2022-01-21 09:42:36 -01:00
acm Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
apigateway Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
applicationautoscaling Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
appsync AppSync - initial implementation (#4761) 2022-01-14 20:12:26 -01:00
athena Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
autoscaling Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
awslambda Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
batch add internal host to batch to mirror sfn behavior (#4748) 2022-01-13 11:39:26 -01:00
budgets Feature - Budgets service (#4619) 2021-11-23 08:57:15 -01:00
cloudformation Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
cloudfront Feature - CloudFront (#4640) 2021-11-29 13:35:43 -01:00
cloudtrail Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
cloudwatch Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
codecommit Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
codepipeline Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
cognitoidentity Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
cognitoidp Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
config Separate S3Control methods from S3 (#4745) 2022-01-18 19:10:22 -01:00
core Refactor Class-decorator logic to reset per test (#4419) 2022-01-18 16:58:21 -01:00
datapipeline Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
datasync Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
dax Pylinting on moto/d and moto/e directories (#4728) 2021-12-28 21:26:56 -01:00
dms Pylinting on moto/d and moto/e directories (#4728) 2021-12-28 21:26:56 -01:00
ds Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
dynamodb Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
dynamodb2 Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
dynamodbstreams Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
ec2 Prep release 3.0 (#4776) 2022-01-21 09:42:36 -01:00
ec2instanceconnect Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
ecr Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
ecs ECS - LongARN is enabled by default (#4762) 2022-01-18 19:53:31 -01:00
efs Pylinting on moto/d and moto/e directories (#4728) 2021-12-28 21:26:56 -01:00
eks Pylinting on moto/d and moto/e directories (#4728) 2021-12-28 21:26:56 -01:00
elasticache Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
elasticbeanstalk Pylinting on moto/d and moto/e directories (#4728) 2021-12-28 21:26:56 -01:00
elastictranscoder Pylinting on moto/d and moto/e directories (#4728) 2021-12-28 21:26:56 -01:00
elb Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
elbv2 Pylinting on moto/d and moto/e directories (#4728) 2021-12-28 21:26:56 -01:00
emr Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
emrcontainers Pylinting on moto/d and moto/e directories (#4728) 2021-12-28 21:26:56 -01:00
es Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
events Pylinting on moto/d and moto/e directories (#4728) 2021-12-28 21:26:56 -01:00
firehose Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
forecast Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
glacier Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
glue Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
guardduty Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
iam Prep release 3.0 (#4776) 2022-01-21 09:42:36 -01:00
instance_metadata Techdebt: Enable pylint rules (#4432) 2021-10-18 19:44:29 +00:00
iot Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
iotdata Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
kinesis Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
kinesisvideo Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
kinesisvideoarchivedmedia Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
kms Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
logs Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
managedblockchain Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
mediaconnect Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
medialive Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
mediapackage Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
mediastore Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
mediastoredata Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
opsworks Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
organizations Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
packages Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
polly Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
ram Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
rds Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
rds2 Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
redshift Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
resourcegroups Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
resourcegroupstaggingapi Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
route53 Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
route53resolver Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
s3 Separate S3Control methods from S3 (#4745) 2022-01-18 19:10:22 -01:00
s3bucket_path Techdebt: Enable pylint rules (#4432) 2021-10-18 19:44:29 +00:00
s3control Separate S3Control methods from S3 (#4745) 2022-01-18 19:10:22 -01:00
sagemaker Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
sdb Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
secretsmanager Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
ses Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
sns Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
sqs Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
ssm Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
ssoadmin SSO-Admin - Initial implementation (#4743) 2022-01-07 15:28:29 -01:00
stepfunctions Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
sts Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
support Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
swf Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00
templates Add about page. 2017-03-12 19:58:40 -04:00
timestreamwrite Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00
transcribe Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
utilities AppSync - initial implementation (#4761) 2022-01-14 20:12:26 -01:00
wafv2 Pylint remaining source code (#4760) 2022-01-14 18:51:49 -01:00
xray Feature: Mock region (#4699) 2021-12-24 20:02:45 -01:00 Separate S3Control methods from S3 (#4745) 2022-01-18 19:10:22 -01:00 Separate S3Control methods from S3 (#4745) 2022-01-18 19:10:22 -01:00 Techdebt: Enable pylint rules (#4432) 2021-10-18 19:44:29 +00:00 Remove deprecated decorators + boto dependency (#4378) 2022-01-18 14:18:57 -01:00 ECS - LongARN is enabled by default (#4762) 2022-01-18 19:53:31 -01:00