[metadata] name = moto version = 4.1.0.dev long_description = file:README.md long_description_content_type = text/markdown author = Steve Pulec author_email = spulec@gmail.com url = https://github.com/getmoto/moto license = Apache License 2.0 test_suite = tests classifiers = Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12 License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License Topic :: Software Development :: Testing keywords = aws ec2 s3 boto3 mock project_urls = Documentation = http://docs.getmoto.org/en/latest/ Issue tracker = https://github.com/getmoto/moto/issues Changelog = https://github.com/getmoto/moto/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md [options] python_requires = >=3.8 install_requires = boto3>=1.9.201 botocore>=1.14.0 cryptography>=3.3.1 requests>=2.5 xmltodict werkzeug>=0.5,!=2.2.0,!=2.2.1 python-dateutil<3.0.0,>=2.1 responses>=0.15.0 Jinja2>=2.10.1 package_dir = moto = moto include_package_data = True [options.package_data] moto = py.typed [options.extras_require] all = antlr4-python3-runtime joserfc>=0.9.0 jsonpath_ng docker>=3.0.0 graphql-core PyYAML>=5.1 cfn-lint>=0.40.0 openapi-spec-validator>=0.5.0 pyparsing>=3.0.7 jsondiff>=1.1.2 py-partiql-parser==0.5.2 aws-xray-sdk!=0.96,>=0.93 setuptools multipart proxy = antlr4-python3-runtime joserfc>=0.9.0 jsonpath_ng docker>=2.5.1 graphql-core PyYAML>=5.1 cfn-lint>=0.40.0 openapi-spec-validator>=0.5.0 pyparsing>=3.0.7 jsondiff>=1.1.2 py-partiql-parser==0.5.2 aws-xray-sdk!=0.96,>=0.93 setuptools multipart server = antlr4-python3-runtime joserfc>=0.9.0 jsonpath_ng docker>=3.0.0 graphql-core PyYAML>=5.1 cfn-lint>=0.40.0 openapi-spec-validator>=0.5.0 pyparsing>=3.0.7 jsondiff>=1.1.2 py-partiql-parser==0.5.2 aws-xray-sdk!=0.96,>=0.93 setuptools flask!=2.2.0,!=2.2.1 flask-cors acm = acmpca = amp = apigateway = PyYAML>=5.1 joserfc>=0.9.0 openapi-spec-validator>=0.5.0 apigatewayv2 = PyYAML>=5.1 openapi-spec-validator>=0.5.0 applicationautoscaling = appsync = graphql-core athena = autoscaling = awslambda = docker>=3.0.0 awslambda_simple = backup = batch = docker>=3.0.0 batch_simple = budgets = ce = cloudformation = joserfc>=0.9.0 docker>=3.0.0 graphql-core PyYAML>=5.1 cfn-lint>=0.40.0 openapi-spec-validator>=0.5.0 pyparsing>=3.0.7 jsondiff>=1.1.2 py-partiql-parser==0.5.2 aws-xray-sdk!=0.96,>=0.93 setuptools cloudfront = cloudtrail = cloudwatch = codebuild = codecommit = codepipeline = cognitoidentity = cognitoidp = joserfc>=0.9.0 comprehend = config = databrew = datapipeline = datasync = dax = dms = ds = dynamodb = docker>=3.0.0 py-partiql-parser==0.5.2 dynamodbstreams = docker>=3.0.0 py-partiql-parser==0.5.2 ebs = ec2 = ec2instanceconnect = ecr = ecs = efs = eks = elasticache = elasticbeanstalk = elastictranscoder = elb = elbv2 = emr = emrcontainers = emrserverless = es = events = firehose = forecast = glacier = glue = pyparsing>=3.0.7 greengrass = guardduty = iam = inspector2 = iot = iotdata = jsondiff>=1.1.2 ivs = kinesis = kinesisvideo = kinesisvideoarchivedmedia = kms = logs = managedblockchain = mediaconnect = medialive = mediapackage = mediastore = mediastoredata = meteringmarketplace = mq = opsworks = organizations = panorama = personalize = pinpoint = polly = quicksight = ram = rds = redshift = redshiftdata = rekognition = resourcegroups = resourcegroupstaggingapi = joserfc>=0.9.0 docker>=3.0.0 graphql-core PyYAML>=5.1 cfn-lint>=0.40.0 openapi-spec-validator>=0.5.0 pyparsing>=3.0.7 jsondiff>=1.1.2 py-partiql-parser==0.5.2 route53 = route53resolver = s3 = PyYAML>=5.1 py-partiql-parser==0.5.2 s3crc32c = PyYAML>=5.1 py-partiql-parser==0.5.2 crc32c s3control = sagemaker = sdb = scheduler = secretsmanager = servicediscovery = servicequotas = ses = signer = sns = sqs = ssm = PyYAML>=5.1 ssoadmin = stepfunctions = antlr4-python3-runtime jsonpath_ng sts = support = swf = textract = timestreamwrite = transcribe = wafv2 = # XRay module uses pkg_resources, but doesn't have an explicit dependency listed. This is fixed in 2.9.0: # https://github.com/aws/aws-xray-sdk-python/issues/305 xray = aws-xray-sdk!=0.96,>=0.93 setuptools [options.entry_points] console_scripts = moto_server = moto.server:main moto_proxy = moto.proxy:main [bdist_wheel] universal=1 [tool:pytest] markers = network: requires network connection requires_docker: requires running docker aws_verified: Verified against AWS, and should be able to run against AWS [coverage:run] relative_files = True [pylint.MASTER] ignore-paths=moto/packages [pylint.'MESSAGES CONTROL'] disable = W,C,R,E enable = arguments-renamed, deprecated-module, function-redefined, redefined-outer-name, signature-differs [mypy] files= moto, tests/test_core, tests/test_batch_simple exclude = moto/stepfunctions/parser show_column_numbers=True show_error_codes = True disable_error_code=abstract disallow_any_unimported=False disallow_any_expr=False disallow_any_decorated=True disallow_any_explicit=False disallow_any_generics=True disallow_subclassing_any=True disallow_untyped_calls=True disallow_untyped_defs=True disallow_incomplete_defs=True check_untyped_defs=True disallow_untyped_decorators=True no_implicit_optional=True strict_optional=True warn_redundant_casts=True warn_unused_ignores=False warn_no_return=True warn_return_any=False warn_unreachable=False strict_equality=True ignore_missing_imports=True follow_imports=silent