what they can and can't expect moto to handle when parsing their CloudFormation templates. It also serves as a nice to-do list of small improvements for contributors to add (and I'll likely add a few myself). Many of these would be particularly good "first issues" for first time contributors because in general, these methods just call existing methods.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
- AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] DeploymentId
- AWS::ApiGateway::Method:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::ApiGateway::Resource:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] ResourceId
- AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] LaunchConfigurationName
- [ ] LaunchTemplateSpecification
- [ ] MixedInstancesPolicy
- [ ] PlacementGroup
- [ ] VPCZoneIdentifier
- AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] ScheduledActionName
- AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] ComputeEnvironmentArn
- AWS::Batch::JobDefinition:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::Batch::JobQueue:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] JobQueueArn
- AWS::CloudFormation::Stack:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::DataPipeline::Pipeline:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::DynamoDB::Table:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::EC2::Instance:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::EC2::InternetGateway:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] InternetGatewayId
- AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] LatestVersionNumber
- [ ] DefaultVersionNumber
- AWS::EC2::NatGateway:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] NatGatewayId
- AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] Id
- AWS::EC2::Route:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::EC2::RouteTable:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] RouteTableId
- AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] VpcId
- AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::EC2::Subnet:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] VpcId
- [ ] NetworkAclAssociationId
- [ ] OutpostArn
- [ ] SubnetId
- [ ] Ipv6CidrBlocks
- AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] Id
- AWS::EC2::TransitGateway:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] Id
- AWS::EC2::VPC:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] VpcId
- [ ] CidrBlockAssociations
- [ ] CidrBlock
- [ ] DefaultNetworkAcl
- [ ] Ipv6CidrBlocks
- [ ] DefaultSecurityGroup
- AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::EC2::VPCPeeringConnection:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] Id
- AWS::EC2::Volume:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] VolumeId
- AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::ECR::Repository:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::ECS::Cluster:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::ECS::Service:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] ServiceArn
- AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] TaskDefinitionArn
- AWS::EFS::FileSystem:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] FileSystemId
- [ ] Arn
- AWS::EFS::MountTarget:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] IpAddress
- [ ] Id
- AWS::Events::Archive:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::Events::EventBus:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::Events::Rule:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::IAM::AccessKey:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::IAM::Policy:
- [ ] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::IAM::Role:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] RoleId
- AWS::IAM::User:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::KMS::Key:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] KeyId
- AWS::Kinesis::Stream:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::Logs::LogGroup:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] Arn
- AWS::RDS::DBParameterGroup:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] DBParameterGroupName
- AWS::Redshift::Cluster:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] Id
- [ ] DeferMaintenanceIdentifier
- AWS::Route53::HealthCheck:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] HealthCheckId
- AWS::Route53::RecordSet:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup:
- [x] create implemented
- [ ] update implemented
- [ ] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::S3::Bucket:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::SNS::Topic:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] TopicArn
- AWS::SQS::Queue:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] QueueUrl
- AWS::SSM::Parameter:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] Type
- [ ] Value
- AWS::SageMaker::Endpoint:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::SageMaker::EndpointConfig:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::SageMaker::Model:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [x] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine:
- [x] create implemented
- [x] update implemented
- [x] delete implemented
- [ ] Fn::GetAtt implemented
- [ ] StateMachineRevisionId
- [ ] Arn
@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ implementation_coverage:
git commit -m "Updating implementation coverage" || true
git commit -m "Updating implementation coverage" || true
./scripts/ >
git commit -m "Updating CloudFormation coverage" || true
coverage: implementation_coverage cloudformation_coverage
@pip install -r requirements-dev.txt > /dev/null
@pip install -r requirements-dev.txt > /dev/null
exec python scripts/
exec python scripts/
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import importlib
import json
import mock
import requests
import moto
# Populate CloudFormationModel.__subclasses__()
def check(condition):
if bool(condition):
return "x"
return " "
def is_implemented(model, method_name):
# method_name in model.__dict__ will be True if the method
# exists on the model and False if it's only inherited from
# CloudFormationModel.
return hasattr(model, method_name) and method_name in model.__dict__
class CloudFormationChecklist:
def __init__(self, resource_name, schema):
self.resource_name = resource_name
self.schema = schema
def __str__(self):
missing_attrs_checklist = "\n".join(
[f" - [ ] {attr}" for attr in self.missing_attrs]
report = (
f"- {self.resource_name}:\n"
f" - [{check(self.creatable)}] create implemented\n"
f" - [{check(self.updatable)}] update implemented\n"
f" - [{check(self.deletable)}] delete implemented\n"
f" - [{check(not self.missing_attrs)}] Fn::GetAtt implemented\n"
) + missing_attrs_checklist
return report.strip()
def service_name(self):
return self.resource_name.split("::")[1].lower()
def model_name(self):
return self.resource_name.split("::")[2]
def moto_model(self):
for subclass in moto.core.common_models.CloudFormationModel.__subclasses__():
subclass_service = subclass.__module__.split(".")[1]
subclass_model = subclass.__name__
if subclass_service == self.service_name and subclass_model in (
"Fake" + self.model_name,
return subclass
def expected_attrs(self):
return list(self.schema.get("Attributes", {}).keys())
def missing_attrs(self):
missing_attrs = []
for attr in self.expected_attrs:
# TODO: Change the actual abstract method to return False
with mock.patch(
if not self.moto_model.has_cfn_attr(attr):
return missing_attrs
def creatable(self):
return is_implemented(self.moto_model, "create_from_cloudformation_json")
def updatable(self):
return is_implemented(self.moto_model, "update_from_cloudformation_json")
def deletable(self):
return is_implemented(self.moto_model, "delete_from_cloudformation_json")
if __name__ == "__main__":
cfn_spec = requests.get(
for resource_name, schema in sorted(cfn_spec["ResourceTypes"].items()):
checklist = CloudFormationChecklist(resource_name, schema)
# Only print checklists for models that implement CloudFormationModel;
# otherwise the checklist is very long and mostly empty because there
# are so many niche AWS services and resources that moto doesn't
# implement yet.
if checklist.moto_model:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user