import boto3 import botocore import pytest from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from unittest import SkipTest from moto import mock_dynamodb, settings from .. import dynamodb_aws_verified table_schema = { "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "partitionKey", "KeyType": "HASH"}], "GlobalSecondaryIndexes": [ { "IndexName": "GSI-K1", "KeySchema": [ {"AttributeName": "gsiK1PartitionKey", "KeyType": "HASH"}, {"AttributeName": "gsiK1SortKey", "KeyType": "RANGE"}, ], "Projection": {"ProjectionType": "KEYS_ONLY"}, } ], "AttributeDefinitions": [ {"AttributeName": "partitionKey", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "gsiK1PartitionKey", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "gsiK1SortKey", "AttributeType": "S"}, ], } @mock_dynamodb def test_query_gsi_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception(): item = { "partitionKey": "pk-1", "gsiK1PartitionKey": "gsi-pk", "gsiK1SortKey": "gsi-sk", "someAttribute": "lore ipsum", } dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **table_schema ) table = dynamodb.Table("test-table") table.put_item(Item=item) # check using wrong name for sort key throws exception with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.query( KeyConditionExpression="gsiK1PartitionKey = :pk AND wrongName = :sk", ExpressionAttributeValues={":pk": "gsi-pk", ":sk": "gsi-sk"}, IndexName="GSI-K1", )["Items"] err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert err["Message"] == "Query condition missed key schema element: gsiK1SortKey" # check using wrong name for partition key throws exception with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.query( KeyConditionExpression="wrongName = :pk AND gsiK1SortKey = :sk", ExpressionAttributeValues={":pk": "gsi-pk", ":sk": "gsi-sk"}, IndexName="GSI-K1", )["Items"] err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "Query condition missed key schema element: gsiK1PartitionKey" ) # verify same behaviour for begins_with with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.query( KeyConditionExpression="gsiK1PartitionKey = :pk AND begins_with ( wrongName , :sk )", ExpressionAttributeValues={":pk": "gsi-pk", ":sk": "gsi-sk"}, IndexName="GSI-K1", )["Items"] err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert err["Message"] == "Query condition missed key schema element: gsiK1SortKey" # verify same behaviour for between with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.query( KeyConditionExpression="gsiK1PartitionKey = :pk AND wrongName BETWEEN :sk1 and :sk2", ExpressionAttributeValues={ ":pk": "gsi-pk", ":sk1": "gsi-sk", ":sk2": "gsi-sk2", }, IndexName="GSI-K1", )["Items"] err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert err["Message"] == "Query condition missed key schema element: gsiK1SortKey" @mock_dynamodb def test_query_table_with_wrong_key_attribute_names_throws_exception(): item = { "partitionKey": "pk-1", "someAttribute": "lore ipsum", } dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **table_schema ) table = dynamodb.Table("test-table") table.put_item(Item=item) # check using wrong name for sort key throws exception with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.query( KeyConditionExpression="wrongName = :pk", ExpressionAttributeValues={":pk": "pk"}, )["Items"] err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert err["Message"] == "Query condition missed key schema element: partitionKey" @mock_dynamodb def test_empty_expressionattributenames(): ddb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") ddb.create_table( TableName="test-table", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **table_schema ) table = ddb.Table("test-table") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.get_item(Key={"id": "my_id"}, ExpressionAttributeNames={}) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "ExpressionAttributeNames can only be specified when using expressions" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_empty_projection(): ddb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") ddb.create_table( TableName="test-table", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **table_schema ) table = ddb.Table("test-table") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.get_item( Key={"id": "my_id"}, ProjectionExpression="a", ExpressionAttributeNames={} ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert err["Message"] == "ExpressionAttributeNames must not be empty" @mock_dynamodb def test_empty_expressionattributenames_with_projection(): ddb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") ddb.create_table( TableName="test-table", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **table_schema ) table = ddb.Table("test-table") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.get_item( Key={"id": "my_id"}, ProjectionExpression="id", ExpressionAttributeNames={} ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert err["Message"] == "ExpressionAttributeNames must not be empty" @mock_dynamodb def test_update_item_range_key_set(): ddb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") # Create the DynamoDB table. table = ddb.create_table( TableName="test-table", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **table_schema ) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.update_item( Key={"partitionKey": "the-key"}, UpdateExpression="ADD x :one SET a = :a ADD y :one", ExpressionAttributeValues={":one": 1, ":a": "lore ipsum"}, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == 'Invalid UpdateExpression: The "ADD" section can only be used once in an update expression;' ) @mock_dynamodb def test_batch_get_item_non_existing_table(): client = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-west-2") with pytest.raises(client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException) as exc: client.batch_get_item(RequestItems={"my-table": {"Keys": [{"id": {"N": "0"}}]}}) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException" assert err["Message"] == "Requested resource not found" @mock_dynamodb def test_batch_write_item_non_existing_table(): client = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-west-2") with pytest.raises(client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException) as exc: # Table my-table does not exist client.batch_write_item( RequestItems={"my-table": [{"PutRequest": {"Item": {}}}]} ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException" assert err["Message"] == "Requested resource not found" @mock_dynamodb def test_create_table_with_redundant_attributes(): dynamodb = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", AttributeDefinitions=[ {"AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "created_at", "AttributeType": "N"}, ], KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: Number of attributes in KeySchema does not exactly match number of attributes defined in AttributeDefinitions" ) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", AttributeDefinitions=[ {"AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "user", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "created_at", "AttributeType": "N"}, ], KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}], GlobalSecondaryIndexes=[ { "IndexName": "gsi_user-items", "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "user", "KeyType": "HASH"}], "Projection": {"ProjectionType": "ALL"}, } ], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: Some AttributeDefinitions are not used. AttributeDefinitions: [created_at, id, user], keys used: [id, user]" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_create_table_with_missing_attributes(): dynamodb = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S"}], KeySchema=[ {"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}, {"AttributeName": "created_at", "KeyType": "RANGE"}, ], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "Invalid KeySchema: Some index key attribute have no definition" ) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S"}], KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}], GlobalSecondaryIndexes=[ { "IndexName": "gsi_user-items", "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "user", "KeyType": "HASH"}], "Projection": {"ProjectionType": "ALL"}, } ], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: Some index key attributes are not defined in AttributeDefinitions. Keys: [user], AttributeDefinitions: [id]" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_create_table_with_redundant_and_missing_attributes(): dynamodb = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", AttributeDefinitions=[ {"AttributeName": "created_at", "AttributeType": "N"} ], KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: Some index key attributes are not defined in AttributeDefinitions. Keys: [id], AttributeDefinitions: [created_at]" ) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", AttributeDefinitions=[ {"AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "created_at", "AttributeType": "N"}, ], KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}], GlobalSecondaryIndexes=[ { "IndexName": "gsi_user-items", "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "user", "KeyType": "HASH"}], "Projection": {"ProjectionType": "ALL"}, } ], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: Some index key attributes are not defined in AttributeDefinitions. Keys: [user], AttributeDefinitions: [created_at, id]" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_put_item_wrong_attribute_type(): dynamodb = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", AttributeDefinitions=[ {"AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "created_at", "AttributeType": "N"}, ], KeySchema=[ {"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}, {"AttributeName": "created_at", "KeyType": "RANGE"}, ], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) item = { "id": {"N": "1"}, # should be a string "created_at": {"N": "2"}, "someAttribute": {"S": "lore ipsum"}, } with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.put_item(TableName="test-table", Item=item) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: Type mismatch for key id expected: S actual: N" ) item = { "id": {"S": "some id"}, "created_at": {"S": "should be date not string"}, "someAttribute": {"S": "lore ipsum"}, } with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.put_item(TableName="test-table", Item=item) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: Type mismatch for key created_at expected: N actual: S" ) @mock_dynamodb # def test_hash_key_cannot_use_begins_with_operations(): dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") table = dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "key", "KeyType": "HASH"}], AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "key", "AttributeType": "S"}], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 1, "WriteCapacityUnits": 1}, ) items = [ {"key": "prefix-$LATEST", "value": "$LATEST"}, {"key": "prefix-DEV", "value": "DEV"}, {"key": "prefix-PROD", "value": "PROD"}, ] with table.batch_writer() as batch: for item in items: batch.put_item(Item=item) table = dynamodb.Table("test-table") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as ex: table.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key("key").begins_with("prefix-")) assert ex.value.response["Error"]["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ex.value.response["Error"]["Message"] == "Query key condition not supported" # Test this again, but with manually supplying an operator @mock_dynamodb @pytest.mark.parametrize("operator", ["<", "<=", ">", ">="]) def test_hash_key_can_only_use_equals_operations(operator): dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}], AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 1, "WriteCapacityUnits": 1}, ) table = dynamodb.Table("test-table") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.query( KeyConditionExpression=f"pk {operator} :pk", ExpressionAttributeValues={":pk": "p"}, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert err["Message"] == "Query key condition not supported" @mock_dynamodb def test_creating_table_with_0_local_indexes(): dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}], AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 1, "WriteCapacityUnits": 1}, LocalSecondaryIndexes=[], ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: List of LocalSecondaryIndexes is empty" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_creating_table_with_0_global_indexes(): dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}], AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 1, "WriteCapacityUnits": 1}, GlobalSecondaryIndexes=[], ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: List of GlobalSecondaryIndexes is empty" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_multiple_transactions_on_same_item(): schema = { "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}], "AttributeDefinitions": [{"AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S"}], } dynamodb = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **schema ) # Insert an item dynamodb.put_item(TableName="test-table", Item={"id": {"S": "foo"}}) def update_email_transact(email): return { "Update": { "Key": {"id": {"S": "foo"}}, "TableName": "test-table", "UpdateExpression": "SET #e = :v", "ExpressionAttributeNames": {"#e": "email_address"}, "ExpressionAttributeValues": {":v": {"S": email}}, } } with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.transact_write_items( TransactItems=[ update_email_transact(""), update_email_transact(""), ] ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "Transaction request cannot include multiple operations on one item" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_transact_write_items__too_many_transactions(): schema = { "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}], "AttributeDefinitions": [{"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}], } dynamodb = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **schema ) def update_email_transact(email): return { "Put": { "TableName": "test-table", "Item": {"pk": {"S": ":v"}}, "ExpressionAttributeValues": {":v": {"S": email}}, } } update_email_transact("") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.transact_write_items( TransactItems=[ update_email_transact(f"test{idx}") for idx in range(101) ] ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "1 validation error detected at 'transactItems' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length less than or equal to 100." ) @mock_dynamodb def test_update_item_non_existent_table(): client = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-west-2") with pytest.raises(client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException) as exc: client.update_item( TableName="non-existent", Key={"forum_name": {"S": "LOLCat Forum"}}, UpdateExpression="set Body=:Body", ExpressionAttributeValues={":Body": {"S": ""}}, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ResourceNotFoundException" assert err["Message"] == "Requested resource not found" @mock_dynamodb @pytest.mark.parametrize( "expression", [ "set example_column = :example_column, example_column = :example_column", "set example_column = :example_column ADD x :y set example_column = :example_column", ], ) def test_update_item_with_duplicate_expressions(expression): dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") dynamodb.create_table( TableName="example_table", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}], AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) record = { "pk": "example_id", "example_column": "example", } table = dynamodb.Table("example_table") table.put_item(Item=record) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.update_item( Key={"pk": "example_id"}, UpdateExpression=expression, ExpressionAttributeValues={":example_column": "test"}, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "Invalid UpdateExpression: Two document paths overlap with each other; must remove or rewrite one of these paths; path one: [example_column], path two: [example_column]" ) # The item is not updated item = table.get_item(Key={"pk": "example_id"})["Item"] assert item == {"pk": "example_id", "example_column": "example"} @mock_dynamodb def test_put_item_wrong_datatype(): if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE: raise SkipTest("Unable to mock a session with Config in ServerMode") session = botocore.session.Session() config = botocore.client.Config(parameter_validation=False) client = session.create_client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1", config=config) client.create_table( TableName="test2", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "mykey", "KeyType": "HASH"}], AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "mykey", "AttributeType": "N"}], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: client.put_item(TableName="test2", Item={"mykey": {"N": 123}}) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "SerializationException" assert err["Message"] == "NUMBER_VALUE cannot be converted to String" # Same thing - but with a non-key, and nested with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: client.put_item( TableName="test2", Item={"mykey": {"N": "123"}, "nested": {"M": {"sth": {"N": 5}}}}, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "SerializationException" assert err["Message"] == "NUMBER_VALUE cannot be converted to String" @mock_dynamodb def test_put_item_empty_set(): client = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") client.create_table( TableName="test-table", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "Key", "KeyType": "HASH"}], AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "Key", "AttributeType": "S"}], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) table = dynamodb.Table("test-table") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.put_item(Item={"Key": "some-irrelevant_key", "attr2": {"SS": set([])}}) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: An number set may not be empty" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_update_expression_with_trailing_comma(): resource = boto3.resource(service_name="dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") table = resource.create_table( TableName="test-table", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}], AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 1, "WriteCapacityUnits": 1}, ) table.put_item(Item={"pk": "key", "attr2": 2}) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.update_item( Key={"pk": "key", "sk": "sk"}, # Trailing comma should be invalid UpdateExpression="SET #attr1 = :val1, #attr2 = :val2,", ExpressionAttributeNames={"#attr1": "attr1", "#attr2": "attr2"}, ExpressionAttributeValues={":val1": 3, ":val2": 4}, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == 'Invalid UpdateExpression: Syntax error; token: "", near: ","' ) @mock_dynamodb def test_batch_put_item_with_empty_value(): ddb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") ddb.create_table( AttributeDefinitions=[ {"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "sk", "AttributeType": "S"}, ], TableName="test-table", KeySchema=[ {"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}, {"AttributeName": "sk", "KeyType": "RANGE"}, ], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 5, "WriteCapacityUnits": 5}, ) table = ddb.Table("test-table") # Empty Partition Key throws an error with pytest.raises(botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as exc: with table.batch_writer() as batch: batch.put_item(Item={"pk": "", "sk": "sth"}) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values are not valid. The AttributeValue for a key attribute cannot contain an empty string value. Key: pk" ) assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" # Empty SortKey throws an error with pytest.raises(botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as exc: with table.batch_writer() as batch: batch.put_item(Item={"pk": "sth", "sk": ""}) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values are not valid. The AttributeValue for a key attribute cannot contain an empty string value. Key: sk" ) assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" # Empty regular parameter workst just fine though with table.batch_writer() as batch: batch.put_item(Item={"pk": "sth", "sk": "else", "par": ""}) @mock_dynamodb def test_query_begins_with_without_brackets(): client = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") client.create_table( TableName="test-table", AttributeDefinitions=[ {"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "sk", "AttributeType": "S"}, ], KeySchema=[ {"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}, {"AttributeName": "sk", "KeyType": "RANGE"}, ], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 123, "WriteCapacityUnits": 123}, ) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: client.query( TableName="test-table", KeyConditionExpression="pk=:pk AND begins_with sk, :sk ", ExpressionAttributeValues={":pk": {"S": "test1"}, ":sk": {"S": "test2"}}, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Message"] == 'Invalid KeyConditionExpression: Syntax error; token: "sk"' assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" @mock_dynamodb def test_transact_write_items_multiple_operations_fail(): # Setup schema = { "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}], "AttributeDefinitions": [{"AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S"}], } dynamodb = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") table_name = "test-table" dynamodb.create_table(TableName=table_name, BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **schema) # Execute with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: dynamodb.transact_write_items( TransactItems=[ { "Put": { "Item": {"id": {"S": "test"}}, "TableName": table_name, }, "Delete": { "Key": {"id": {"S": "test"}}, "TableName": table_name, }, } ] ) # Verify err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "TransactItems can only contain one of Check, Put, Update or Delete" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_transact_write_items_with_empty_gsi_key(): client = boto3.client("dynamodb", "us-east-2") client.create_table( TableName="test_table", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "unique_code", "KeyType": "HASH"}], AttributeDefinitions=[ {"AttributeName": "unique_code", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "unique_id", "AttributeType": "S"}, ], GlobalSecondaryIndexes=[ { "IndexName": "gsi_index", "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "unique_id", "KeyType": "HASH"}], "Projection": {"ProjectionType": "ALL"}, } ], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 5, "WriteCapacityUnits": 5}, ) transact_items = [ { "Put": { "Item": {"unique_code": {"S": "some code"}, "unique_id": {"S": ""}}, "TableName": "test_table", } } ] with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: client.transact_write_items(TransactItems=transact_items) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values are not valid. A value specified for a secondary index key is not supported. The AttributeValue for a key attribute cannot contain an empty string value. IndexName: gsi_index, IndexKey: unique_id" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_update_primary_key_with_sortkey(): dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") schema = { "KeySchema": [ {"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}, {"AttributeName": "sk", "KeyType": "RANGE"}, ], "AttributeDefinitions": [ {"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "sk", "AttributeType": "S"}, ], } dynamodb.create_table( TableName="test-table", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **schema ) table = dynamodb.Table("test-table") base_item = {"pk": "testchangepk", "sk": "else"} table.put_item(Item=base_item) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.update_item( Key={"pk": "n/a", "sk": "else"}, UpdateExpression="SET #attr1 = :val1", ExpressionAttributeNames={"#attr1": "pk"}, ExpressionAttributeValues={":val1": "different"}, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: Cannot update attribute pk. This attribute is part of the key" ) item = table.get_item(Key={"pk": "testchangepk", "sk": "else"})["Item"] assert item == {"pk": "testchangepk", "sk": "else"} @mock_dynamodb def test_update_primary_key(): dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") schema = { "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}], "AttributeDefinitions": [{"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}], } dynamodb.create_table( TableName="without_sk", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **schema ) table = dynamodb.Table("without_sk") base_item = {"pk": "testchangepk"} table.put_item(Item=base_item) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.update_item( Key={"pk": "n/a"}, UpdateExpression="SET #attr1 = :val1", ExpressionAttributeNames={"#attr1": "pk"}, ExpressionAttributeValues={":val1": "different"}, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: Cannot update attribute pk. This attribute is part of the key" ) item = table.get_item(Key={"pk": "testchangepk"})["Item"] assert item == {"pk": "testchangepk"} @mock_dynamodb def test_put_item__string_as_integer_value(): if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE: raise SkipTest("Unable to mock a session with Config in ServerMode") session = botocore.session.Session() config = botocore.client.Config(parameter_validation=False) client = session.create_client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1", config=config) client.create_table( TableName="without_sk", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "KeyType": "HASH"}], AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "pk", "AttributeType": "S"}], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 10, "WriteCapacityUnits": 10}, ) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: client.put_item(TableName="without_sk", Item={"pk": {"S": 123}}) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "SerializationException" assert err["Message"] == "NUMBER_VALUE cannot be converted to String" # A primary key cannot be of type S, but then point to a dictionary with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: client.put_item(TableName="without_sk", Item={"pk": {"S": {"S": "asdf"}}}) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "SerializationException" assert err["Message"] == "Start of structure or map found where not expected" # Note that a normal attribute name can be an 'S', which follows the same pattern # Nested 'S'-s like this are allowed for non-key attributes client.put_item( TableName="without_sk", Item={"pk": {"S": "val"}, "S": {"S": "asdf"}} ) item = client.get_item(TableName="without_sk", Key={"pk": {"S": "val"}})["Item"] assert item == {"pk": {"S": "val"}, "S": {"S": "asdf"}} @mock_dynamodb def test_gsi_key_cannot_be_empty(): dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") hello_index = { "IndexName": "hello-index", "KeySchema": [{"AttributeName": "hello", "KeyType": "HASH"}], "Projection": {"ProjectionType": "ALL"}, } table_name = "lilja-test" # Let's create a table with [id: str, hello: str], with an index to hello dynamodb.create_table( TableName=table_name, KeySchema=[ {"AttributeName": "id", "KeyType": "HASH"}, ], AttributeDefinitions=[ {"AttributeName": "id", "AttributeType": "S"}, {"AttributeName": "hello", "AttributeType": "S"}, ], GlobalSecondaryIndexes=[hello_index], BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", ) table = dynamodb.Table(table_name) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.put_item( TableName=table_name, Item={ "id": "woop", "hello": None, }, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "One or more parameter values were invalid: Type mismatch for Index Key hello Expected: S Actual: NULL IndexName: hello-index" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_list_append_errors_for_unknown_attribute_value(): # Verify whether the list_append operation works as expected client = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") client.create_table( AttributeDefinitions=[{"AttributeName": "key", "AttributeType": "S"}], TableName="table2", KeySchema=[{"AttributeName": "key", "KeyType": "HASH"}], ProvisionedThroughput={"ReadCapacityUnits": 5, "WriteCapacityUnits": 5}, ) client.put_item( TableName="table2", Item={"key": {"S": "sha-of-file"}, "crontab": {"L": [{"S": "bar1"}]}}, ) # append to unknown list directly with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: client.update_item( TableName="table2", Key={"key": {"S": "sha-of-file"}}, UpdateExpression="SET uk = list_append(uk, :i)", ExpressionAttributeValues={":i": {"L": [{"S": "bar2"}]}}, ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW", ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "The provided expression refers to an attribute that does not exist in the item" ) # append to unknown list via ExpressionAttributeNames with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: client.update_item( TableName="table2", Key={"key": {"S": "sha-of-file"}}, UpdateExpression="SET #0 = list_append(#0, :i)", ExpressionAttributeNames={"#0": "uk"}, ExpressionAttributeValues={":i": {"L": [{"S": "bar2"}]}}, ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW", ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "The provided expression refers to an attribute that does not exist in the item" ) # append to unknown list, even though end result is known with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: client.update_item( TableName="table2", Key={"key": {"S": "sha-of-file"}}, UpdateExpression="SET crontab = list_append(uk, :i)", ExpressionAttributeValues={":i": {"L": [{"S": "bar2"}]}}, ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW", ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "The provided expression refers to an attribute that does not exist in the item" ) # We can append to a known list, into an unknown/new list client.update_item( TableName="table2", Key={"key": {"S": "sha-of-file"}}, UpdateExpression="SET uk = list_append(crontab, :i)", ExpressionAttributeValues={":i": {"L": [{"S": "bar2"}]}}, ReturnValues="UPDATED_NEW", ) @mock_dynamodb def test_query_with_empty_filter_expression(): ddb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") ddb.create_table( TableName="test-table", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **table_schema ) table = ddb.Table("test-table") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.query( KeyConditionExpression="partitionKey = sth", ProjectionExpression="" ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "Invalid ProjectionExpression: The expression can not be empty;" ) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.query(KeyConditionExpression="partitionKey = sth", FilterExpression="") err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "Invalid FilterExpression: The expression can not be empty;" ) @mock_dynamodb def test_query_with_missing_expression_attribute(): ddb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-west-2") ddb.create_table(TableName="test", BillingMode="PAY_PER_REQUEST", **table_schema) client = boto3.client("dynamodb", region_name="us-west-2") with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: client.query( TableName="test", KeyConditionExpression="#part_key=some_value", ExpressionAttributeNames={"#part_key": "partitionKey"}, ) err = exc.value.response["Error"] assert err["Code"] == "ValidationException" assert ( err["Message"] == "Invalid condition in KeyConditionExpression: Multiple attribute names used in one condition" ) @pytest.mark.aws_verified @dynamodb_aws_verified def test_update_item_returns_old_item(table_name=None): dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-east-1") table = dynamodb.Table(table_name) table.put_item(Item={"pk": "mark", "lock": {"acquired_at": 123}}) with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.update_item( Key={"pk": "mark"}, UpdateExpression="set #lock = :lock", ExpressionAttributeNames={ "#lock": "lock", "#acquired_at": "acquired_at", }, ExpressionAttributeValues={":lock": {"acquired_at": 124}}, ConditionExpression="attribute_not_exists(#lock.#acquired_at)", ) resp = exc.value.response assert resp["Error"] == { "Message": "The conditional request failed", "Code": "ConditionalCheckFailedException", } assert resp["message"] == "The conditional request failed" assert "Item" not in resp with pytest.raises(ClientError) as exc: table.update_item( Key={"pk": "mark"}, UpdateExpression="set #lock = :lock", ExpressionAttributeNames={ "#lock": "lock", "#acquired_at": "acquired_at", }, ExpressionAttributeValues={":lock": {"acquired_at": 123}}, ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure="ALL_OLD", ConditionExpression="attribute_not_exists(#lock.#acquired_at)", ) resp = exc.value.response assert resp["Error"] == { "Message": "The conditional request failed", "Code": "ConditionalCheckFailedException", } assert "message" not in resp assert resp["Item"] == { "lock": {"M": {"acquired_at": {"N": "123"}}}, "pk": {"S": "mark"}, }