It should be a string, not a tuple, and it has a different form.
I'm not sure if it used to be different, but in the most recent
boto3/botocore, the message is "Stack with id {id} does not exist"
>>> cf = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name='us-west-2')
>>> try:
... cf.describe_stacks(StackName='adfgfhghg')
... except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
... print e.response['Error']['Message']
Stack with id adfgfhghg does not exist
I am on boto3 1.4.2 and botocore 1.4.82 as of this commit message.
If a stack has a status of ROLLBACK_COMPLETE and you attempt to update
it, the AWS API throws a validation error. This updates moto to have the
same behvaior. We also uncommented a test which tests updating a stack
which passed without any additional modification -- it is unclear why
this test was commented.
Signed-off-by: Jack Lund <>
* stop backed from trying to iterate over empty list of deleted stacks.
* Update DescribeStacks to throw ValidationError if stack name or id doesn't exist.