from import parse_template def test_template_without_args(): assert parse_template("some template", template_data={}) == "some template" def test_template_with_simple_arg(): template = "Dear {{name}}," assert parse_template(template, template_data={"name": "John"}) == "Dear John," def test_template_with_foreach(): template = "List:{{#each l}} - {{obj}}{{/each}} and other things" kwargs = {"l": [{"obj": "it1"}, {"obj": "it2"}]} assert parse_template(template, kwargs) == "List: - it1 - it2 and other things" def test_template_with_multiple_foreach(): template = ( "{{#each l}} - {{obj}}{{/each}} and list 2 {{#each l2}} {{o1}} {{o2}} {{/each}}" ) kwargs = { "l": [{"obj": "it1"}, {"obj": "it2"}], "l2": [{"o1": "ob1", "o2": "ob2"}, {"o1": "oc1", "o2": "oc2"}], } assert ( parse_template(template, kwargs) == " - it1 - it2 and list 2 ob1 ob2 oc1 oc2 " ) def test_template_with_single_curly_brace(): template = "Dear {{name}} my {brace} is fine." assert parse_template(template, template_data={"name": "John"}) == ( "Dear John my {brace} is fine." ) def test_template_with_if(): template = "Dear {{ #if name }}John{{ /if }}" assert parse_template(template, template_data={"name": True}) == "Dear John" assert parse_template(template, template_data={"name": False}) == "Dear " def test_template_with_if_else(): template = "Dear {{ #if name }}John{{ else }}English{{ /if }}" assert parse_template(template, template_data={"name": True}) == "Dear John" assert parse_template(template, template_data={"name": False}) == "Dear English" def test_template_with_nested_foreaches(): template = ( "{{#each l}} - {{obj}} {{#each l2}} {{o1}} {{/each}} infix-each {{/each}}" ) kwargs = { "name": True, "l": [ { "obj": "it1", "l2": [{"o1": "ob1", "o2": "ob2"}, {"o1": "oc1", "o2": "oc2"}], }, {"obj": "it2", "l2": [{"o1": "ob3"}]}, ], } assert ( parse_template(template, kwargs) == " - it1 ob1 oc1 infix-each - it2 ob3 infix-each " ) def test_template_with_nested_ifs_and_foreaches(): template = "{{#each l}} - {{obj}} {{#if name}} post-if {{#each l2}} {{o1}} {{/each}} pre-if-end {{else}}elsedata{{/if}} post-if {{/each}}" kwargs = { "name": True, "l": [ {"obj": "it1", "name": True, "l2": [{"o1": "ob1"}]}, {"obj": "it2", "name": False}, ], } assert ( parse_template(template, kwargs) == " - it1 post-if ob1 pre-if-end post-if - it2 elsedata post-if " )