#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Generates template code and response body for specified boto3's operation.

To execute:
    cd moto  # top-level directory; script will not work from scripts dir

When prompted, select the service and operation that you want to add.
This script will look at the botocore's definition file for the selected
service and operation, then auto-generate the code and responses.

Almost all services are supported, as long as the service's protocol is
`query`, `json`, `rest-xml` or `rest-json`.  Even if aws adds new services, this script
will work if the protocol is known.

  - This script doesn't generate functions in `responses.py` for
    `rest-json`.  That logic needs to be added.
  - Some services's operations might cause this script to crash. If that
    should happen, please create an issue for the problem.
import os
import random
import re
import inspect
import importlib
from lxml import etree

import click
import jinja2
from prompt_toolkit import prompt
from prompt_toolkit.completion import WordCompleter

from botocore import xform_name
from botocore.session import Session
import boto3

from moto.core.responses import BaseResponse
from moto.core import BaseBackend
from inflection import singularize
from implementation_coverage import get_moto_implementation

PRIMITIVE_SHAPES = ["string", "timestamp", "integer", "boolean", "sensitiveStringType", "long"]

TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "./template")

INPUT_IGNORED_IN_BACKEND = ["Marker", "PageSize"]

def print_progress(title, body, color):
    """Prints a color-code message describing current state of progress."""
    click.secho(f"\t{title}\t", fg=color, nl=False)

def select_service():
    """Prompt user to select service and operation."""
    service_name = None
    service_names = Session().get_available_services()
    service_completer = WordCompleter(service_names)
    while service_name not in service_names:
        service_name = prompt("Select service: ", completer=service_completer)
        if service_name not in service_names:
            click.secho(f"{service_name} is not valid service", fg="red")
    return service_name

def print_service_status(service_name):
    implemented, operation_names = get_operations(service_name)
    click.echo("==Current Implementation Status==")
    for operation_name in operation_names:
        check = "X" if operation_name in implemented else " "
        click.secho(f"[{check}] {operation_name}")

def select_operation(service_name):
    implemented, operation_names = get_operations(service_name)
    operation_completer = WordCompleter(operation_names)

    operation_available = False
    while not operation_available:
        operation_name = prompt("Select Operation: ", completer=operation_completer)
        if operation_name not in operation_names:
            click.secho(f"{operation_name} is not valid operation", fg="red")
        elif operation_name in implemented:
            click.secho(f"{operation_name} is already implemented", fg="red")
            operation_available = True
    return operation_name

def get_operations(service_name):
        moto_client, _name = get_moto_implementation(service_name)
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        moto_client = None
    real_client = boto3.client(service_name, region_name="us-east-1")
    implemented = []
    operation_names = [
        xform_name(op) for op in real_client.meta.service_model.operation_names
    for operation in operation_names:
        if moto_client and operation in dir(moto_client):
    return implemented, operation_names

def get_escaped_service(service):
    """Remove dashes from the service name."""
    return service.replace("-", "")

def get_lib_dir(service):
    """Return moto path for the location of the code supporting the service."""
    return os.path.join("moto", get_escaped_service(service))

def get_test_dir(service):
    """Return moto path for the test directory for the service."""
    return os.path.join("tests", f"test_{get_escaped_service(service)}")

def render_template(tmpl_dir, tmpl_filename, context, service, alt_filename=None):
    """Create specified files from Jinja templates for specified service."""
    is_test = "test" in tmpl_dir
    rendered = (

    dirname = get_test_dir(service) if is_test else get_lib_dir(service)
    filename = alt_filename or os.path.splitext(tmpl_filename)[0]
    filepath = os.path.join(dirname, filename)

    if os.path.exists(filepath):
        print_progress("skip creating", filepath, "yellow")
        print_progress("creating", filepath, "green")
        with open(filepath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fhandle:

def append_mock_to_init_py(service):
    """Update __init_.py to add line to load the mock service."""
    path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "moto", "__init__.py")
    with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as fhandle:
        lines = [_.replace("\n", "") for _ in fhandle.readlines()]

    if any(_ for _ in lines if re.match(f"^mock_{service}.*lazy_load(.*)$", _)):
    filtered_lines = [_ for _ in lines if re.match("^mock_.*lazy_load(.*)$", _)]
    last_import_line_index = lines.index(filtered_lines[-1])

    escaped_service = get_escaped_service(service)
    new_line = (
        f"mock_{escaped_service} = lazy_load("
        f'".{escaped_service}", "mock_{escaped_service}", boto3_name="{service}")'
    lines.insert(last_import_line_index + 1, new_line)

    body = "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
    with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fhandle:

def initialize_service(service, api_protocol):
    """Create lib and test dirs if they don't exist."""
    lib_dir = get_lib_dir(service)
    test_dir = get_test_dir(service)

    print_progress("Initializing service", service, "green")

    client = boto3.client(service)
    service_class = client.__class__.__name__
    endpoint_prefix = (
        # pylint: disable=protected-access

    tmpl_context = {
        "service": service,
        "service_class": service_class,
        "endpoint_prefix": endpoint_prefix,
        "api_protocol": api_protocol,
        "escaped_service": get_escaped_service(service),

    # initialize service directory
    if os.path.exists(lib_dir):
        print_progress("skip creating", lib_dir, "yellow")
        print_progress("creating", lib_dir, "green")

    tmpl_dir = os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "lib")
    for tmpl_filename in os.listdir(tmpl_dir):
        render_template(tmpl_dir, tmpl_filename, tmpl_context, service)

    # initialize test directory
    if os.path.exists(test_dir):
        print_progress("skip creating", test_dir, "yellow")
        print_progress("creating", test_dir, "green")
    tmpl_dir = os.path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "test")
    for tmpl_filename in os.listdir(tmpl_dir):
        alt_filename = (
            if tmpl_filename == "test_service.py.j2"
            else None
        render_template(tmpl_dir, tmpl_filename, tmpl_context, service, alt_filename)
    # append mock to initi files

def to_upper_camel_case(string):
    """Convert snake case to camel case."""
    return "".join([_.title() for _ in string.split("_")])

def to_lower_camel_case(string):
    """Convert snake to camel case, but start string with lowercase letter."""
    words = string.split("_")
    return "".join(words[:1] + [_.title() for _ in words[1:]])

def to_snake_case(string):
    """Convert camel case to snake case."""
    new_string = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", string)
    return re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", new_string).lower()

def get_operation_name_in_keys(operation_name, operation_keys):
    """Return AWS operation name (service) found in list of client services."""
    index = [_.lower() for _ in operation_keys].index(operation_name.lower())
    return operation_keys[index]

def get_function_in_responses(
    service, operation, protocol
):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """refers to definition of API in botocore, and autogenerates function
    You can see example of elbv2 from link below.
    escaped_service = get_escaped_service(service)
    client = boto3.client(service)

    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    aws_operation_name = get_operation_name_in_keys(

    op_model = client._service_model.operation_model(aws_operation_name)
    if not hasattr(op_model.output_shape, "members"):
        outputs = {}
        outputs = op_model.output_shape.members
    inputs = op_model.input_shape.members
    input_names = [
        to_snake_case(_) for _ in inputs.keys() if _ not in INPUT_IGNORED_IN_BACKEND
    output_names = [
        to_snake_case(_) for _ in outputs.keys() if _ not in OUTPUT_IGNORED_IN_BACKEND

    body = ""
    if protocol in ["rest-xml"]:
        body += f"\ndef {operation}(self, request, full_url, headers):\n"
        body += "    self.setup_class(request, full_url, headers)\n"
        body = f"\ndef {operation}(self):\n"
    body += "    params = self._get_params()\n"

    for input_name, input_type in inputs.items():
        body += f"    {to_snake_case(input_name)} = params.get(\"{input_name}\")\n"
    if output_names:
        body += f"    {', '.join(output_names)} = self.{escaped_service}_backend.{operation}(\n"
        body += f"    self.{escaped_service}_backend.{operation}(\n"
    for input_name in input_names:
        body += f"        {input_name}={input_name},\n"

    body += "    )\n"
    if protocol in ["query", "rest-xml"]:
        body += f"    template = self.response_template({operation.upper()}_TEMPLATE)\n"
        names = ", ".join([f"{n}={n}" for n in output_names])
        body += f"    return template.render({names})\n"
    elif protocol in ["json", "rest-json"]:
        body += "    # TODO: adjust response\n"
        names = ", ".join([f"{to_lower_camel_case(_)}={_}" for _ in output_names])
        body += f"    return json.dumps(dict({names}))\n"
    return body

def get_function_in_models(service, operation):
    """refers to definition of API in botocore, and autogenerates function
    You can see example of elbv2 from link below.
    client = boto3.client(service)

    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    aws_operation_name = get_operation_name_in_keys(
    op_model = client._service_model.operation_model(aws_operation_name)
    inputs = op_model.input_shape.members
    if not hasattr(op_model.output_shape, "members"):
        outputs = {}
        outputs = op_model.output_shape.members
    input_names = [
        to_snake_case(_) for _ in inputs.keys() if _ not in INPUT_IGNORED_IN_BACKEND
    output_names = [
        to_snake_case(_) for _ in outputs.keys() if _ not in OUTPUT_IGNORED_IN_BACKEND
    if input_names:
        body = f"def {operation}(self, {', '.join(input_names)}):\n"
        body = "def {}(self)\n"
    body += "    # implement here\n"
    body += f"    return {', '.join(output_names)}\n\n"

    return body

def get_func_in_tests(service, operation):
    Autogenerates an example unit test
    Throws an exception by default, to remind the user to implement this
    escaped_service = get_escaped_service(service)
    random_region = random.choice(["us-east-2", "eu-west-1", "ap-southeast-1"])
    body = "\n\n"
    body += f"@mock_{escaped_service}\n"
    body += f"def test_{operation}():\n"
    body += f"    client = boto3.client(\"{service}\", region_name=\"{random_region}\")\n"
    body += f"    resp = client.{operation}()\n"
    body += f"\n"
    body += f"    raise Exception(\"NotYetImplemented\")"
    body += "\n"
    return body

def _get_subtree(name, shape, replace_list, name_prefix=None):
    if not name_prefix:
        name_prefix = []

    class_name = shape.__class__.__name__
    shape_type = shape.type_name
    if class_name in ("StringShape", "Shape") or shape_type == "structure":
        tree = etree.Element(name)  # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
        if name_prefix:
            tree.text = f"{{{{ {name_prefix[-1]}.{to_snake_case(name)} }}}}"
            tree.text = f"{{{{ {to_snake_case(name)} }}}}"
        return tree

    if class_name in ("ListShape",) or shape_type == "list":
        # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
        replace_list.append((name, name_prefix))
        tree = etree.Element(name)
        t_member = etree.Element("member")
        if hasattr(shape.member, "members"):
            for nested_name, nested_shape in shape.member.members.items():
                        name_prefix + [singularize(name.lower())],
        return tree
    raise ValueError(f"Not supported Shape: {shape}")

def get_response_query_template(service, operation):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """refers to definition of API in botocore, and autogenerates template
    Assume that response format is xml when protocol is query

    You can see example of elbv2 from link below.
    client = boto3.client(service)

    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    aws_operation_name = get_operation_name_in_keys(

    op_model = client._service_model.operation_model(aws_operation_name)
    result_wrapper = op_model.output_shape.serialization["resultWrapper"]
    response_wrapper = result_wrapper.replace("Result", "Response")
    metadata = op_model.metadata
    xml_namespace = metadata["xmlNamespace"]

    # build xml tree
    # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
    t_root = etree.Element(response_wrapper, xmlns=xml_namespace)

    # build metadata
    t_metadata = etree.Element("ResponseMetadata")
    t_request_id = etree.Element("RequestId")
    t_request_id.text = "1549581b-12b7-11e3-895e-1334aEXAMPLE"

    # build result
    t_result = etree.Element(result_wrapper)
    outputs = op_model.output_shape.members
    replace_list = []
    for output_name, output_shape in outputs.items():
        t_result.append(_get_subtree(output_name, output_shape, replace_list))
    xml_body = etree.tostring(t_root, pretty_print=True).decode("utf-8")
    xml_body_lines = xml_body.splitlines()
    for replace in replace_list:
        name = replace[0]
        prefix = replace[1]
        singular_name = singularize(name)

        start_tag = f"<{name}>"
        iter_name = f"{prefix[-1]}.{name.lower()}" if prefix else name.lower()
        loop_start = f"{{% for {singular_name.lower()} in {iter_name} %}}"
        end_tag = f"</{name}>"
        loop_end = "{% endfor %}"

        start_tag_indexes = [i for i, l in enumerate(xml_body_lines) if start_tag in l]
        if len(start_tag_indexes) != 1:
            raise Exception(f"tag {start_tag} not found in response body")
        start_tag_index = start_tag_indexes[0]
        xml_body_lines.insert(start_tag_index + 1, loop_start)

        end_tag_indexes = [i for i, l in enumerate(xml_body_lines) if end_tag in l]
        if len(end_tag_indexes) != 1:
            raise Exception(f"tag {end_tag} not found in response body")
        end_tag_index = end_tag_indexes[0]
        xml_body_lines.insert(end_tag_index, loop_end)
    xml_body = "\n".join(xml_body_lines)
    body = f'\n{operation.upper()}_TEMPLATE = """{xml_body}"""'
    return body

def get_response_restxml_template(service, operation):
    """refers to definition of API in botocore, and autogenerates template
        Assume that protocol is rest-xml. Shares some familiarity with protocol=query
    client = boto3.client(service)
    aws_operation_name = get_operation_name_in_keys(
    op_model = client._service_model.operation_model(aws_operation_name)
    result_wrapper = op_model._operation_model["output"]["shape"]
    response_wrapper = result_wrapper.replace("Result", "Response")
    metadata = op_model.metadata

    shapes = client._service_model._shape_resolver._shape_map

    # build xml tree
    t_root = etree.Element(response_wrapper)

    # build metadata
    t_metadata = etree.Element("ResponseMetadata")
    t_request_id = etree.Element("RequestId")
    t_request_id.text = "1549581b-12b7-11e3-895e-1334aEXAMPLE"

    def _find_member(tree, shape_name, name_prefix):
        shape = shapes[shape_name]
        if shape["type"] == "list":
            t_for = etree.Element("REPLACE_FOR")
            t_for.set("for", to_snake_case(shape_name))
            t_for.set("in", ".".join(name_prefix[:-1]) + "." + shape_name)
            member_shape = shape["member"]["shape"]
            member_name = shape["member"].get("locationName")
            if member_shape in PRIMITIVE_SHAPES:
                t_member = etree.Element(member_name)
                t_member.text = f"{{{{ {to_snake_case(shape_name)}.{to_snake_case(member_name)} }}}}"
                _find_member(t_for, member_shape, [to_snake_case(shape_name)])
        elif shape["type"] in PRIMITIVE_SHAPES:
            tree.text = f"{{{{ {shape_name} }}}}"
            for child, details in shape["members"].items():
                child = details.get("locationName", child)
                if details["shape"] in PRIMITIVE_SHAPES:
                    t_member = etree.Element(child)
                    t_member.text = "{{ " + ".".join(name_prefix) + f".{to_snake_case(child)} }}}}"
                    t = etree.Element(child)
                    _find_member(t, details["shape"], name_prefix + [to_snake_case(child)])

    # build result
    t_result = etree.Element(result_wrapper)
    for name, details in shapes[result_wrapper]["members"].items():
        shape = details["shape"]
        name = details.get("locationName", name)
        if shape in PRIMITIVE_SHAPES:
            t_member = etree.Element(name)
            t_member.text = f"{{{{ {to_snake_case(name)} }}}}"
            _find_member(t_result, name, name_prefix=["root"])
    xml_body = etree.tostring(t_root, pretty_print=True).decode("utf-8")
    # Still need to add FOR-loops in this template
    #     <REPLACE_FOR for="x" in="y">
    # becomes
    #     {% for x in y %}
    def conv(m):
        return m.group().replace("REPLACE_FOR", "").replace("=", "").replace('"', " ").replace("<", "{%").replace(">", "%}").strip()
    xml_body = re.sub(r"<REPLACE_FOR[\sa-zA-Z\"=_.]+>", conv, xml_body)
    xml_body = xml_body.replace("</REPLACE_FOR>", "{% endfor %}")
    body = f'\n{operation.upper()}_TEMPLATE = """{xml_body}"""'
    return body

def insert_code_to_class(path, base_class, new_code):
    """Add code for class handling service's response or backend."""
    with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as fhandle:
        lines = [_.replace("\n", "") for _ in fhandle.readlines()]
    mod_path = os.path.splitext(path)[0].replace("/", ".")
    mod = importlib.import_module(mod_path)
    clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isclass)
    _response_cls = [
        _[1] for _ in clsmembers if issubclass(_[1], base_class) and _[1] != base_class
    if len(_response_cls) != 1:
        raise Exception("unknown error, number of clsmembers is not 1")
    response_cls = _response_cls[0]
    code_lines, line_no = inspect.getsourcelines(response_cls)
    end_line_no = line_no + len(code_lines)

    func_lines = [" " * 4 + _ for _ in new_code.splitlines()]

    lines = lines[:end_line_no] + func_lines + lines[end_line_no:]

    body = "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
    with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fhandle:

def insert_url(service, operation, api_protocol):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Create urls.py with appropriate URL bases and paths."""
    client = boto3.client(service)
    service_class = client.__class__.__name__

    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    aws_operation_name = get_operation_name_in_keys(
    uri = client._service_model.operation_model(aws_operation_name).http["requestUri"]

    path = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "moto", get_escaped_service(service), "urls.py"
    with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as fhandle:
        lines = [_.replace("\n", "") for _ in fhandle.readlines()]

    if any(_ for _ in lines if re.match(uri, _)):

    url_paths_found = False
    last_elem_line_index = -1
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.startswith("url_paths"):
            url_paths_found = True
        if url_paths_found and line.startswith("}"):
            last_elem_line_index = i - 1

    prev_line = lines[last_elem_line_index]
    if not prev_line.endswith("{") and not prev_line.endswith(","):
        lines[last_elem_line_index] += ","

    # generate url pattern
    if api_protocol == "rest-json":
        new_line = '    "{0}/.*$": response.dispatch,'
    elif api_protocol == "rest-xml":
        new_line = f'    "{{0}}{uri}$": {service_class}Response.{operation},'
        new_line = f'    "{{0}}{uri}$": {service_class}Response.dispatch,'
    if new_line in lines:
    lines.insert(last_elem_line_index + 1, new_line)

    body = "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
    with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fhandle:

def insert_codes(service, operation, api_protocol):
    """Create the responses.py and models.py for the service and operation."""
    escaped_service = get_escaped_service(service)
    func_in_responses = get_function_in_responses(service, operation, api_protocol)
    func_in_models = get_function_in_models(service, operation)
    func_in_tests = get_func_in_tests(service, operation)
    # edit responses.py
    responses_path = f"moto/{escaped_service}/responses.py"
    print_progress("inserting code", responses_path, "green")
    insert_code_to_class(responses_path, BaseResponse, func_in_responses)

    # insert template
    if api_protocol in ["query", "rest-xml"]:
        if api_protocol == "query":
            template = get_response_query_template(service, operation)
        elif api_protocol == "rest-xml":
            template = get_response_restxml_template(service, operation)
        with open(responses_path, encoding="utf-8") as fhandle:
            lines = [_[:-1] for _ in fhandle.readlines()]
        lines += template.splitlines()
        with open(responses_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fhandle:

    # edit models.py
    models_path = f"moto/{escaped_service}/models.py"
    print_progress("inserting code", models_path, "green")
    insert_code_to_class(models_path, BaseBackend, func_in_models)

    # edit urls.py
    insert_url(service, operation, api_protocol)

    # Edit tests
    tests_path= f"tests/test_{escaped_service}/test_{escaped_service}.py"
    print_progress("inserting code", tests_path, "green")
    with open(tests_path, "a", encoding="utf-8") as fhandle:

def main():

    click.echo("This script uses the click-module.\n")
    click.echo(" - Start typing the name of the service you want to extend\n"
               " - Use Tab to auto-complete the first suggest service\n"
               " - Use the up and down-arrows on the keyboard to select something from the dropdown\n"
               " - Press enter to continue\n")

    """Create basic files needed for the user's choice of service and op."""
    service = select_service()

    while True:
        operation = select_operation(service)

        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        api_protocol = boto3.client(service)._service_model.metadata["protocol"]
        initialize_service(service, api_protocol)

        if api_protocol in ["query", "json", "rest-json", "rest-xml"]:
            insert_codes(service, operation, api_protocol)
                "skip inserting code",
                f'api protocol "{api_protocol}" is not supported',

            "Please select another operation, or Ctrl-X/Ctrl-C to cancel."
            "Remaining steps after development is complete:\n"
            '- Run scripts/implementation_coverage.py,\n'
            "- Run scripts/update_backend_index.py."

if __name__ == "__main__":