Feature: Ability to start MotoServer within Python (#4904)

This commit is contained in:
Bert Blommers 2022-03-03 19:54:10 -01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0e3fef9b42
commit dc5353f1ae
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 511 additions and 320 deletions

View File

@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ include moto/cognitoidp/resources/*.json
include moto/dynamodb2/parsing/reserved_keywords.txt include moto/dynamodb2/parsing/reserved_keywords.txt
include moto/ssm/resources/*.json include moto/ssm/resources/*.json
include moto/support/resources/*.json include moto/support/resources/*.json
recursive-include moto/templates * recursive-include moto/moto_server *
recursive-include tests * recursive-include tests *

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
.. role:: bash(code) .. role:: bash(code)
:language: bash :language: bash
.. role:: raw-html(raw)
:format: html
================================ ================================
Non-Python SDK's / Server Mode Non-Python SDK's / Server Mode
================================ ================================
@ -44,6 +47,49 @@ interfaces with
Please be aware this might allow other network users to access your Please be aware this might allow other network users to access your
server. server.
Start within Python
It is possible to start this server from within Python, in a separate thread. :raw-html:`<br />`
By default, this server will start on port 5000, but this is configurable.
.. code-block:: python
from moto.server import ThreadedMotoServer
server = ThreadedMotoServer()
# run tests
client = boto3.client("service", endpoint_url="http://localhost:5000")
Note that the ThreadedMotoServer and the decorators act on the same state, making it possible to combine the two approaches. :raw-html:`<br />`
See the following example:
.. code-block:: python
class TestThreadedMotoServer(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.server = ThreadedMotoServer()
def tearDown(self):
def test_load_data_using_decorators(self):
server_client = boto3.client("s3", endpoint_url="")
in_mem_client = boto3.client("s3")
buckets = in_mem_client.list_buckets()["Buckets"]
[b["Name"] for b in buckets].should.equal(["test"])
This example shows it is possible to create state using the TreadedMotoServer, and access that state using the usual decorators. :raw-html:`<br />`
0Note that the decorators will destroy any resources on start, so make sure to not accidentally destroy any resources created by the ThreadedMotoServer that should be kept.
.. note:: The ThreadedMotoServer is considered in beta for now, and the exact interface and behaviour may still change. :raw-html:`<br />` Please let us know if you'd like to see any changes.
Run using Docker Run using Docker
---------------------- ----------------------
You could also use the official Docker image from https://hub.docker.com/r/motoserver/moto/tags: You could also use the official Docker image from https://hub.docker.com/r/motoserver/moto/tags:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import time
from threading import Thread
from werkzeug.serving import make_server
from .werkzeug_app import DomainDispatcherApplication, create_backend_app
class ThreadedMotoServer:
def __init__(self, ip_address="", port=5000, verbose=True):
if verbose:
"The ThreadedMotoServer is considered in beta for now, and the exact interface and behaviour may still change."
print("Please let us know if youd like to see any changes.")
self._port = port
self._thread = None
self._ip_address = ip_address
self._server = None
self._server_ready = False
self._verbose = verbose
def _server_entry(self):
app = DomainDispatcherApplication(create_backend_app)
self._server = make_server(self._ip_address, self._port, app, True)
self._server_ready = True
def start(self):
if self._verbose:
f"Starting a new Thread with MotoServer running on {self._ip_address}:{self._port}..."
self._thread = Thread(target=self._server_entry, daemon=True)
while not self._server_ready:
def stop(self):
self._server_ready = False
if self._server:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import json
from flask.testing import FlaskClient
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter
class RegexConverter(BaseConverter):
# http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/routing/#custom-converters
def __init__(self, url_map, *items):
self.regex = items[0]
class AWSTestHelper(FlaskClient):
def action_data(self, action_name, **kwargs):
Method calls resource with action_name and returns data of response.
opts = {"Action": action_name}
res = self.get(
"Host": "{0}.us-east-1.amazonaws.com".format(self.application.service)
return res.data.decode("utf-8")
def action_json(self, action_name, **kwargs):
Method calls resource with action_name and returns object obtained via
deserialization of output.
return json.loads(self.action_data(action_name, **kwargs))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
import io
import os
import os.path
from threading import Lock
from flask import Flask
from flask_cors import CORS
import moto.backends as backends
import moto.backend_index as backend_index
from moto.core.utils import convert_to_flask_response
from .utilities import AWSTestHelper, RegexConverter
DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGION = ("s3", "us-east-1")
# Map of unsigned calls to service-region as per AWS API docs
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/resource-permissions.html#amazon-cognito-signed-versus-unsigned-apis
"AWSCognitoIdentityService": ("cognito-identity", "us-east-1"),
"AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService": ("cognito-idp", "us-east-1"),
"AssumeRoleWithSAML": ("sts", "us-east-1"),
"AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity": ("sts", "us-east-1"),
# Some services have v4 signing names that differ from the backend service name/id.
"eventbridge": "events",
"execute-api": "iot",
"iotdata": "data.iot",
# Some services are only recognizable by the version
SERVICE_BY_VERSION = {"2009-04-15": "sdb"}
class DomainDispatcherApplication(object):
Dispatch requests to different applications based on the "Host:" header
value. We'll match the host header value with the url_bases of each backend.
def __init__(self, create_app, service=None):
self.create_app = create_app
self.lock = Lock()
self.app_instances = {}
self.service = service
self.backend_url_patterns = backend_index.backend_url_patterns
def get_backend_for_host(self, host):
if host == "moto_api":
return host
if self.service:
return self.service
if host in backends.BACKENDS:
return host
for backend, pattern in self.backend_url_patterns:
if pattern.match("http://%s" % host):
return backend
if "amazonaws.com" in host:
"Unable to find appropriate backend for {}."
"Remember to add the URL to urls.py, and run scripts/update_backend_index.py to index it.".format(
def infer_service_region_host(self, body, environ):
auth = environ.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION")
target = environ.get("HTTP_X_AMZ_TARGET")
service = None
if auth:
# Signed request
# Parse auth header to find service assuming a SigV4 request
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-signed-request-examples.html
# ['Credential=sdffdsa', '20170220', 'us-east-1', 'sns', 'aws4_request']
credential_scope = auth.split(",")[0].split()[1]
_, _, region, service, _ = credential_scope.split("/")
service = SIGNING_ALIASES.get(service.lower(), service)
service = service.lower()
except ValueError:
# Signature format does not match, this is exceptional and we can't
# infer a service-region. A reduced set of services still use
# the deprecated SigV2, ergo prefer S3 as most likely default.
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-2.html
service, region = DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGION
# Unsigned request
action = self.get_action_from_body(body)
if target:
service, _ = target.split(".", 1)
service, region = UNSIGNED_REQUESTS.get(service, DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGION)
elif action and action in UNSIGNED_ACTIONS:
# See if we can match the Action to a known service
service, region = UNSIGNED_ACTIONS.get(action)
if not service:
service, region = self.get_service_from_body(body, environ)
if not service:
service, region = self.get_service_from_path(environ)
if not service:
# S3 is the last resort when the target is also unknown
service, region = DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGION
path = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")
if service in ["budgets", "cloudfront"]:
# Global Services - they do not have/expect a region
host = f"{service}.amazonaws.com"
elif service == "mediastore" and not target:
# All MediaStore API calls have a target header
# If no target is set, assume we're trying to reach the mediastore-data service
host = "data.{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com".format(
service=service, region=region
elif service == "dynamodb":
if environ["HTTP_X_AMZ_TARGET"].startswith("DynamoDBStreams"):
host = "dynamodbstreams"
dynamo_api_version = (
# If Newer API version, use dynamodb2
if dynamo_api_version > "20111205":
host = "dynamodb2"
elif service == "sagemaker":
host = "api.{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com".format(
service=service, region=region
elif service == "timestream":
host = "ingest.{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com".format(
service=service, region=region
elif service == "s3" and (
path.startswith("/v20180820/") or "s3-control" in environ["HTTP_HOST"]
host = "s3control"
host = "{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com".format(
service=service, region=region
return host
def get_application(self, environ):
path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")
# The URL path might contain non-ASCII text, for instance unicode S3 bucket names
if isinstance(path_info, bytes):
path_info = path_info.decode("utf-8")
if path_info.startswith("/moto-api") or path_info == "/favicon.ico":
host = "moto_api"
elif path_info.startswith("/latest/meta-data/"):
host = "instance_metadata"
host = environ["HTTP_HOST"].split(":")[0]
with self.lock:
backend = self.get_backend_for_host(host)
if not backend:
# No regular backend found; try parsing body/other headers
body = self._get_body(environ)
host = self.infer_service_region_host(body, environ)
backend = self.get_backend_for_host(host)
app = self.app_instances.get(backend, None)
if app is None:
app = self.create_app(backend)
self.app_instances[backend] = app
return app
def _get_body(self, environ):
body = None
# AWS requests use querystrings as the body (Action=x&Data=y&...)
simple_form = environ["CONTENT_TYPE"].startswith(
request_body_size = int(environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"])
if simple_form and request_body_size:
body = environ["wsgi.input"].read(request_body_size).decode("utf-8")
except (KeyError, ValueError):
if body:
# We've consumed the body = need to reset it
environ["wsgi.input"] = io.StringIO(body)
return body
def get_service_from_body(self, body, environ):
# Some services have the SDK Version in the body
# If the version is unique, we can derive the service from it
version = self.get_version_from_body(body)
if version and version in SERVICE_BY_VERSION:
# Boto3/1.20.7 Python/3.8.10 Linux/5.11.0-40-generic Botocore/1.23.7 region/eu-west-1
region = environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "").split("/")[-1]
return SERVICE_BY_VERSION[version], region
return None, None
def get_version_from_body(self, body):
body_dict = dict(x.split("=") for x in body.split("&"))
return body_dict["Version"]
except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError):
return None
def get_action_from_body(self, body):
# AWS requests use querystrings as the body (Action=x&Data=y&...)
body_dict = dict(x.split("=") for x in body.split("&"))
return body_dict["Action"]
except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError):
return None
def get_service_from_path(self, environ):
# Moto sometimes needs to send a HTTP request to itself
# In which case it will send a request to 'http://localhost/service_region/whatever'
path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "/")
service, region = path_info[1 : path_info.index("/", 1)].split("_")
return service, region
except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError):
return None, None
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
backend_app = self.get_application(environ)
return backend_app(environ, start_response)
def create_backend_app(service):
from werkzeug.routing import Map
current_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
current_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_file, os.pardir))
template_dir = os.path.join(current_dir, "templates")
# Create the backend_app
backend_app = Flask("moto", template_folder=template_dir)
backend_app.debug = True
backend_app.service = service
# Reset view functions to reset the app
backend_app.view_functions = {}
backend_app.url_map = Map()
backend_app.url_map.converters["regex"] = RegexConverter
backend_dict = backends.get_backend(service)
if "us-east-1" in backend_dict:
backend = backend_dict["us-east-1"]
backend = backend_dict["global"]
for url_path, handler in backend.flask_paths.items():
view_func = convert_to_flask_response(handler)
if handler.__name__ == "dispatch":
endpoint = "{0}.dispatch".format(handler.__self__.__name__)
endpoint = view_func.__name__
original_endpoint = endpoint
index = 2
while endpoint in backend_app.view_functions:
# HACK: Sometimes we map the same view to multiple url_paths. Flask
# requires us to have different names.
endpoint = original_endpoint + str(index)
index += 1
# Some services do not provide a URL path
# I.e., boto3 sends a request to 'https://ingest.timestream.amazonaws.com'
# Which means we have a empty url_path to catch this request - but Flask can't handle that
if url_path:
backend_app.test_client_class = AWSTestHelper
return backend_app

View File

@ -1,328 +1,16 @@
import argparse import argparse
import io
import json
import os import os
import signal import signal
import sys import sys
from threading import Lock
from flask import Flask
from flask_cors import CORS
from flask.testing import FlaskClient
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter
from werkzeug.serving import run_simple from werkzeug.serving import run_simple
import moto.backends as backends from moto.moto_server.werkzeug_app import (
import moto.backend_index as backend_index DomainDispatcherApplication,
from moto.core.utils import convert_to_flask_response create_backend_app,
HTTP_METHODS = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"] from moto.moto_server.threaded_moto_server import ( # noqa # pylint: disable=unused-import
DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGION = ("s3", "us-east-1")
# Map of unsigned calls to service-region as per AWS API docs
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/resource-permissions.html#amazon-cognito-signed-versus-unsigned-apis
"AWSCognitoIdentityService": ("cognito-identity", "us-east-1"),
"AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService": ("cognito-idp", "us-east-1"),
"AssumeRoleWithSAML": ("sts", "us-east-1"),
"AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity": ("sts", "us-east-1"),
# Some services have v4 signing names that differ from the backend service name/id.
"eventbridge": "events",
"execute-api": "iot",
"iotdata": "data.iot",
# Some services are only recognizable by the version
SERVICE_BY_VERSION = {"2009-04-15": "sdb"}
class DomainDispatcherApplication(object):
Dispatch requests to different applications based on the "Host:" header
value. We'll match the host header value with the url_bases of each backend.
def __init__(self, create_app, service=None):
self.create_app = create_app
self.lock = Lock()
self.app_instances = {}
self.service = service
self.backend_url_patterns = backend_index.backend_url_patterns
def get_backend_for_host(self, host):
if host == "moto_api":
return host
if self.service:
return self.service
if host in backends.BACKENDS:
return host
for backend, pattern in self.backend_url_patterns:
if pattern.match("http://%s" % host):
return backend
if "amazonaws.com" in host:
"Unable to find appropriate backend for {}."
"Remember to add the URL to urls.py, and run scripts/update_backend_index.py to index it.".format(
def infer_service_region_host(self, body, environ):
auth = environ.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION")
target = environ.get("HTTP_X_AMZ_TARGET")
service = None
if auth:
# Signed request
# Parse auth header to find service assuming a SigV4 request
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-signed-request-examples.html
# ['Credential=sdffdsa', '20170220', 'us-east-1', 'sns', 'aws4_request']
credential_scope = auth.split(",")[0].split()[1]
_, _, region, service, _ = credential_scope.split("/")
service = SIGNING_ALIASES.get(service.lower(), service)
service = service.lower()
except ValueError:
# Signature format does not match, this is exceptional and we can't
# infer a service-region. A reduced set of services still use
# the deprecated SigV2, ergo prefer S3 as most likely default.
# https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-2.html
service, region = DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGION
# Unsigned request
action = self.get_action_from_body(body)
if target:
service, _ = target.split(".", 1)
service, region = UNSIGNED_REQUESTS.get(service, DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGION)
elif action and action in UNSIGNED_ACTIONS:
# See if we can match the Action to a known service
service, region = UNSIGNED_ACTIONS.get(action)
if not service:
service, region = self.get_service_from_body(body, environ)
if not service:
service, region = self.get_service_from_path(environ)
if not service:
# S3 is the last resort when the target is also unknown
service, region = DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGION
path = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")
if service in ["budgets", "cloudfront"]:
# Global Services - they do not have/expect a region
host = f"{service}.amazonaws.com"
elif service == "mediastore" and not target:
# All MediaStore API calls have a target header
# If no target is set, assume we're trying to reach the mediastore-data service
host = "data.{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com".format(
service=service, region=region
elif service == "dynamodb":
if environ["HTTP_X_AMZ_TARGET"].startswith("DynamoDBStreams"):
host = "dynamodbstreams"
dynamo_api_version = (
# If Newer API version, use dynamodb2
if dynamo_api_version > "20111205":
host = "dynamodb2"
elif service == "sagemaker":
host = "api.{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com".format(
service=service, region=region
elif service == "timestream":
host = "ingest.{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com".format(
service=service, region=region
elif service == "s3" and (
path.startswith("/v20180820/") or "s3-control" in environ["HTTP_HOST"]
host = "s3control"
host = "{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com".format(
service=service, region=region
return host
def get_application(self, environ):
path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")
# The URL path might contain non-ASCII text, for instance unicode S3 bucket names
if isinstance(path_info, bytes):
path_info = path_info.decode("utf-8")
if path_info.startswith("/moto-api") or path_info == "/favicon.ico":
host = "moto_api"
elif path_info.startswith("/latest/meta-data/"):
host = "instance_metadata"
host = environ["HTTP_HOST"].split(":")[0]
with self.lock:
backend = self.get_backend_for_host(host)
if not backend:
# No regular backend found; try parsing body/other headers
body = self._get_body(environ)
host = self.infer_service_region_host(body, environ)
backend = self.get_backend_for_host(host)
app = self.app_instances.get(backend, None)
if app is None:
app = self.create_app(backend)
self.app_instances[backend] = app
return app
def _get_body(self, environ):
body = None
# AWS requests use querystrings as the body (Action=x&Data=y&...)
simple_form = environ["CONTENT_TYPE"].startswith(
request_body_size = int(environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"])
if simple_form and request_body_size:
body = environ["wsgi.input"].read(request_body_size).decode("utf-8")
except (KeyError, ValueError):
if body:
# We've consumed the body = need to reset it
environ["wsgi.input"] = io.StringIO(body)
return body
def get_service_from_body(self, body, environ):
# Some services have the SDK Version in the body
# If the version is unique, we can derive the service from it
version = self.get_version_from_body(body)
if version and version in SERVICE_BY_VERSION:
# Boto3/1.20.7 Python/3.8.10 Linux/5.11.0-40-generic Botocore/1.23.7 region/eu-west-1
region = environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "").split("/")[-1]
return SERVICE_BY_VERSION[version], region
return None, None
def get_version_from_body(self, body):
body_dict = dict(x.split("=") for x in body.split("&"))
return body_dict["Version"]
except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError):
return None
def get_action_from_body(self, body):
# AWS requests use querystrings as the body (Action=x&Data=y&...)
body_dict = dict(x.split("=") for x in body.split("&"))
return body_dict["Action"]
except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError):
return None
def get_service_from_path(self, environ):
# Moto sometimes needs to send a HTTP request to itself
# In which case it will send a request to 'http://localhost/service_region/whatever'
path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "/")
service, region = path_info[1 : path_info.index("/", 1)].split("_")
return service, region
except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError):
return None, None
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
backend_app = self.get_application(environ)
return backend_app(environ, start_response)
class RegexConverter(BaseConverter):
# http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/routing/#custom-converters
def __init__(self, url_map, *items):
self.regex = items[0]
class AWSTestHelper(FlaskClient):
def action_data(self, action_name, **kwargs):
Method calls resource with action_name and returns data of response.
opts = {"Action": action_name}
res = self.get(
"Host": "{0}.us-east-1.amazonaws.com".format(self.application.service)
return res.data.decode("utf-8")
def action_json(self, action_name, **kwargs):
Method calls resource with action_name and returns object obtained via
deserialization of output.
return json.loads(self.action_data(action_name, **kwargs))
def create_backend_app(service):
from werkzeug.routing import Map
# Create the backend_app
backend_app = Flask(__name__)
backend_app.debug = True
backend_app.service = service
# Reset view functions to reset the app
backend_app.view_functions = {}
backend_app.url_map = Map()
backend_app.url_map.converters["regex"] = RegexConverter
backend_dict = backends.get_backend(service)
if "us-east-1" in backend_dict:
backend = backend_dict["us-east-1"]
backend = backend_dict["global"]
for url_path, handler in backend.flask_paths.items():
view_func = convert_to_flask_response(handler)
if handler.__name__ == "dispatch":
endpoint = "{0}.dispatch".format(handler.__self__.__name__)
endpoint = view_func.__name__
original_endpoint = endpoint
index = 2
while endpoint in backend_app.view_functions:
# HACK: Sometimes we map the same view to multiple url_paths. Flask
# requires us to have different names.
endpoint = original_endpoint + str(index)
index += 1
# Some services do not provide a URL path
# I.e., boto3 sends a request to 'https://ingest.timestream.amazonaws.com'
# Which means we have a empty url_path to catch this request - but Flask can't handle that
if url_path:
backend_app.test_client_class = AWSTestHelper
return backend_app
def signal_handler(signum, frame): def signal_handler(signum, frame):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
import boto3
import sure # noqa # pylint: disable=unused-import
import requests
import unittest
from moto import mock_s3, settings
from moto.server import ThreadedMotoServer
from unittest import SkipTest
class TestThreadedMotoServer(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE:
raise SkipTest("No point in testing ServerMode within ServerMode")
self.server = ThreadedMotoServer(ip_address="")
def tearDown(self):
def test_server_is_reachable(self):
s3_client = boto3.client("s3", endpoint_url="")
buckets = s3_client.list_buckets()["Buckets"]
[b["Name"] for b in buckets].should.equal(["test"])
def test_server_can_handle_multiple_services(self):
s3_client = boto3.client("s3", endpoint_url="")
dynamodb_client = boto3.client("dynamodb", endpoint_url="")
KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}],
AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S"}],
buckets = s3_client.list_buckets()["Buckets"]
[b["Name"] for b in buckets].should.equal(["test"])
def test_load_data_from_inmemory_client(self):
server_client = boto3.client("s3", endpoint_url="")
in_mem_client = boto3.client("s3")
buckets = in_mem_client.list_buckets()["Buckets"]
[b["Name"] for b in buckets].should.equal(["test"])
def test_threaded_moto_server__different_port():
if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE:
raise SkipTest("No point in testing ServerMode within ServerMode")
server = ThreadedMotoServer(port=5001)
s3_client = boto3.client("s3", endpoint_url="")
buckets = s3_client.list_buckets()["Buckets"]
[b["Name"] for b in buckets].should.equal(["test"])
def test_threaded_moto_server__using_requests():
if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE:
raise SkipTest("No point in testing ServerMode within ServerMode")
server = ThreadedMotoServer(port=5001)
r = requests.get("http://localhost:5001/moto-api")