Also I found extra tests for describe_task_definition and deregister_task_definition that were not being run,
so I changed their names so they are found by pytest and made them pass. I also added checks to them for the new
status field.
The mocked response for ECS RegisterTaskDefinition has drifted from what
actually returns when run against a real ECS endpoint. I created a
minimal task definition for both EC2:
>>> ecs.register_task_definition(
"name": "hello_world",
"image": "hello-world:latest",
"memory": 400
{'taskDefinitionArn': 'arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:************:task-definition/moto:1',
'containerDefinitions': [{'name': 'hello_world',
'image': 'hello-world:latest',
'cpu': 0,
'memory': 400,
'portMappings': [],
'essential': True,
'environment': [],
'mountPoints': [],
'volumesFrom': []}],
'family': 'moto',
'revision': 1,
'volumes': [],
'status': 'ACTIVE',
'placementConstraints': [],
'compatibilities': ['EC2']}
>>> ecs.register_task_definition(
"name": "hello_world",
"image": "hello-world:latest",
"memory": 400
{'taskDefinitionArn': 'arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:************:task-definition/moto:2',
'containerDefinitions': [{'name': 'hello_world',
'image': 'hello-world:latest',
'cpu': 0,
'memory': 400,
'portMappings': [],
'essential': True,
'environment': [],
'mountPoints': [],
'volumesFrom': []}],
'family': 'moto',
'networkMode': 'awsvpc',
'revision': 2,
'volumes': [],
'status': 'ACTIVE',
'requiresAttributes': [{'name': 'com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.18'},
{'name': 'ecs.capability.task-eni'}],
'placementConstraints': [],
'compatibilities': ['EC2', 'FARGATE'],
'requiresCompatibilities': ['FARGATE'],
'cpu': '256',
'memory': '512'}
This change adds several default keys to the task based on those two
real responses and the AWS documentation:
The mock still doesn't match the real response exactly but it's much
closer than it was before.
* Pass the "default" cluster
* Mock ECS exceptions more accurately
Moto's mock ECS has drifted fairly far from the actual ECS API in terms
of which exceptions it throws. This change begins to bring mock ECS's
exceptions in line with actual ECS exceptions. Most notably:
- Several custom exceptions have been replaced with their real ECS
exception. For example, "{0} is not a cluster" has been replaced with
- Tests have been added to verify (most of) these exceptions work
correctly. The test coverage was a little spotty to begin with.
- The new exceptions plus the change to pass the "default" cluster
exposed a lot of places where mock ECS was behaving incorrectly. For
example, the ListTasks action is always scoped to a single cluster in
ECS but it listed tasks for all clusters in the mock. I've minimally
updated the tests to make them pass, but there's lots of opportunity to
refactor both this method's test and its implementation.
This does not provide full coverage of exceptions. In general, I ran
these operations against actual ECS resources and cross-referenced the
documentation to figure out what actual exceptions should be thrown and
what the messages should be. Consequently, I didn't update any
exceptions that took more than trivial amount of time to reproduce with
real resources.