import functools import inspect import itertools import os import re import unittest from types import FunctionType from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Set, TypeVar, Union from typing import ContextManager from unittest.mock import patch import boto3 import botocore import responses from botocore.config import Config from botocore.handlers import BUILTIN_HANDLERS from moto import settings from .base_backend import BackendDict from .botocore_stubber import BotocoreStubber from .custom_responses_mock import ( get_response_mock, CallbackResponse, not_implemented_callback, reset_responses_mock, ) from .model_instances import reset_model_data DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID = "123456789012" CALLABLE_RETURN = TypeVar("CALLABLE_RETURN") class BaseMockAWS(ContextManager["BaseMockAWS"]): nested_count = 0 mocks_active = False def __init__(self, backends: BackendDict): from moto.instance_metadata import instance_metadata_backends from moto.moto_api._internal.models import moto_api_backend self.backends = backends self.backends_for_urls = [] default_account_id = DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID default_backends = [ instance_metadata_backends[default_account_id]["global"], moto_api_backend, ] backend_default_account = self.backends[default_account_id] if "us-east-1" in backend_default_account: # We only need to know the URL for a single region - they will be the same everywhere self.backends_for_urls.append(backend_default_account["us-east-1"]) elif "global" in backend_default_account: # If us-east-1 is not available, it's probably a global service self.backends_for_urls.append(backend_default_account["global"]) self.backends_for_urls.extend(default_backends) self.FAKE_KEYS = { "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "foobar_key", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": "foobar_secret", } self.ORIG_KEYS: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {} self.default_session_mock = patch("boto3.DEFAULT_SESSION", None) if self.__class__.nested_count == 0: self.reset() # type: ignore[attr-defined] def __call__( self, func: Callable[..., "BaseMockAWS"], reset: bool = True, remove_data: bool = True, ) -> Callable[..., "BaseMockAWS"]: if inspect.isclass(func): return self.decorate_class(func) # type: ignore return self.decorate_callable(func, reset, remove_data) def __enter__(self) -> "BaseMockAWS": self.start() return self def __exit__(self, *args: Any) -> None: self.stop() def start(self, reset: bool = True) -> None: if not self.__class__.mocks_active: self.default_session_mock.start() self.mock_env_variables() self.__class__.mocks_active = True self.__class__.nested_count += 1 if reset: for backend in self.backends.values(): backend.reset() self.enable_patching(reset) # type: ignore[attr-defined] def stop(self, remove_data: bool = True) -> None: self.__class__.nested_count -= 1 if self.__class__.nested_count < 0: raise RuntimeError("Called stop() before start().") if self.__class__.nested_count == 0: if self.__class__.mocks_active: try: self.default_session_mock.stop() except RuntimeError: # We only need to check for this exception in Python 3.7 # pass self.unmock_env_variables() self.__class__.mocks_active = False if remove_data: # Reset the data across all backends for backend in self.backends.values(): backend.reset() # Remove references to all model instances that were created reset_model_data() self.disable_patching() # type: ignore[attr-defined] def decorate_callable( self, func: Callable[..., "BaseMockAWS"], reset: bool, remove_data: bool ) -> Callable[..., "BaseMockAWS"]: def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "BaseMockAWS": self.start(reset=reset) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.stop(remove_data=remove_data) return result functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, func) wrapper.__wrapped__ = func # type: ignore[attr-defined] return wrapper def decorate_class(self, klass: type) -> object: direct_methods = get_direct_methods_of(klass) defined_classes = set( x for x, y in klass.__dict__.items() if inspect.isclass(y) ) # Get a list of all userdefined superclasses superclasses = [ c for c in klass.__mro__ if c not in [unittest.TestCase, object] ] # Get a list of all userdefined methods supermethods = list( itertools.chain(*[get_direct_methods_of(c) for c in superclasses]) ) # Check whether the user has overridden the setUp-method has_setup_method = ( ("setUp" in supermethods and unittest.TestCase in klass.__mro__) or "setup" in supermethods or "setup_method" in supermethods ) for attr in itertools.chain(direct_methods, defined_classes): if attr.startswith("_"): continue attr_value = getattr(klass, attr) if not hasattr(attr_value, "__call__"): continue if not hasattr(attr_value, "__name__"): continue # Check if this is a classmethod. If so, skip patching if inspect.ismethod(attr_value) and attr_value.__self__ is klass: continue # Check if this is a staticmethod. If so, skip patching for cls in inspect.getmro(klass): if attr_value.__name__ not in cls.__dict__: continue bound_attr_value = cls.__dict__[attr_value.__name__] if not isinstance(bound_attr_value, staticmethod): break else: # It is a staticmethod, skip patching continue try: # Special case for UnitTests-class is_test_method = attr.startswith(unittest.TestLoader.testMethodPrefix) should_reset = False should_remove_data = False if attr in ["setUp", "setup_method"]: should_reset = True elif not has_setup_method and is_test_method: should_reset = True should_remove_data = True else: # Method is unrelated to the test setup # Method is a test, but was already reset while executing the setUp-method pass kwargs = {"reset": should_reset, "remove_data": should_remove_data} setattr(klass, attr, self(attr_value, **kwargs)) except TypeError: # Sometimes we can't set this for built-in types continue return klass def mock_env_variables(self) -> None: # "Mock" the AWS credentials as they can't be mocked in Botocore currently # self.env_variables_mocks = mock.patch.dict(os.environ, FAKE_KEYS) # self.env_variables_mocks.start() for k, v in self.FAKE_KEYS.items(): self.ORIG_KEYS[k] = os.environ.get(k, None) os.environ[k] = v def unmock_env_variables(self) -> None: # This doesn't work in Python2 - for some reason, unmocking clears the entire os.environ dict # Obviously bad user experience, and also breaks pytest - as it uses PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST as an env var # self.env_variables_mocks.stop() for k, v in self.ORIG_KEYS.items(): if v: os.environ[k] = v else: del os.environ[k] def get_direct_methods_of(klass: object) -> Set[str]: return set( x for x, y in klass.__dict__.items() if isinstance(y, (FunctionType, classmethod, staticmethod)) ) RESPONSES_METHODS = [ responses.GET, responses.DELETE, responses.HEAD, responses.OPTIONS, responses.PATCH, responses.POST, responses.PUT, ] botocore_mock = responses.RequestsMock( assert_all_requests_are_fired=False, target="botocore.vendored.requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter.send", ) responses_mock = get_response_mock() BOTOCORE_HTTP_METHODS = ["GET", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT"] botocore_stubber = BotocoreStubber() BUILTIN_HANDLERS.append(("before-send", botocore_stubber)) def patch_client(client: botocore.client.BaseClient) -> None: """ Explicitly patch a boto3-client """ """ Adding the botocore_stubber to the BUILTIN_HANDLERS, as above, will mock everything as long as the import ordering is correct - user: start mock_service decorator - system: imports core.model - system: adds the stubber to the BUILTIN_HANDLERS - user: create a boto3 client - which will use the BUILTIN_HANDLERS But, if for whatever reason the imports are wrong and the client is created first, it doesn't know about our stub yet This method can be used to tell a client that it needs to be mocked, and append the botocore_stubber after creation :param client: :return: """ if isinstance(client, botocore.client.BaseClient): # Check if our event handler was already registered try: event_emitter = client._ruleset_resolver._event_emitter._emitter all_handlers = event_emitter._handlers._root["children"] handler_trie = list(all_handlers["before-send"].values())[1] handlers_list = handler_trie.first + handler_trie.middle + handler_trie.last if botocore_stubber in handlers_list: # No need to patch - this client already has the botocore_stubber registered return except: # noqa: E722 Do not use bare except # Because we're accessing all kinds of private methods, the API may change and newer versions of botocore may throw an exception # One of our tests will fail if this happens (test_patch_can_be_called_on_a_mocked_client) # If this happens for a user, just continue and hope for the best # - in 99% of the cases there are no duplicate event handlers, so it doesn't matter if the check fails pass"before-send", botocore_stubber) else: raise Exception(f"Argument {client} should be of type boto3.client") def patch_resource(resource: Any) -> None: """ Explicitly patch a boto3-resource """ if hasattr(resource, "meta") and isinstance( resource.meta, boto3.resources.factory.ResourceMeta ): patch_client(resource.meta.client) else: raise Exception(f"Argument {resource} should be of type boto3.resource") class BotocoreEventMockAWS(BaseMockAWS): def reset(self) -> None: botocore_stubber.reset() reset_responses_mock(responses_mock) def enable_patching( self, reset: bool = True # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> None: # Circumvent circular imports from .utils import convert_flask_to_responses_response botocore_stubber.enabled = True for method in BOTOCORE_HTTP_METHODS: for backend in self.backends_for_urls: for key, value in backend.urls.items(): pattern = re.compile(key) botocore_stubber.register_response(method, pattern, value) if not hasattr(responses_mock, "_patcher") or not hasattr( responses_mock._patcher, "target" ): responses_mock.start() for method in RESPONSES_METHODS: # for backend in default_backends.values(): for backend in self.backends_for_urls: for key, value in backend.urls.items(): responses_mock.add( CallbackResponse( method=method, url=re.compile(key), callback=convert_flask_to_responses_response(value), ) ) responses_mock.add( CallbackResponse( method=method, url=re.compile(r"https?://.+\*"), callback=not_implemented_callback, ) ) botocore_mock.add( CallbackResponse( method=method, url=re.compile(r"https?://.+\*"), callback=not_implemented_callback, ) ) def disable_patching(self) -> None: botocore_stubber.enabled = False self.reset() try: responses_mock.stop() except RuntimeError: pass MockAWS = BotocoreEventMockAWS class ServerModeMockAWS(BaseMockAWS): RESET_IN_PROGRESS = False def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): self.test_server_mode_endpoint = settings.test_server_mode_endpoint() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def reset(self) -> None: call_reset_api = os.environ.get("MOTO_CALL_RESET_API") if not call_reset_api or call_reset_api.lower() != "false": if not ServerModeMockAWS.RESET_IN_PROGRESS: ServerModeMockAWS.RESET_IN_PROGRESS = True import requests"{self.test_server_mode_endpoint}/moto-api/reset") ServerModeMockAWS.RESET_IN_PROGRESS = False def enable_patching(self, reset: bool = True) -> None: if self.__class__.nested_count == 1 and reset: # Just started self.reset() from boto3 import client as real_boto3_client, resource as real_boto3_resource def fake_boto3_client(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> botocore.client.BaseClient: region = self._get_region(*args, **kwargs) if region: if "config" in kwargs: kwargs["config"].__dict__["user_agent_extra"] += " region/" + region else: config = Config(user_agent_extra="region/" + region) kwargs["config"] = config if "endpoint_url" not in kwargs: kwargs["endpoint_url"] = self.test_server_mode_endpoint return real_boto3_client(*args, **kwargs) def fake_boto3_resource(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if "endpoint_url" not in kwargs: kwargs["endpoint_url"] = self.test_server_mode_endpoint return real_boto3_resource(*args, **kwargs) self._client_patcher = patch("boto3.client", fake_boto3_client) self._resource_patcher = patch("boto3.resource", fake_boto3_resource) self._client_patcher.start() self._resource_patcher.start() def _get_region(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[str]: if "region_name" in kwargs: return kwargs["region_name"] if type(args) == tuple and len(args) == 2: _, region = args return region return None def disable_patching(self) -> None: if self._client_patcher: self._client_patcher.stop() self._resource_patcher.stop() class base_decorator: mock_backend = MockAWS def __init__(self, backends: BackendDict): self.backends = backends def __call__( self, func: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None ) -> Union[BaseMockAWS, Callable[..., BaseMockAWS]]: if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE: mocked_backend: BaseMockAWS = ServerModeMockAWS(self.backends) else: mocked_backend = self.mock_backend(self.backends) if func: return mocked_backend(func) else: return mocked_backend