Waldemar Hummer f4f8527955
Merge LocalStack changes into upstream moto (#4082)
* fix OPTIONS requests on non-existing API GW integrations

* add cloudformation models for API Gateway deployments

* bump version

* add backdoor to return CloudWatch metrics

* Updating implementation coverage

* Updating implementation coverage

* add cloudformation models for API Gateway deployments

* Updating implementation coverage

* Updating implementation coverage

* Implemented get-caller-identity returning real data depending on the access key used.

* bump version

* minor fixes

* fix Number data_type for SQS message attribute

* fix handling of encoding errors

* bump version

* make CF stack queryable before starting to initialize its resources

* bump version

* fix integration_method for API GW method integrations

* fix undefined status in CF FakeStack

* Fix apigateway issues with terraform v0.12.21
* resource_methods -> add handle for "DELETE" method
* integrations -> fix issue that "httpMethod" wasn't included in body request (this value was set as the value from refer method resource)

* bump version

* Fix setting http method for API gateway integrations (#6)

* bump version

* remove duplicate methods

* add storage class to S3 Key when completing multipart upload (#7)

* fix SQS performance issues; bump version

* add pagination to SecretsManager list-secrets (#9)

* fix default parameter groups in RDS

* fix adding S3 metadata headers with names containing dots (#13)

* Updating implementation coverage

* Updating implementation coverage

* add cloudformation models for API Gateway deployments

* Updating implementation coverage

* Updating implementation coverage

* Implemented get-caller-identity returning real data depending on the access key used.

* make CF stack queryable before starting to initialize its resources

* bump version

* remove duplicate methods

* fix adding S3 metadata headers with names containing dots (#13)

* Update amis.json to support EKS AMI mocks (#15)

* fix PascalCase for boolean value in ListMultipartUploads response (#17); fix _get_multi_param to parse nested list/dict query params

* determine non-zero container exit code in Batch API

* support filtering by dimensions in CW get_metric_statistics

* fix storing attributes for ELBv2 Route entities; API GW refactorings for TF tests

* add missing fields for API GW resources

* fix error messages for Route53 (TF-compat)

* various fixes for IAM resources (tf-compat)

* minor fixes for API GW models (tf-compat)

* minor fixes for API GW responses (tf-compat)

* add s3 exception for bucket notification filter rule validation

* change the way RESTErrors generate the response body and content-type header

* fix lint errors and disable "black" syntax enforcement

* remove return type hint in RESTError.get_body

* add RESTError XML template for IAM exceptions

* add support for API GW minimumCompressionSize

* fix casing getting PrivateDnsEnabled API GW attribute

* minor fixes for error responses

* fix escaping special chars for IAM role descriptions (tf-compat)

* minor fixes and tagging support for API GW and ELB v2 (tf-compat)

* Merge branch 'master' into localstack

* add "AlarmRule" attribute to enable support for composite CloudWatch metrics

* fix recursive parsing of complex/nested query params

* bump version

* add API to delete S3 website configurations (#18)

* use dict copy to allow parallelism and avoid concurrent modification exceptions in S3

* fix precondition check for etags in S3 (#19)

* minor fix for user filtering in Cognito

* fix API Gateway error response; avoid returning empty response templates (tf-compat)

* support tags and tracingEnabled attribute for API GW stages

* fix boolean value in S3 encryption response (#20)

* fix connection arn structure

* fix api destination arn structure

* black format

* release

* fix s3 exception tests

see botocore/ where RequestId is removed from parsed

* remove python 2 from build action

* add test failure annotations in build action

* fix events test arn comparisons

* fix s3 encryption response test

* return default value "0" if EC2 availableIpAddressCount is empty

* fix extracting SecurityGroupIds for EC2 VPC endpoints

* support deleting/updating API Gateway DomainNames

* fix(events): Return empty string instead of null when no pattern is specified in EventPattern (tf-compat) (#22)

* fix logic and revert CF changes to get tests running again (#21)

* add support for EC2 customer gateway API (#25)

* add support for EC2 Transit Gateway APIs (#24)

* feat(logs): add `kmsKeyId` into `LogGroup` entity (#23)

* minor change in ELBv2 logic to fix tests

* feat(events): add APIs to describe and delete CloudWatch Events connections (#26)

* add support for EC2 transit gateway route tables (#27)

* pass transit gateway route table ID in Describe API, minor refactoring (#29)

* add support for EC2 Transit Gateway Routes (#28)

* fix region on ACM certificate import (#31)

* add support for EC2 transit gateway attachments (#30)

* add support for EC2 Transit Gateway VPN attachments (#32)

* fix account ID for logs API

* add support for DeleteOrganization API

* feat(events): store raw filter representation for CloudWatch events patterns (tf-compat) (#36)

* feat(events): add support to describe/update/delete CloudWatch API destinations (#35)

* add Cognito UpdateIdentityPool, CW Logs PutResourcePolicy

* feat(events): add support for tags in EventBus API (#38)

* fix parameter validation for Batch compute environments (tf-compat)

* revert merge conflicts in

* format code using black

* restore original README; re-enable and fix CloudFormation tests

* restore tests and old logic for CF stack parameters from SSM

* parameterize RequestId/RequestID in response messages and revert related test changes

* undo LocalStack-specific adaptations

* minor fix

* Update CodeCov config to reflect removal of Py2

* undo change related to CW metric filtering; add additional test for CW metric statistics with dimensions

* Terraform - Extend whitelist of running tests

Co-authored-by: acsbendi <>
Co-authored-by: Phan Duong <>
Co-authored-by: Thomas Rausch <>
Co-authored-by: Macwan Nevil <>
Co-authored-by: Dominik Schubert <>
Co-authored-by: Gonzalo Saad <>
Co-authored-by: Mohit Alonja <>
Co-authored-by: Miguel Gagliardo <>
Co-authored-by: Bert Blommers <>
2021-07-26 15:21:17 +01:00

183 lines
4.9 KiB

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse, unquote, quote
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
import sys
from moto.settings import S3_IGNORE_SUBDOMAIN_BUCKETNAME
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
bucket_name_regex = re.compile("(.+).s3(.*)")
user_settable_fields = {
def bucket_name_from_url(url):
return None
domain = urlparse(url).netloc
if domain.startswith("www."):
domain = domain[4:]
if "" in domain:
bucket_result =
if bucket_result:
return bucket_result.groups()[0]
if "." in domain:
return domain.split(".")[0]
# No subdomain found.
return None
# 'owi-common-cf', 'snippets/test.json' = bucket_and_name_from_url('s3://owi-common-cf/snippets/test.json')
def bucket_and_name_from_url(url):
prefix = "s3://"
if url.startswith(prefix):
bucket_name = url[len(prefix) : url.index("/", len(prefix))]
key = url[url.index("/", len(prefix)) + 1 :]
return bucket_name, key
return None, None
REGION_URL_REGEX = re.compile(
def parse_region_from_url(url):
match =
if match:
region ="region1") or"region2")
region = "us-east-1"
return region
def metadata_from_headers(headers):
metadata = CaseInsensitiveDict()
meta_regex = re.compile(r"^x-amz-meta-([a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+)$", flags=re.IGNORECASE)
for header, value in headers.items():
if isinstance(header, str):
result = meta_regex.match(header)
meta_key = None
if result:
# Check for extra metadata
meta_key =
elif header.lower() in user_settable_fields:
# Check for special metadata that doesn't start with x-amz-meta
meta_key = header
if meta_key:
metadata[meta_key] = (
if type(headers[header]) == list
else headers[header]
return metadata
def clean_key_name(key_name):
return unquote(key_name)
def undo_clean_key_name(key_name):
return quote(key_name)
class _VersionedKeyStore(dict):
"""A simplified/modified version of Django's `MultiValueDict` taken from:
def __sgetitem__(self, key):
return super(_VersionedKeyStore, self).__getitem__(key)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.__sgetitem__(key)[-1]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
current = self.__sgetitem__(key)
except (KeyError, IndexError):
current = [value]
super(_VersionedKeyStore, self).__setitem__(key, current)
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self[key]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
return default
def getlist(self, key, default=None):
return self.__sgetitem__(key)
except (KeyError, IndexError):
return default
def setlist(self, key, list_):
if isinstance(list_, tuple):
list_ = list(list_)
elif not isinstance(list_, list):
list_ = [list_]
super(_VersionedKeyStore, self).__setitem__(key, list_)
def _iteritems(self):
for key in self._self_iterable():
yield key, self[key]
def _itervalues(self):
for key in self._self_iterable():
yield self[key]
def _iterlists(self):
for key in self._self_iterable():
yield key, self.getlist(key)
def item_size(self):
size = 0
for val in self._self_iterable().values():
size += sys.getsizeof(val)
return size
def _self_iterable(self):
# to enable concurrency, return a copy, to avoid "dictionary changed size during iteration"
# TODO: look into replacing with a locking mechanism, potentially
return dict(self)
items = iteritems = _iteritems
lists = iterlists = _iterlists
values = itervalues = _itervalues
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
def items(self):
return list(self.iteritems())
def values(self):
return list(self.itervalues())
def lists(self):
return list(self.iterlists())