56 lines
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56 lines
1.3 KiB
module Exercise1.Observers where
import Initial.Cash
import Initial.Scripts
import DA.Assert
import DA.Foldable (forA_)
import Daml.Script
template AdditionalRules
bank : Party
bankReader : Party
signatory bank
observer bankReader
nonconsuming choice Set_Observers : ContractId Position
owner : Party
positionCid : ContractId Position
new_obs : [Party]
controller owner
position <- fetch positionCid
owner === position.owner
bank === position.issuer
archive positionCid
create position with obs = new_obs
test_set_obs : Script ()
test_set_obs = script do
(tps@TestParties{..}, tus@TestUsers{..}) <- init_cash
-- Create a reader party and give access to Alice and Bob
pBankReader <- allocateParty "BankReader"
grantUserRights uAlice [CanReadAs pBankReader]
grantUserRights uBob [CanReadAs pBankReader]
-- Bank Issues the new rule
rules <- submitUser uBank do
createCmd AdditionalRules with
bank = pBank
bankReader = pBankReader
-- Alice can make Bob observer on all her positions
alicePositions <- query @Position pAlice
forA_ (alicePositions) (\(cid, _) -> do
submitUser uAlice do
exerciseCmd rules Set_Observers with
owner = pAlice
positionCid = cid
new_obs = [pBob]