"""Unit tests for apigatewaymanagementapi-supported APIs.""" from unittest import SkipTest import boto3 from moto import mock_apigatewaymanagementapi, settings from moto.apigatewaymanagementapi.models import apigatewaymanagementapi_backends from moto.core.versions import is_werkzeug_2_3_x from tests import DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID # See our Development Tips on writing tests for hints on how to write good tests: # http://docs.getmoto.org/en/latest/docs/contributing/development_tips/tests.html @mock_apigatewaymanagementapi def test_delete_connection(): if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE and not is_werkzeug_2_3_x(): # URL matching changed between 2.2.x and 2.3.x # 2.3.x has no problem matching the root path '/@connections', but 2.2.x refuses raise SkipTest("Can't test this in older werkzeug versions") client = boto3.client("apigatewaymanagementapi", region_name="eu-west-1") # NO-OP client.delete_connection(ConnectionId="anything") @mock_apigatewaymanagementapi def test_get_connection(): if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE and not is_werkzeug_2_3_x(): # URL matching changed between 2.2.x and 2.3.x # 2.3.x has no problem matching the root path '/@connections', but 2.2.x refuses raise SkipTest("Can't test this in older werkzeug versions") client = boto3.client("apigatewaymanagementapi", region_name="us-east-2") conn = client.get_connection(ConnectionId="anything") assert "ConnectedAt" in conn assert conn["Identity"] == {"SourceIp": "", "UserAgent": "Moto Mocks"} assert "LastActiveAt" in conn @mock_apigatewaymanagementapi def test_post_to_connection(): if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE and not is_werkzeug_2_3_x(): # URL matching changed between 2.2.x and 2.3.x # 2.3.x has no problem matching the root path '/@connections', but 2.2.x refuses raise SkipTest("Can't test this in older werkzeug versions") client = boto3.client("apigatewaymanagementapi", region_name="ap-southeast-1") client.post_to_connection(ConnectionId="anything", Data=b"my first bytes") if not settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE: backend = apigatewaymanagementapi_backends[DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID]["ap-southeast-1"] assert backend.connections["anything"].data == b"my first bytes" client.post_to_connection(ConnectionId="anything", Data=b"more bytes") if not settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE: backend = apigatewaymanagementapi_backends[DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID]["ap-southeast-1"] assert backend.connections["anything"].data == b"my first bytesmore bytes"