
main() {
  set -euo pipefail  # Bash safemode

  local version=$1
  if [[ -z "${version}" ]]; then
    echo "USAGE: $0 1.3.2"
    echo "Provide a new version number as an argument to bump the version"
    echo -n "Current:"
    grep version= setup.py
    return 1

  &>/dev/null which bumpversion || pip install bumpversion
  bumpversion --new-version ${version} patch

  git checkout -b version-${version}
  # Commit the new version
  git commit -a -m "bumping to version ${version}"
  # Commit an updated IMPLEMENTATION_COVERAGE.md
  make implementation_coverage || true
  # Open a PR
  open https://github.com/getmoto/moto/compare/master...version-${version}

main $@