236 lines
7.7 KiB
236 lines
7.7 KiB
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import email
from email.utils import parseaddr
from moto.core import BaseBackend, BaseModel
from moto.sns.models import sns_backends
from .exceptions import MessageRejectedError
from .utils import get_random_message_id
class SESFeedback(BaseModel):
BOUNCE = "Bounce"
COMPLAINT = "Complaint"
DELIVERY = "Delivery"
SUCCESS_ADDR = "success"
BOUNCE_ADDR = "bounce"
COMPLAINT_ADDR = "complaint"
FEEDBACK_SUCCESS_MSG = {"test": "success"}
FEEDBACK_BOUNCE_MSG = {"test": "bounce"}
FEEDBACK_COMPLAINT_MSG = {"test": "complaint"}
def generate_message(msg_type):
msg = dict(COMMON_MAIL)
if msg_type == SESFeedback.BOUNCE:
msg["bounce"] = BOUNCE
elif msg_type == SESFeedback.COMPLAINT:
msg["complaint"] = COMPLAINT
elif msg_type == SESFeedback.DELIVERY:
msg["delivery"] = DELIVERY
return msg
class Message(BaseModel):
def __init__(self, message_id, source, subject, body, destinations):
self.id = message_id
self.source = source
self.subject = subject
self.body = body
self.destinations = destinations
class TemplateMessage(BaseModel):
def __init__(self, message_id, source, template, template_data, destinations):
self.id = message_id
self.source = source
self.template = template
self.template_data = template_data
self.destinations = destinations
class RawMessage(BaseModel):
def __init__(self, message_id, source, destinations, raw_data):
self.id = message_id
self.source = source
self.destinations = destinations
self.raw_data = raw_data
class SESQuota(BaseModel):
def __init__(self, sent):
self.sent = sent
def sent_past_24(self):
return self.sent
class SESBackend(BaseBackend):
def __init__(self):
self.addresses = []
self.email_addresses = []
self.domains = []
self.sent_messages = []
self.sent_message_count = 0
self.sns_topics = {}
def _is_verified_address(self, source):
_, address = parseaddr(source)
if address in self.addresses:
return True
user, host = address.split("@", 1)
return host in self.domains
def verify_email_identity(self, address):
def verify_email_address(self, address):
def verify_domain(self, domain):
def list_identities(self):
return self.domains + self.addresses
def list_verified_email_addresses(self):
return self.email_addresses
def delete_identity(self, identity):
if "@" in identity:
def send_email(self, source, subject, body, destinations, region):
recipient_count = sum(map(len, destinations.values()))
if recipient_count > RECIPIENT_LIMIT:
raise MessageRejectedError("Too many recipients.")
if not self._is_verified_address(source):
raise MessageRejectedError("Email address not verified %s" % source)
self.__process_sns_feedback__(source, destinations, region)
message_id = get_random_message_id()
message = Message(message_id, source, subject, body, destinations)
self.sent_message_count += recipient_count
return message
def send_templated_email(
self, source, template, template_data, destinations, region
recipient_count = sum(map(len, destinations.values()))
if recipient_count > RECIPIENT_LIMIT:
raise MessageRejectedError("Too many recipients.")
if not self._is_verified_address(source):
raise MessageRejectedError("Email address not verified %s" % source)
self.__process_sns_feedback__(source, destinations, region)
message_id = get_random_message_id()
message = TemplateMessage(
message_id, source, template, template_data, destinations
self.sent_message_count += recipient_count
return message
def __type_of_message__(self, destinations):
"""Checks the destination for any special address that could indicate delivery,
complaint or bounce like in SES simualtor"""
alladdress = (
destinations.get("ToAddresses", [])
+ destinations.get("CcAddresses", [])
+ destinations.get("BccAddresses", [])
for addr in alladdress:
if SESFeedback.SUCCESS_ADDR in addr:
return SESFeedback.DELIVERY
elif SESFeedback.COMPLAINT_ADDR in addr:
return SESFeedback.COMPLAINT
elif SESFeedback.BOUNCE_ADDR in addr:
return SESFeedback.BOUNCE
return None
def __generate_feedback__(self, msg_type):
"""Generates the SNS message for the feedback"""
return SESFeedback.generate_message(msg_type)
def __process_sns_feedback__(self, source, destinations, region):
domain = str(source)
if "@" in domain:
domain = domain.split("@")[1]
if domain in self.sns_topics:
msg_type = self.__type_of_message__(destinations)
if msg_type is not None:
sns_topic = self.sns_topics[domain].get(msg_type, None)
if sns_topic is not None:
message = self.__generate_feedback__(msg_type)
if message:
sns_backends[region].publish(sns_topic, message)
def send_raw_email(self, source, destinations, raw_data, region):
if source is not None:
_, source_email_address = parseaddr(source)
if source_email_address not in self.addresses:
raise MessageRejectedError(
"Did not have authority to send from email %s"
% source_email_address
recipient_count = len(destinations)
message = email.message_from_string(raw_data)
if source is None:
if message["from"] is None:
raise MessageRejectedError("Source not specified")
_, source_email_address = parseaddr(message["from"])
if source_email_address not in self.addresses:
raise MessageRejectedError(
"Did not have authority to send from email %s"
% source_email_address
for header in "TO", "CC", "BCC":
recipient_count += sum(
d.strip() and 1 or 0 for d in message.get(header, "").split(",")
if recipient_count > RECIPIENT_LIMIT:
raise MessageRejectedError("Too many recipients.")
self.__process_sns_feedback__(source, destinations, region)
self.sent_message_count += recipient_count
message_id = get_random_message_id()
message = RawMessage(message_id, source, destinations, raw_data)
return message
def get_send_quota(self):
return SESQuota(self.sent_message_count)
def set_identity_notification_topic(self, identity, notification_type, sns_topic):
identity_sns_topics = self.sns_topics.get(identity, {})
if sns_topic is None:
del identity_sns_topics[notification_type]
identity_sns_topics[notification_type] = sns_topic
self.sns_topics[identity] = identity_sns_topics
return {}
ses_backend = SESBackend()