This commit puts AST validation on the execution path. This means updates get validated prior to being executed. There were quite a few tests that were not working against Amazon DDB. These tests I considered broken and as such this commit adapts them such that they pass against Amazon DDB. test_update_item_on_map() => One of the SET actions would try to set a nested element by specifying the nesting on the path rather than by putting a map as a value for a non-existent key. This got changed. test_item_size_is_under_400KB => Used the keyword "item" which DDB doesn't like. Change to cont in order to keep the same sizings. => Secondly the size error messages differs a bit depending whether it is part of the update or part of a put_item. For an update it should be: Item size to update has exceeded the maximum allowed size otherwise it is Item size has exceeded the maximum allowed size' test_remove_top_level_attribute => Used a keyword item. Use ExpressionAttributeNames test_update_item_double_nested_remove => Used keywords name & first. Migrated to non-deprecated API and use ExpressionAttributeNames test_update_item_set & test_boto3_update_item_conditions_pass & test_boto3_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists & test_boto3_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null & test_boto3_update_item_conditions_pass_because_expect_exists_by_compare_to_not_null & test_boto3_update_item_conditions_fail & test_boto3_update_item_conditions_fail_because_expect_not_exists & test_boto3_update_item_conditions_fail_because_expect_not_exists_by_compare_to_null => Were broken tests which had string literal instead of value placeholder |
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