import json from unittest import SkipTest import boto3 from moto import mock_aws, settings from . import verify_execution_result @mock_aws(config={"stepfunctions": {"execute_state_machine": True}}) def test_state_machine_with_map_reader_csv(): if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE: raise SkipTest("Don't need to test this in ServerMode") # Prepare CSV s3 = boto3.client("s3", "us-east-1") bucket_name = "mybucket" s3.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name) key = "file.csv" csv_file = ( "Value1,Value2,Value3\n" "Value4,Value5,Value6\n" ",,,\n" "true,1,'HelloWorld'\n" "Null,None,\n" " \n" ) s3.put_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, Body=csv_file) tmpl_name = "map_item_reader" exec_input = {"Bucket": bucket_name, "Key": key} def _verify_result(client, execution, execution_arn): output = json.loads(execution["output"]) assert {"H1": "Value1", "H2": "Value2", "H3": "Value3"} in output assert {"H1": "Value4", "H2": "Value5", "H3": "Value6"} in output assert {"H1": "", "H2": "", "H3": ""} in output assert {"H1": "true", "H2": "1", "H3": "'HelloWorld'"} in output assert {"H1": "Null", "H2": "None", "H3": ""} in output assert {"H1": " ", "H2": "", "H3": ""} in output verify_execution_result( _verify_result, "SUCCEEDED", tmpl_name, exec_input=json.dumps(exec_input) ) @mock_aws(config={"stepfunctions": {"execute_state_machine": True}}) def test_state_machine_with_map_reader_csv_with_header(): if settings.TEST_SERVER_MODE: raise SkipTest("Don't need to test this in ServerMode") # Prepare CSV s3 = boto3.client("s3", "us-east-1") bucket_name = "mybucket" s3.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name) key = "file.csv" csv_file = ( "Col1,Col2,Col3\n" "Value1,Value2,Value3\n" "Value4,Value5,Value6\n" ",,,\n" "true,1,'HelloWorld'\n" "Null,None,\n" " \n" ) s3.put_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, Body=csv_file) tmpl_name = "map_item_reader_with_header" exec_input = {"Bucket": bucket_name, "Key": key} def _verify_result(client, execution, execution_arn): output = json.loads(execution["output"]) assert {"Col1": "Value1", "Col2": "Value2", "Col3": "Value3"} in output assert {"Col1": "", "Col2": "", "Col3": ""} in output runs = client.list_map_runs(executionArn=execution_arn)["mapRuns"] assert len(runs) == 1 assert runs[0]["executionArn"] == execution_arn run = client.describe_map_run(mapRunArn=runs[0]["mapRunArn"]) assert run["itemCounts"]["total"] == 6 client.update_map_run(mapRunArn=runs[0]["mapRunArn"], maxConcurrency=4) verify_execution_result( _verify_result, "SUCCEEDED", tmpl_name, exec_input=json.dumps(exec_input) )