Compare commits
No commits in common. "e2c2cd007014162b37c7520aafcf629b0889c444" and "2ae761edc18f41e1ae45af5171e56b712920cb8e" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# Directories produced by demo
@ -8,11 +8,8 @@ It allows starting and closing a head with an arbitrary number of nodes, each wi
To run the demo enter a Nix shell and run it with `cabal`:
To run the demo enter a Nix shell and run it with `cabal`:
nix-shell -A shells.ghc default.nix --option substituters "" --option trusted-public-keys ""
$ nix-shell -A shells.ghc default.nix
$ cabal run
cabal run
The demo can then be viewed in **Chrome**(*Chrome must be used at this time because of a limitation in JSaddle*) at `http://localhost:3003/`.
The demo can then be viewed in Chrome at `http://localhost:3003/`.
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import qualified Hydra.Types as HT
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseMaybe)
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseMaybe)
import System.IO (IOMode(WriteMode), openFile)
import System.IO (IOMode(WriteMode), openFile)
import Data.IORef (readIORef, writeIORef, IORef, newIORef)
import Hydra.Types
import Hydra.Types
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as ByteString.Char8
@ -180,7 +181,10 @@ cardanoNodeCreateProcess =
runHydraDemo :: (MonadIO m)
runHydraDemo :: (MonadIO m)
=> HydraDemo
=> HydraDemo
-> m RunningNodes
-> m (Map Text ( ProcessHandle
, Address -- Cardano address
, HydraNodeInfo
runHydraDemo nodes = do
runHydraDemo nodes = do
keysAddresses <- forM nodes $ \(actorSeed, fuelSeed) -> do
keysAddresses <- forM nodes $ \(actorSeed, fuelSeed) -> do
keys@(HydraKeyInfo (KeyPair _ vk) _) <- generateKeys
keys@(HydraKeyInfo (KeyPair _ vk) _) <- generateKeys
@ -192,9 +196,14 @@ runHydraDemo nodes = do
hstxid <- publishReferenceScripts
hstxid <- publishReferenceScripts
handles <- standupDemoHydraNetwork hstxid (fmap fst keysAddresses)
handles <- standupDemoHydraNetwork hstxid (fmap fst keysAddresses)
liftIO . putStrLn $ [i|Hydra Network Running for nodes #{Map.keys nodes}|]
liftIO . putStrLn $ [i|Hydra Network Running for nodes #{Map.keys nodes}|]
pure $ Map.merge Map.dropMissing Map.dropMissing (Map.zipWithMatched (\_ addr (handle, nodeInfo) -> RunningNode handle addr nodeInfo)) (fmap snd keysAddresses) handles
pure $ Map.merge Map.dropMissing Map.dropMissing (Map.zipWithMatched (\_ addr (handle, nodeInfo) -> (handle, addr, nodeInfo))) (fmap snd keysAddresses) handles
type State = Map Text ( ProcessHandle
, Address -- Cardano address
, HydraNodeInfo
headElement :: forall t m. ( TriggerEvent t m, DomBuilder t m) =>m ()
headElement :: forall t m. ( TriggerEvent t m, DomBuilder t m) =>m ()
headElement = do
headElement = do
el "title" $ text "Hydra Head Demo"
el "title" $ text "Hydra Head Demo"
@ -208,71 +217,42 @@ main = liftIO $ do
threadDelay $ seconds 3
threadDelay $ seconds 3
mainWidgetWithHead headElement app
mainWidgetWithHead headElement app
makeTx :: () => RunningNodes -> Text
makeTx :: () => IORef State -> Text
-> Map TxIn TxInInfo -> Lovelace -> Text -> IO Text
-> Map TxIn TxInInfo -> Lovelace -> Text -> IO Text
makeTx actors fromName utxos lovelace toName = do
makeTx hydraProcessHandlesRef fromName utxos lovelace toName = do
let lovelaceUtxos = mapMaybe (Map.lookup "lovelace" . HT.value) utxos
let lovelaceUtxos = mapMaybe (Map.lookup "lovelace" . HT.value) utxos
actors <- readIORef hydraProcessHandlesRef
jsonStr <-
jsonStr <-
(_signingKey . _cardanoKeys . _keys . _rnNodeInfo $ actors ! fromName)
(_signingKey . _cardanoKeys . _keys . (\(_, _, hn) -> hn) $ actors ! fromName)
(_rnAddress $ actors ! fromName)
((\(_, addr, _) -> addr) $ actors ! fromName)
(_rnAddress $ actors ! toName)
((\(_, addr, _) -> addr) $ actors ! toName)
let jsonTx :: Aeson.Value = fromMaybe (error "Failed to parse TX") . Aeson.decode . ByteString.Char8.pack $ jsonStr
let jsonTx :: Aeson.Value = fromMaybe (error "Failed to parse TX") . Aeson.decode . ByteString.Char8.pack $ jsonStr
pure . fromJust . parseMaybe (withObject "signed tx" (.: "cborHex")) $ jsonTx
pure . fromJust . parseMaybe (withObject "signed tx" (.: "cborHex")) $ jsonTx
startDemo :: MonadIO m => IORef State -> HydraDemo -> m RunningNodes
-- | Stopped demo desired state.
startDemo hydraProcessHandlesRef demo = do
stoppedDemo :: HydraDemo
liftIO (mapM (terminateProcess . (\(hndl, _, _) -> hndl)) =<< readIORef hydraProcessHandlesRef)
stoppedDemo = mempty
nodeInfos <- runHydraDemo demo
liftIO . writeIORef hydraProcessHandlesRef $ nodeInfos
data HydraNetStatus = HNNotRunning | HNStarting | HNRunning { _hnRunningNodes :: RunningNodes }
actorList :: RunningNodes <- forM nodeInfos $ \(_, addr, nInfo) -> do
-- | Start stop demo. When demo is 'mempty' the demo is stopped. If
( addr,
-- status is 'HNStarting' nothing is done.
[iii|ws://localhost:#{_apiPort nInfo}|]
manageDemo ::
forall t m.
pure actorList
( MonadIO (Performable m),
PerformEvent t m,
TriggerEvent t m,
MonadHold t m,
MonadFix m
) =>
Event t HydraDemo ->
m (Dynamic t HydraNetStatus)
manageDemo desiredStateE = mdo
let startStopDemoE = attachWithMaybe (\status demo ->
case status of
HNStarting -> Nothing
_ -> Just demo)
(current statusDyn)
newRunningE <- performEventAsync . ffor (attach (current statusDyn) startStopDemoE) $ \(status, demo) returnAction -> do
case status of
HNRunning ns -> liftIO . mapM_ (terminateProcess . _rnProcessHandle) $ ns
_ -> pure ()
unless (demo == stoppedDemo) $
liftIO $ void $ forkIO $ returnAction <=< runHydraDemo $ demo
statusDyn <- holdDyn HNNotRunning $ leftmost [ bool HNStarting HNNotRunning . (== stoppedDemo) <$> desiredStateE
, HNRunning <$> newRunningE
pure statusDyn
apiAddress :: HydraNodeInfo -> Text
apiAddress nInfo = [__i|ws://localhost:#{_apiPort nInfo}|]
-- | Friendly name for a Hydra node.
-- | Friendly name for a Hydra node.
type DemoNodeName = Text
type DemoNodeName = Text
data RunningNode = RunningNode
-- | WebSocket URL
{ _rnProcessHandle :: ProcessHandle
type ApiUrl = Text
, _rnAddress :: Address
, _rnNodeInfo :: HydraNodeInfo
type RunningNodes = Map DemoNodeName RunningNode
type RunningNodes = Map DemoNodeName ( Address -- Cardano address
, ApiUrl
type HydraDemo = Map
type HydraDemo = Map
@ -280,6 +260,7 @@ type HydraDemo = Map
, Lovelace -- Seed for fuel
, Lovelace -- Seed for fuel
seconds :: Int -> Int
seconds :: Int -> Int
seconds = (* 1000000)
seconds = (* 1000000)
@ -371,32 +352,33 @@ startStopDemoControls ::
( DomBuilder t m,
( DomBuilder t m,
MonadFix m,
MonadFix m,
PostBuild t m,
PostBuild t m,
MonadHold t m,
MonadHold t m, MonadIO (Performable m), PerformEvent t m) =>
MonadIO (Performable m),
IORef State ->
PerformEvent t m,
m (Event t RunningNodes)
TriggerEvent t m
startStopDemoControls hydraProcessHandlesRef = mdo
) =>
headRunning <- toggle False headStartedOrStoppedE
m (Dynamic t HydraNetStatus)
((), demoConfig) <- runDynamicWriterT $ dyn_ (bool (tellDyn =<< demoSettings alicebobcarolDemo) blank <$> headRunning)
startStopDemoControls = mdo
startStopHeadE <- buttonClass ((\running ->
demoStatusDyn <- manageDemo desiredDemoStateE
let color :: Text = bool "green" "red" running
((), demoConfigDyn) <- runDynamicWriterT $ dyn_ . ffor demoStatusDyn $ \case
in [__i|bg-#{color}-500 hover:bg-#{color}-400 active:bg-#{color}-300
HNNotRunning -> tellDyn =<< demoSettings alicebobcarolDemo
text-white font-bold text-xl m-4 px-4 py-2 rounded-md|]
_ -> blank
:: Text)
let btnBaseCls = "text-white font-bold text-xl m-4 px-4 py-2 rounded-md" :: Text
<$> headRunning)
let btnStartStopCls (color :: Text) =
$ dynText (bool "Start head" "Stop head" <$> headRunning)
[__i|bg-#{color}-500 hover:bg-#{color}-400 active:bg-#{color}-300 #{btnBaseCls}|]
let startStopWithConfE = current demoConfig <@ startStopHeadE
desiredDemoStateE <- switchHold never <=< dyn . ffor demoStatusDyn $ \case
headStartedOrStoppedE <- performEvent $
HNNotRunning ->
-- Start with mempty to stop the demo:
fmap (pushAlways (const (sample (current demoConfigDyn)))) $
(\running conf -> startDemo hydraProcessHandlesRef $ bool conf mempty running)
buttonClass (pure $ btnStartStopCls "green") $ text "Start head"
<$> current headRunning
HNStarting -> do
<@> startStopWithConfE
_ <- elAttr' "button" ("class" =: (btnStartStopCls "gray" <> " cursor-not-allowed")
let headStartingDom conf =
<> "disabled" =: "true")
if Map.null conf
$ text "Starting head..."
then blank
pure never
else elClass "div" "text-white text-2xl m-4" $ text "Head starting..."
HNRunning _ -> do
void $ runWithReplace blank $ leftmost [ headStartingDom <$> startStopWithConfE
fmap (stoppedDemo <$) $ buttonClass (pure $ btnStartStopCls "red") $ text "Stop head"
, blank <$ headStartedOrStoppedE
pure demoStatusDyn
pure headStartedOrStoppedE
app ::
app ::
@ -408,95 +390,92 @@ app ::
MonadHold t m, PerformEvent t m, TriggerEvent t m) =>
MonadHold t m, PerformEvent t m, TriggerEvent t m) =>
m ()
m ()
app = do
app = do
hydraProcessHandlesRef :: IORef State <- liftIO (newIORef mempty)
elClass "div" "w-screen h-screen bg-gray-900 overflow-y-scroll overflow-x-hidden" $ do
elClass "div" "w-screen h-screen bg-gray-900 overflow-y-scroll overflow-x-hidden" $ do
elClass "div" "p-4 m-4 text-white text-5xl font-bold" $ text "Hydra Proof Of Concept Demo"
elClass "div" "p-4 m-4 text-white text-5xl font-bold" $ text "Hydra Proof Of Concept Demo"
headNetStatusDyn <- startStopDemoControls
headStartedE <- startStopDemoControls hydraProcessHandlesRef
void $ dyn_ . ffor headNetStatusDyn $ \case
void $ runWithReplace blank $ ffor headStartedE $ \actors -> mdo
HNNotRunning -> blank
let actorNames = ffor (Map.toList actors) $ \(name, (_,_)) -> name
HNStarting -> blank
headState <- holdDyn Idle newState
HNRunning actors -> mdo
let headStateDom = elClass "div" "text-lg" . text . ("Head State: " <>)
let actorNames = Map.keys actors
unless (null actors) $ elClass "div" "ml-4 mt-8 mr-4 mb-2 w-full font-black text-green-500" $ dyn_ $ ffor headState $ \case
headState <- holdDyn Idle newState
Idle -> do
let headStateDom = elClass "div" "text-lg" . text . ("Head State: " <>)
headStateDom "Idle"
unless (null actors) $ elClass "div" "ml-4 mt-8 mr-4 mb-2 w-full font-black text-green-500" $ dyn_ $ ffor headState $ \case
elClass "div" "text-green-700 text-sm" $ text "Waiting for participant to init..."
Idle -> do
Initializing -> do
headStateDom "Idle"
headStateDom "Initializing"
elClass "div" "text-green-700 text-sm" $ text "Waiting for participant to init..."
elClass "div" "text-green-700 text-sm" $ text $ "Waiting for commits from: " <> T.intercalate ", " actorNames
Initializing -> do
Open -> headStateDom "Open"
headStateDom "Initializing"
Closed _ -> headStateDom "Closed/Contestation period"
elClass "div" "text-green-700 text-sm" $ text $ "Waiting for commits from: " <> T.intercalate ", " actorNames
StateReadyToFanout -> headStateDom "Ready to fanout"
Open -> headStateDom "Open"
Closed _ -> headStateDom "Closed/Contestation period"
newState <- elClass "div" "ml-4 mr-4 overflow-hidden rounded-lg hover:drop-shadow-xl transition-all drop-shadow bg-gray-800" $ mdo
StateReadyToFanout -> headStateDom "Ready to fanout"
currentTab <- holdDyn (head actorNames) changeTab
newState <- elClass "div" "ml-4 mr-4 overflow-hidden rounded-lg hover:drop-shadow-xl transition-all drop-shadow bg-gray-800" $ mdo
changeTab <- fmap leftmost $ elClass "div" "w-full flex flex-row justify-start" $ for actorNames $ \name -> do
currentTab <- holdDyn (head actorNames) changeTab
isSelected = (== name) <$> currentTab
changeTab <- fmap leftmost $ elClass "div" "w-full flex flex-row justify-start" $ for actorNames $ \name -> do
mkClasses selected =
T.intercalate " " [ "leading-none p-4 font-bold text-2xl text-gray-100 flex items-center justify-center"
isSelected = (== name) <$> currentTab
, bool "bg-gray-800 text-gray-300 pointer-cursor" "bg-gray-700 text-gray-100" selected
mkClasses selected =
T.intercalate " " [ "leading-none p-4 font-bold text-2xl text-gray-100 flex items-center justify-center"
(buttonEl, _) <- elDynClass' "button" (mkClasses <$> isSelected) $ text name
, bool "bg-gray-800 text-gray-300 pointer-cursor" "bg-gray-700 text-gray-100" selected
pure $ name <$ domEvent Click buttonEl
fmap (fmap getFirst . snd) . runEventWriterT $ forM (Map.toList actors) $ \(name, (actorAddress, wsUrl)) -> mdo
(buttonEl, _) <- elDynClass' "button" (mkClasses <$> isSelected) $ text name
let wsCfg = (WebSocketConfig @t @ClientInput) action never True []
pure $ name <$ domEvent Click buttonEl
ws <- jsonWebSocket wsUrl wsCfg
fmap (fmap getFirst . snd) . runEventWriterT $ forM (Map.toList actors) $ \(name, RunningNode { _rnNodeInfo = nInfo, _rnAddress = actorAddress}) -> mdo
let isSelected = (== name) <$> currentTab
let wsUrl = apiAddress nInfo
let mkClasses selected =
let wsCfg = (WebSocketConfig @t @ClientInput) action never True []
T.intercalate " " [ "p-2 bg-gray-700 text-white flex flex-col items-left"
ws <- jsonWebSocket wsUrl wsCfg
, bool "hidden" "" selected
let isSelected = (== name) <$> currentTab
let mkClasses selected =
(_, action) <- elDynClass "div" (mkClasses <$> isSelected) $ runEventWriterT $ runWithReplace (elClass "div" "text-white" $ text "Connecting to node...") . ffor (_webSocket_open ws) $ \() -> do
T.intercalate " " [ "p-2 bg-gray-700 text-white flex flex-col items-left"
, bool "hidden" "" selected
webSocketMessage :: Event t (ServerOutput Aeson.Value) =
fromMaybe (error "Parsing message from Hydra node failed") <$> _webSocket_recv ws
(_, action) <- elDynClass "div" (mkClasses <$> isSelected) $ runEventWriterT $ runWithReplace (elClass "div" "text-white" $ text "Connecting to node...") . ffor (_webSocket_open ws) $ \() -> do
processLog = \case
ReadyToCommit {} -> Just Initializing
webSocketMessage :: Event t (ServerOutput Aeson.Value) =
HeadIsOpen {} -> Just Open
fromMaybe (error "Parsing message from Hydra node failed") <$> _webSocket_recv ws
HeadIsClosed _ fanoutTime -> Just (Closed fanoutTime)
processLog = \case
ReadyToFanout {} -> Just StateReadyToFanout
ReadyToCommit {} -> Just Initializing
HeadIsAborted {} -> Just Idle
HeadIsOpen {} -> Just Open
HeadIsFinalized {} -> Just Idle
HeadIsClosed _ fanoutTime -> Just (Closed fanoutTime)
_ -> Nothing
ReadyToFanout {} -> Just StateReadyToFanout
let stateChange = fmapMaybe processLog webSocketMessage
HeadIsAborted {} -> Just Idle
HeadIsFinalized {} -> Just Idle
_ -> Nothing
myVKeyB :: Behavior t (Maybe T.Text) <-
let stateChange = fmapMaybe processLog webSocketMessage
hold Nothing
. fmap Just
. mapMaybe (\case
myVKeyB :: Behavior t (Maybe T.Text) <-
Greetings (Party vkey') -> Just vkey'
hold Nothing
_ -> Nothing)
. fmap Just
$ webSocketMessage
. mapMaybe (\case
headStateE <- mdo
Greetings (Party vkey') -> Just vkey'
void $ dyn $ ffor headState $ \case
_ -> Nothing)
Idle -> idleScreen name
$ webSocketMessage
Initializing -> initializingScreen actorAddress myVKeyB webSocketMessage
headStateE <- mdo
Open -> openScreen hydraProcessHandlesRef name actorNames actorAddress webSocketMessage
void $ dyn $ ffor headState $ \case
Closed fanoutTime -> closedScreen fanoutTime
Idle -> idleScreen name
StateReadyToFanout ->
Initializing -> initializingScreen actorAddress myVKeyB webSocketMessage
Open -> openScreen actors name webSocketMessage
. (Fanout <$)
Closed fanoutTime -> closedScreen fanoutTime
<=< buttonClass "bg-green-400 hover:bg-green-400 active:bg-green-200 text-white font-bold text-xl my-2 px-4 py-2 rounded-md w-32" $ text "Do fanout"
StateReadyToFanout ->
elClass "div" "mt-4" $ do
elClass "div" "mb-1 font-semibold text-sm" $ text "Hydra Node Log"
. (Fanout <$)
elClass "div" "p-2 bg-gray-800 rounded-md drop-shadow break-all" $
<=< buttonClass "bg-green-400 hover:bg-green-400 active:bg-green-200 text-white font-bold text-xl my-2 px-4 py-2 rounded-md w-32" $ text "Do fanout"
el "ul" $ do
elClass "div" "mt-4" $ do
comms <- foldDyn (++) [] $
elClass "div" "mb-1 font-semibold text-sm" $ text "Hydra Node Log"
((:[]) . ("Rcv: " <>) . toStrict . toLazyText . encodeToTextBuilder . toJSON <$> webSocketMessage)
elClass "div" "p-2 bg-gray-800 rounded-md drop-shadow break-all" $
el "ul" $ do
fmap (fmap (("Snd: " <>) . toStrict . toLazyText . encodeToTextBuilder . toJSON)) action
comms <- foldDyn (++) [] $
dyn_ $ mapM (el "li" . text) <$> comms
((:[]) . ("Rcv: " <>) . toStrict . toLazyText . encodeToTextBuilder . toJSON <$> webSocketMessage)
pure stateChange
lift $ tellEvent (First <$> headStateE)
fmap (fmap (("Snd: " <>) . toStrict . toLazyText . encodeToTextBuilder . toJSON)) action
pure ()
dyn_ $ mapM (el "li" . text) <$> comms
pure ()
pure stateChange
lift $ tellEvent (First <$> headStateE)
pure ()
pure ()
filterUtxos :: Address -> WholeUTXO -> WholeUTXO
filterUtxos :: Address -> WholeUTXO -> WholeUTXO
filterUtxos addr = Map.filter ((== addr) . HT.address)
filterUtxos addr = Map.filter ((== addr) . HT.address)
@ -522,11 +501,13 @@ initializingScreen ::
m ()
m ()
initializingScreen actorAddress myVKeyB webSocketMessage = do
initializingScreen actorAddress myVKeyB webSocketMessage = do
elClass "div" "p-2 flex flex-col" $ do
elClass "div" "p-2 flex flex-col" $ do
-- TODO: did not use performEvent here so this will block the UI until UTXOs are queried
-- TODO: did not use performEvent here
newUTXOs <- liftIO $ queryAddressUTXOs actorAddress
newUTXOs <- liftIO $ queryAddressUTXOs actorAddress -- fmapMaybe eitherToMaybe <$> (undefined . (DemoApi_GetActorUTXO actorAddress <$) =<< getPostBuild)
let commitSelection doCommit = do
let commitSelection doCommit = do
(_, currentSet) <-
(_, currentSet) <-
runDynamicWriterT $ (tellDyn <=< utxoPicker True) newUTXOs
runDynamicWriterT $ (tellDyn <=< utxoPicker True) newUTXOs
-- runWithReplace (elClass "div" "p-4 bg-gray-800 rounded mb-2" $ text $ "Getting " <> name <> "'s UTXOs...") $
-- (tellDyn <=< utxoPicker True) <$> newUTXOs
tellAction $ fmap (Commit . fromMaybe mempty) $ current currentSet <@ doCommit
tellAction $ fmap (Commit . fromMaybe mempty) $ current currentSet <@ doCommit
let hasCommitted =
let hasCommitted =
@ -555,7 +536,6 @@ initializingScreen actorAddress myVKeyB webSocketMessage = do
pure ()
pure ()
-- TODO: the names are passed in multiple times, the actorAddress can be found in twice as well
openScreen ::
openScreen ::
( EventWriter t [ClientInput] m,
( EventWriter t [ClientInput] m,
DomBuilder t m,
DomBuilder t m,
@ -563,13 +543,13 @@ openScreen ::
MonadHold t m,
MonadHold t m,
PostBuild t m,
PostBuild t m,
MonadIO (Performable m), PerformEvent t m) =>
MonadIO (Performable m), PerformEvent t m) =>
RunningNodes ->
IORef State ->
Text ->
Text ->
[Text] ->
Address ->
Event t (ServerOutput tx) ->
Event t (ServerOutput tx) ->
m ()
m ()
openScreen actors name webSocketMessage = do
openScreen hydraProcessHandlesRef name actorNames actorAddress webSocketMessage = do
let actorNames = Map.keys actors
let actorAddress = _rnAddress (actors ! name)
-- Get your UTxOs on page load and when we observe a transaction
-- Get your UTxOs on page load and when we observe a transaction
tellAction . (GetUTxO <$)
tellAction . (GetUTxO <$)
. ( ( void $
. ( ( void $
@ -622,7 +602,7 @@ openScreen actors name webSocketMessage = do
elClass "div" "flex" $ do
elClass "div" "flex" $ do
signedTxE <-
signedTxE <-
performEvent . fmap liftIO $
performEvent . fmap liftIO $
makeTx actors name
makeTx hydraProcessHandlesRef name
<$> current currentSet
<$> current currentSet
-- NOTE/TODO(skylar): This is just to default to the minimum
-- NOTE/TODO(skylar): This is just to default to the minimum
<*> current (fromMaybe 1000000 <$> lovelaceDyn)
<*> current (fromMaybe 1000000 <$> lovelaceDyn)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user