* updates - support lambda messages from SNS - run lambda in docker container * decode output * populate timeout * simplify * whoops * skeletons of cloudwatchlogs * impl filter log streams * fix logging * PEP fixes * PEP fixes * fix reset * fix reset * add new endpoint * fix region name * add docker * try to fix tests * try to fix travis issue with boto * fix escaping in urls * fix environment variables * fix PEP * more pep * switch back to precise * another fix attempt * fix typo * fix lambda invoke * fix more unittests * work on getting this to work in new scheme * fix py2 * fix error * fix tests when running in server mode * more lambda fixes * try running with latest docker adapted from aiodocker * switch to docker python client * pep fixes * switch to docker volume * fix unittest * fix invoke from sns * fix zip2tar * add hack impl for get_function with zip * try fix * fix for py < 3.6 * add volume refcount * try to fix travis * docker test * fix yaml * try fix * update endpoints * fix * another attempt * try again * fix recursive import * refactor fix * revert changes with better fix * more reverts * wait for service to come up * add back detached mode * sleep and add another exception type * put this back for logging * put back with note * whoops :) * docker in docker! * fix invalid url * hopefully last fix! * fix lambda regions * fix protocol * travis!!!! * just run lambda test for now * use one print * fix escaping * another attempt * yet another * re-enable all tests * fixes * fix for py2 * revert change * fix for py2.7 * fix output ordering * remove this given there's a new unittest that covers it * changes based on review - add skeleton logs test file - switch to docker image that matches test env - fix mock_logs import * add readme entry
207 lines
6.6 KiB
207 lines
6.6 KiB
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import argparse
import json
import re
import sys
from threading import Lock
import six
from flask import Flask
from flask.testing import FlaskClient
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter
from werkzeug.serving import run_simple
from moto.backends import BACKENDS
from moto.core.utils import convert_flask_to_httpretty_response
class DomainDispatcherApplication(object):
Dispatch requests to different applications based on the "Host:" header
value. We'll match the host header value with the url_bases of each backend.
def __init__(self, create_app, service=None):
self.create_app = create_app
self.lock = Lock()
self.app_instances = {}
self.service = service
def get_backend_for_host(self, host):
if self.service:
return self.service
if host in BACKENDS:
return host
for backend_name, backend in BACKENDS.items():
for url_base in list(backend.values())[0].url_bases:
if re.match(url_base, 'http://%s' % host):
return backend_name
raise RuntimeError('Invalid host: "%s"' % host)
def get_application(self, environ):
path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
# The URL path might contain non-ASCII text, for instance unicode S3 bucket names
if six.PY2 and isinstance(path_info, str):
path_info = six.u(path_info)
if six.PY3 and isinstance(path_info, six.binary_type):
path_info = path_info.decode('utf-8')
if path_info.startswith("/moto-api") or path_info == "/favicon.ico":
host = "moto_api"
elif path_info.startswith("/latest/meta-data/"):
host = "instance_metadata"
host = environ['HTTP_HOST'].split(':')[0]
if host in {'localhost', 'motoserver'} or host.startswith("192.168."):
# Fall back to parsing auth header to find service
# ['Credential=sdffdsa', '20170220', 'us-east-1', 'sns', 'aws4_request']
_, _, region, service, _ = environ['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(",")[0].split()[
except (KeyError, ValueError):
region = 'us-east-1'
service = 's3'
if service == 'dynamodb':
dynamo_api_version = environ['HTTP_X_AMZ_TARGET'].split("_")[1].split(".")[0]
# If Newer API version, use dynamodb2
if dynamo_api_version > "20111205":
host = "dynamodb2"
host = "{service}.{region}.amazonaws.com".format(
service=service, region=region)
with self.lock:
backend = self.get_backend_for_host(host)
app = self.app_instances.get(backend, None)
if app is None:
app = self.create_app(backend)
self.app_instances[backend] = app
return app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
backend_app = self.get_application(environ)
return backend_app(environ, start_response)
class RegexConverter(BaseConverter):
# http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/routing/#custom-converters
def __init__(self, url_map, *items):
super(RegexConverter, self).__init__(url_map)
self.regex = items[0]
class AWSTestHelper(FlaskClient):
def action_data(self, action_name, **kwargs):
Method calls resource with action_name and returns data of response.
opts = {"Action": action_name}
res = self.get("/?{0}".format(urlencode(opts)),
headers={"Host": "{0}.us-east-1.amazonaws.com".format(self.application.service)})
return res.data.decode("utf-8")
def action_json(self, action_name, **kwargs):
Method calls resource with action_name and returns object obtained via
deserialization of output.
return json.loads(self.action_data(action_name, **kwargs))
def create_backend_app(service):
from werkzeug.routing import Map
# Create the backend_app
backend_app = Flask(__name__)
backend_app.debug = True
backend_app.service = service
# Reset view functions to reset the app
backend_app.view_functions = {}
backend_app.url_map = Map()
backend_app.url_map.converters['regex'] = RegexConverter
backend = list(BACKENDS[service].values())[0]
for url_path, handler in backend.flask_paths.items():
if handler.__name__ == 'dispatch':
endpoint = '{0}.dispatch'.format(handler.__self__.__name__)
endpoint = None
original_endpoint = endpoint
index = 2
while endpoint in backend_app.view_functions:
# HACK: Sometimes we map the same view to multiple url_paths. Flask
# requries us to have different names.
endpoint = original_endpoint + str(index)
index += 1
backend_app.test_client_class = AWSTestHelper
return backend_app
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Keep this for backwards compat
nargs='?', # http://stackoverflow.com/a/4480202/731592
'-H', '--host', type=str,
help='Which host to bind',
'-p', '--port', type=int,
help='Port number to use for connection',
'-r', '--reload',
help='Reload server on a file change',
'-s', '--ssl',
help='Enable SSL encrypted connection (use https://... URL)',
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
# Wrap the main application
main_app = DomainDispatcherApplication(
create_backend_app, service=args.service)
main_app.debug = True
run_simple(args.host, args.port, main_app,
threaded=True, use_reloader=args.reload,
ssl_context='adhoc' if args.ssl else None)
if __name__ == '__main__':