Maria cf3cf8b134
DMS - basic task replication methods implementation ()
* DMS - basic task replication methods implementation

* Add ResourceNotFoundFault tests
2021-05-06 18:33:48 +01:00

137 lines
9.3 KiB

.. _index:
Moto: Mock AWS Services
A library that allows you to easily mock out tests based on
`AWS infrastructure`_.
Getting Started
If you've never used ``moto`` before, you should read the
:doc:`Getting Started with Moto <docs/getting_started>` guide to get familiar
with ``moto`` and its usage.
Currently implemented Services:
| Service Name | Decorator | Development Status |
| ACM | @mock_acm | all endpoints done |
| API Gateway | @mock_apigateway | core endpoints done |
| Autoscaling | @mock_autoscaling | core endpoints done |
| Cloudformation | @mock_cloudformation | core endpoints done |
| Cloudwatch | @mock_cloudwatch | basic endpoints done |
| CloudwatchEvents | @mock_events | all endpoints done |
| Cognito Identity | @mock_cognitoidentity | all endpoints done |
| Cognito Identity Provider | @mock_cognitoidp | all endpoints done |
| Config | @mock_config | basic endpoints done |
| Data Pipeline | @mock_datapipeline | basic endpoints done |
| DMS | @mock_dms | basic endpoints done |
| DynamoDB | - @mock_dynamodb | - core endpoints done |
| DynamoDB2 | - @mock_dynamodb2 | - core endpoints + partial indexes |
| EC2 | @mock_ec2 | core endpoints done |
| - AMI | | - core endpoints done |
| - EBS | | - core endpoints done |
| - Instances | | - all endpoints done |
| - Security Groups | | - core endpoints done |
| - Tags | | - all endpoints done |
| ECR | @mock_ecr | basic endpoints done |
| ECS | @mock_ecs | basic endpoints done |
| ELB | @mock_elb | core endpoints done |
| ELBv2 | @mock_elbv2 | all endpoints done |
| EMR | @mock_emr | core endpoints done |
| Forecast | @mock_forecast | basic endpoints done |
| Glacier | @mock_glacier | core endpoints done |
| IAM | @mock_iam | core endpoints done |
| IoT | @mock_iot | core endpoints done |
| | @mock_iotdata | core endpoints done |
| Kinesis | @mock_kinesis | core endpoints done |
| KMS | @mock_kms | basic endpoints done |
| Lambda | @mock_lambda | basic endpoints done, |
| | | requires docker |
| Logs | @mock_logs | basic endpoints done |
| Organizations | @mock_organizations | some core endpoints done |
| Polly | @mock_polly | all endpoints done |
| RDS | @mock_rds | core endpoints done |
| RDS2 | @mock_rds2 | core endpoints done |
| Redshift | @mock_redshift | core endpoints done |
| Route53 | @mock_route53 | core endpoints done |
| S3 | @mock_s3 | core endpoints done |
| SecretsManager | @mock_secretsmanager | basic endpoints done |
| SES | @mock_ses | all endpoints done |
| SFN | @mock_stepfunctions | basic endpoints done |
| SNS | @mock_sns | all endpoints done |
| SQS | @mock_sqs | core endpoints done |
| SSM | @mock_ssm | core endpoints done |
| STS | @mock_sts | core endpoints done |
| SWF | @mock_swf | basic endpoints done |
| X-Ray | @mock_xray | all endpoints done |
Additional Resources
* `Moto Source Repository`_
* `Moto Issue Tracker`_
.. _AWS infrastructure:
.. _Moto Issue Tracker:
.. _Moto Source Repository:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2