* Test custom action with custom input * Run test workflow on push * Automated release configuration
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Adapted from https://github.com/pygame/pygameweb/blob/master/pygameweb/builds/update_version_from_git.py
For updating the version from git.
__init__.py contains a __version__ field.
Update that.
If the user supplies "patch" as a CLi argument, we want to bump the existing patch version
If the user supplied the full version as a CLI argument, we want to use that version.
If we are on master, we want to update the version as a pre-release.
git describe --tags
With these:
__version__= '0.0.2'
git describe --tags
We want this:
__version__= '0.0.2.dev22.g729a5ae'
Get the branch/tag name with this.
git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD || git describe --tags --exact-match
import io
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from packaging.version import Version
def migrate_source_attribute(attr, to_this, target_file, regex):
"""Updates __magic__ attributes in the source file"""
change_this = re.compile(regex, re.S)
new_file = []
found = False
with open(target_file, "r") as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(attr):
found = True
line = re.sub(change_this, to_this, line)
if found:
with open(target_file, "w") as fp:
def migrate_version(target_file, new_version):
"""Updates __version__ in the source file"""
regex = r"['\"](.*)['\"]"
def is_master_branch():
cmd = "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD"
tag_branch = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
return tag_branch in [b"master\n"]
def git_tag_name():
cmd = "git describe --tags"
tag_branch = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
tag_branch = tag_branch.decode().strip()
return tag_branch
def get_git_version_info():
cmd = "git describe --tags"
ver_str = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
ver, commits_since, githash = ver_str.decode().strip().split("-")
return ver, commits_since, githash
def prerelease_version():
"""return what the prerelease version should be.
ver, commits_since, githash = get_git_version_info()
initpy_ver = get_version()
assert len(initpy_ver.split(".")) in [
], "moto/__init__.py version should be like 0.0.2.dev"
assert (
initpy_ver > ver
), "the moto/__init__.py version should be newer than the last tagged release."
return "{initpy_ver}.{commits_since}".format(
initpy_ver=initpy_ver, commits_since=commits_since
def read(*parts):
"""Reads in file from *parts."""
return io.open(os.path.join(*parts), "r", encoding="utf-8").read()
except IOError:
return ""
def get_version():
"""Returns version from moto/__init__.py"""
version_file = read("moto", "__init__.py")
version_match = re.search(
r'^__version__ = [\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]', version_file, re.MULTILINE
if version_match:
return version_match.group(1)
raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string.")
def increase_patch_version(old_version):
:param old_version: 2.0.1
:return: 2.0.2.dev
v = Version(old_version)
return "{}.{}.{}.dev".format(v.major, v.minor, v.micro + 1)
def release_version_correct():
"""Makes sure the:
- prerelease verion for master is correct.
- release version is correct for tags.
if is_master_branch():
# update for a pre release version.
initpy = os.path.abspath("moto/__init__.py")
new_version = prerelease_version()
"updating version in __init__.py to {new_version}".format(
assert (
len(new_version.split(".")) >= 4
), "moto/__init__.py version should be like 0.0.2.dev"
migrate_version(initpy, new_version)
assert False, "No non-master deployments yet"
# check that we are a tag with the same version as in __init__.py
assert (
get_version() == git_tag_name()
), "git tag/branch name not the same as moto/__init__.py __verion__"
if __name__ == "__main__":
new_version = None
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
for _, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
new_version = arg
if new_version == "patch":
new_version = increase_patch_version(get_version())
initpy = os.path.abspath("moto/__init__.py")
migrate_version(initpy, new_version)
print("Invalid usage. Supply 0 or 1 arguments. "
"Argument can be either a version '1.2.3' or 'patch' if you want to increase the patch-version (1.2.3 -> 1.2.4.dev)")