import json from urllib.parse import quote import pytest import moto.server as server from moto import mock_iot """ Test the different server responses """ @mock_iot def test_iot_list(): backend = server.create_backend_app("iot") test_client = backend.test_client() # just making sure that server is up res = test_client.get("/things") assert res.status_code == 200 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "url_encode_arn", [ pytest.param(True, id="Target Arn in Path is URL encoded"), pytest.param(False, id="Target Arn in Path is *not* URL encoded"), ], ) @mock_iot def test_list_attached_policies(url_encode_arn): backend = server.create_backend_app("iot") test_client = backend.test_client() result ="/keys-and-certificate?setAsActive=true") result_dict = json.loads("utf-8")) certificate_arn = result_dict["certificateArn"]"/policies/my-policy", json={"policyDocument": {}}) test_client.put("/target-policies/my-policy", json={"target": certificate_arn}) if url_encode_arn: certificate_arn = quote(certificate_arn, safe="") result ="/attached-policies/{certificate_arn}") assert result.status_code == 200 result_dict = json.loads("utf-8")) assert result_dict["policies"][0]["policyName"] == "my-policy"