
402 lines
14 KiB

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import defaultdict
from moto.core import BaseBackend, BaseModel
from moto.core.exceptions import RESTError
from moto.ec2 import ec2_backends
from moto.cloudformation import cloudformation_backends
import datetime
import time
import uuid
import itertools
class Parameter(BaseModel):
def __init__(self, name, value, type, description, allowed_pattern, keyid,
last_modified_date, version): = name
self.type = type
self.description = description
self.allowed_pattern = allowed_pattern
self.keyid = keyid
self.last_modified_date = last_modified_date
self.version = version
if self.type == 'SecureString':
self.value = self.encrypt(value)
self.value = value
def encrypt(self, value):
return 'kms:{}:'.format(self.keyid or 'default') + value
def decrypt(self, value):
if self.type != 'SecureString':
return value
prefix = 'kms:{}:'.format(self.keyid or 'default')
if value.startswith(prefix):
return value[len(prefix):]
def response_object(self, decrypt=False):
r = {
'Type': self.type,
'Value': self.decrypt(self.value) if decrypt else self.value,
'Version': self.version,
return r
def describe_response_object(self, decrypt=False):
r = self.response_object(decrypt)
r['LastModifiedDate'] = int(self.last_modified_date)
r['LastModifiedUser'] = 'N/A'
if self.description:
r['Description'] = self.description
if self.keyid:
r['KeyId'] = self.keyid
if self.allowed_pattern:
r['AllowedPattern'] = self.allowed_pattern
return r
class Command(BaseModel):
def __init__(self, comment='', document_name='', timeout_seconds=MAX_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,
instance_ids=None, max_concurrency='', max_errors='',
notification_config=None, output_s3_bucket_name='',
output_s3_key_prefix='', output_s3_region='', parameters=None,
service_role_arn='', targets=None, backend_region='us-east-1'):
if instance_ids is None:
instance_ids = []
if notification_config is None:
notification_config = {}
if parameters is None:
parameters = {}
if targets is None:
targets = []
self.error_count = 0
self.completed_count = len(instance_ids)
self.target_count = len(instance_ids)
self.command_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.status = 'Success'
self.status_details = 'Details placeholder'
self.requested_date_time =
self.requested_date_time_iso = self.requested_date_time.isoformat()
expires_after = self.requested_date_time + datetime.timedelta(0, timeout_seconds)
self.expires_after = expires_after.isoformat()
self.comment = comment
self.document_name = document_name
self.instance_ids = instance_ids
self.max_concurrency = max_concurrency
self.max_errors = max_errors
self.notification_config = notification_config
self.output_s3_bucket_name = output_s3_bucket_name
self.output_s3_key_prefix = output_s3_key_prefix
self.output_s3_region = output_s3_region
self.parameters = parameters
self.service_role_arn = service_role_arn
self.targets = targets
self.backend_region = backend_region
# Get instance ids from a cloud formation stack target.
stack_instance_ids = [self.get_instance_ids_by_stack_ids(target['Values']) for
target in self.targets if
target['Key'] == 'tag:aws:cloudformation:stack-name']
self.instance_ids += list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(stack_instance_ids))
# Create invocations with a single run command plugin.
self.invocations = []
for instance_id in self.instance_ids:
self.invocation_response(instance_id, "aws:runShellScript"))
def get_instance_ids_by_stack_ids(self, stack_ids):
instance_ids = []
cloudformation_backend = cloudformation_backends[self.backend_region]
for stack_id in stack_ids:
stack_resources = cloudformation_backend.list_stack_resources(stack_id)
instance_resources = [ for instance in stack_resources
if instance.type == "AWS::EC2::Instance"]
return instance_ids
def response_object(self):
r = {
'CommandId': self.command_id,
'Comment': self.comment,
'CompletedCount': self.completed_count,
'DocumentName': self.document_name,
'ErrorCount': self.error_count,
'ExpiresAfter': self.expires_after,
'InstanceIds': self.instance_ids,
'MaxConcurrency': self.max_concurrency,
'MaxErrors': self.max_errors,
'NotificationConfig': self.notification_config,
'OutputS3Region': self.output_s3_region,
'OutputS3BucketName': self.output_s3_bucket_name,
'OutputS3KeyPrefix': self.output_s3_key_prefix,
'Parameters': self.parameters,
'RequestedDateTime': self.requested_date_time_iso,
'ServiceRole': self.service_role_arn,
'Status': self.status,
'StatusDetails': self.status_details,
'TargetCount': self.target_count,
'Targets': self.targets,
return r
def invocation_response(self, instance_id, plugin_name):
# Calculate elapsed time from requested time and now. Use a hardcoded
# elapsed time since there is no easy way to convert a timedelta to
# an ISO 8601 duration string.
elapsed_time_iso = "PT5M"
elapsed_time_delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
end_time = self.requested_date_time + elapsed_time_delta
r = {
'CommandId': self.command_id,
'InstanceId': instance_id,
'Comment': self.comment,
'DocumentName': self.document_name,
'PluginName': plugin_name,
'ResponseCode': 0,
'ExecutionStartDateTime': self.requested_date_time_iso,
'ExecutionElapsedTime': elapsed_time_iso,
'ExecutionEndDateTime': end_time.isoformat(),
'Status': 'Success',
'StatusDetails': 'Success',
'StandardOutputContent': '',
'StandardOutputUrl': '',
'StandardErrorContent': '',
return r
def get_invocation(self, instance_id, plugin_name):
invocation = next(
(invocation for invocation in self.invocations
if invocation['InstanceId'] == instance_id), None)
if invocation is None:
raise RESTError(
'An error occurred (InvocationDoesNotExist) when calling the GetCommandInvocation operation')
if plugin_name is not None and invocation['PluginName'] != plugin_name:
raise RESTError(
'An error occurred (InvocationDoesNotExist) when calling the GetCommandInvocation operation')
return invocation
class SimpleSystemManagerBackend(BaseBackend):
def __init__(self):
self._parameters = {}
self._resource_tags = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
self._commands = []
# figure out what region we're in
for region, backend in ssm_backends.items():
if backend == self:
self._region = region
def delete_parameter(self, name):
del self._parameters[name]
except KeyError:
def delete_parameters(self, names):
result = []
for name in names:
del self._parameters[name]
except KeyError:
return result
def get_all_parameters(self):
result = []
for k, _ in self._parameters.items():
return result
def get_parameters(self, names, with_decryption):
result = []
for name in names:
if name in self._parameters:
return result
def get_parameters_by_path(self, path, with_decryption, recursive, filters=None):
"""Implement the get-parameters-by-path-API in the backend."""
result = []
# path could be with or without a trailing /. we handle this
# difference here.
path = path.rstrip('/') + '/'
for param in self._parameters:
if path != '/' and not param.startswith(path):
if '/' in param[len(path) + 1:] and not recursive:
if not self._match_filters(self._parameters[param], filters):
return result
def _match_filters(parameter, filters=None):
"""Return True if the given parameter matches all the filters"""
for filter_obj in (filters or []):
key = filter_obj['Key']
option = filter_obj.get('Option', 'Equals')
values = filter_obj.get('Values', [])
what = None
if key == 'Type':
what = parameter.type
elif key == 'KeyId':
what = parameter.keyid
if option == 'Equals'\
and not any(what == value for value in values):
return False
elif option == 'BeginsWith'\
and not any(what.startswith(value) for value in values):
return False
# True if no false match (or no filters at all)
return True
def get_parameter(self, name, with_decryption):
if name in self._parameters:
return self._parameters[name]
return None
def put_parameter(self, name, description, value, type, allowed_pattern,
keyid, overwrite):
previous_parameter = self._parameters.get(name)
version = 1
if previous_parameter:
version = previous_parameter.version + 1
if not overwrite:
last_modified_date = time.time()
self._parameters[name] = Parameter(name, value, type, description,
allowed_pattern, keyid, last_modified_date, version)
return version
def add_tags_to_resource(self, resource_type, resource_id, tags):
for key, value in tags.items():
self._resource_tags[resource_type][resource_id][key] = value
def remove_tags_from_resource(self, resource_type, resource_id, keys):
tags = self._resource_tags[resource_type][resource_id]
for key in keys:
if key in tags:
del tags[key]
def list_tags_for_resource(self, resource_type, resource_id):
return self._resource_tags[resource_type][resource_id]
def send_command(self, **kwargs):
command = Command(
comment=kwargs.get('Comment', ''),
timeout_seconds=kwargs.get('TimeoutSeconds', 3600),
instance_ids=kwargs.get('InstanceIds', []),
max_concurrency=kwargs.get('MaxConcurrency', '50'),
max_errors=kwargs.get('MaxErrors', '0'),
notification_config=kwargs.get('NotificationConfig', {
'NotificationArn': 'string',
'NotificationEvents': ['Success'],
'NotificationType': 'Command'
output_s3_bucket_name=kwargs.get('OutputS3BucketName', ''),
output_s3_key_prefix=kwargs.get('OutputS3KeyPrefix', ''),
output_s3_region=kwargs.get('OutputS3Region', ''),
parameters=kwargs.get('Parameters', {}),
service_role_arn=kwargs.get('ServiceRoleArn', ''),
targets=kwargs.get('Targets', []),
return {
'Command': command.response_object()
def list_commands(self, **kwargs):
commands = self._commands
command_id = kwargs.get('CommandId', None)
if command_id:
commands = [self.get_command_by_id(command_id)]
instance_id = kwargs.get('InstanceId', None)
if instance_id:
commands = self.get_commands_by_instance_id(instance_id)
return {
'Commands': [command.response_object() for command in commands]
def get_command_by_id(self, id):
command = next(
(command for command in self._commands if command.command_id == id), None)
if command is None:
raise RESTError('InvalidCommandId', 'Invalid command id.')
return command
def get_commands_by_instance_id(self, instance_id):
return [
command for command in self._commands
if instance_id in command.instance_ids]
def get_command_invocation(self, **kwargs):
command_id = kwargs.get('CommandId')
instance_id = kwargs.get('InstanceId')
plugin_name = kwargs.get('PluginName', None)
command = self.get_command_by_id(command_id)
return command.get_invocation(instance_id, plugin_name)
ssm_backends = {}
for region, ec2_backend in ec2_backends.items():
ssm_backends[region] = SimpleSystemManagerBackend()