import boto from moto import mock_swf from moto.swf.models import ( ActivityType, Domain, WorkflowType, WorkflowExecution, ) # Some useful constants # Here are some activity timeouts we use in moto/swf tests ; they're extracted # from semi-real world example, the goal is mostly to have predictible and # intuitive behaviour in moto/swf own tests... ACTIVITY_TASK_TIMEOUTS = { "heartbeatTimeout": "300", # 5 mins "scheduleToStartTimeout": "1800", # 30 mins "startToCloseTimeout": "1800", # 30 mins "scheduleToCloseTimeout": "2700", # 45 mins } # Some useful decisions SCHEDULE_ACTIVITY_TASK_DECISION = { "decisionType": "ScheduleActivityTask", "scheduleActivityTaskDecisionAttributes": { "activityId": "my-activity-001", "activityType": { "name": "test-activity", "version": "v1.1" }, "taskList": { "name": "activity-task-list" }, } } for key, value in ACTIVITY_TASK_TIMEOUTS.items(): SCHEDULE_ACTIVITY_TASK_DECISION["scheduleActivityTaskDecisionAttributes"][key] = value # A test Domain def get_basic_domain(): return Domain("test-domain", "90") # A test WorkflowType def _generic_workflow_type_attributes(): return [ "test-workflow", "v1.0" ], { "task_list": "queue", "default_child_policy": "ABANDON", "default_execution_start_to_close_timeout": "7200", "default_task_start_to_close_timeout": "300", } def get_basic_workflow_type(): args, kwargs = _generic_workflow_type_attributes() return WorkflowType(*args, **kwargs) def mock_basic_workflow_type(domain_name, conn): args, kwargs = _generic_workflow_type_attributes() conn.register_workflow_type(domain_name, *args, **kwargs) return conn # A test WorkflowExecution def make_workflow_execution(**kwargs): domain = get_basic_domain() domain.add_type(ActivityType("test-activity", "v1.1")) wft = get_basic_workflow_type() return WorkflowExecution(domain, wft, "ab1234", **kwargs) # Setup a complete example workflow and return the connection object @mock_swf def setup_workflow(): conn = boto.connect_swf("the_key", "the_secret") conn.register_domain("test-domain", "60", description="A test domain") conn = mock_basic_workflow_type("test-domain", conn) conn.register_activity_type( "test-domain", "test-activity", "v1.1", default_task_heartbeat_timeout="600", default_task_schedule_to_close_timeout="600", default_task_schedule_to_start_timeout="600", default_task_start_to_close_timeout="600", ) wfe = conn.start_workflow_execution("test-domain", "uid-abcd1234", "test-workflow", "v1.0") conn.run_id = wfe["runId"] return conn