275 lines
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275 lines
7.5 KiB
module Exercise3.Swaps where
import DA.Assert
import DA.Action
import DA.Foldable (forA_)
import Daml.Script
data VAsset = VAsset with
issuer : Party
owner : Party
assetType : Text
quantity : Decimal
obs : [Party]
deriving (Eq, Show)
data VAssetTransferProposal = VAssetTransferProposal with
vasset : VAsset
newOwner : Party
deriving (Eq, Show)
interface IAssetTransferProposal where
viewtype VAssetTransferProposal
asset : IAsset
choice Accept_TransferProposal : ContractId IAsset
controller (view this).newOwner
create $ set_owner (asset this) (view this).newOwner
choice Reject_TransferProposal : ContractId IAsset
controller (view this).newOwner
create $ asset this
interface IAsset where
viewtype VAsset
set_owner : Party -> IAsset
set_obs : [Party] -> IAsset
set_quantity : Decimal -> IAsset
transfer_for : Party -> IAssetTransferProposal
choice Transfer : ContractId IAsset
newOwner : Party
controller [(view this).owner, newOwner]
create $ set_owner (set_obs this []) newOwner
choice Split : (ContractId IAsset, [ContractId IAsset])
splitQuantities : [Decimal]
controller (view this).owner
remCid <- create $ set_quantity this ((view this).quantity - sum splitQuantities)
splitCids <- forA splitQuantities (\splitQuantity -> create$ set_quantity this splitQuantity)
return (remCid, splitCids)
choice Merge : ContractId IAsset
otherCids : [ContractId IAsset]
controller (view this).owner
quantities <- forA otherCids (\otherCid -> do
other <- fetch otherCid
let vo = view other
vo === (view this) with
quantity = vo.quantity
obs = vo.obs
exercise otherCid Archive_Asset
return vo.quantity)
create $ set_quantity this ((view this).quantity + sum quantities)
choice Propose_Transfer : ContractId IAssetTransferProposal
newOwner : Party
controller (view this).owner
create (transfer_for this newOwner)
choice Set_Observers : ContractId IAsset
newObs : [Party]
controller (view this).owner
create $ set_obs this newObs
choice Archive_Asset : ()
controller (signatory this)
do return ()
template Cash
_issuer : Party
_owner : Party
_quantity : Decimal
_obs : [Party]
signatory [_issuer, _owner]
observer _obs
interface instance IAsset for Cash where
view = VAsset with
issuer = _issuer
owner = _owner
obs = _obs
quantity = _quantity
assetType = "Cash"
set_obs newObs = toInterface (this with _obs = newObs)
set_owner newOwner = toInterface (this with _owner = newOwner)
set_quantity newQuantity = toInterface (this with _quantity = newQuantity)
transfer_for newOwner = toInterface $ CashTransferProposal with cash = this; ..
-- Workaround for https://github.com/digital-asset/daml/issues/15459
myView = view
template CashTransferProposal
newOwner : Party
cash : Cash
signatory (signatory cash)
observer newOwner
interface instance IAssetTransferProposal for CashTransferProposal where
view = VAssetTransferProposal with
newOwner = newOwner
vasset = myView (toInterface @IAsset cash)
asset = toInterface @IAsset cash
template AssetSwapProposal
requester : Party
receiver : Party
-- Triples of issuer, assetType, quantity
offerSpec : (Party, Text, Decimal)
offerCid : ContractId IAsset
requestedSpec : (Party, Text, Decimal)
signatory requester
observer receiver
choice Settle : ()
requestedCid : ContractId IAsset
controller receiver
actualOffer <- fetch offerCid
actualRequested <- fetch requestedCid
vo = view actualOffer
vr = view actualRequested
-- Check signatories. Needed for safety!
assertMsg "Offer Asset not signed by issuer!" (vo.issuer `elem` signatory actualOffer)
assertMsg "Requested Asset not signed by issuer!" (vr.issuer `elem` signatory actualRequested)
-- Check against spec
(vo.issuer, vo.assetType, vo.quantity) === offerSpec
(vr.issuer, vr.assetType, vr.quantity) === requestedSpec
-- Transfer
exercise offerCid Transfer with newOwner = receiver
exercise requestedCid Transfer with newOwner = requester
return ()
-- Scripts
data TestParties = TestParties with
pBank : Party
pAlice : Party
pBob : Party
data TestUsers = TestUsers with
uBank : UserId
uAlice : UserId
uBob : UserId
init_parties : Script TestParties
init_parties = do
let allocate t = allocatePartyWithHint t (PartyIdHint t)
pBank <- allocate "Bank"
pAlice <- allocate "Alice"
pBob <- allocate "Bob"
return (TestParties with ..)
init_users : TestParties -> Script TestUsers
init_users TestParties{..} = do
makeUser t p rs = do
uid <- validateUserId t
u = User with
userId = uid
primaryParty = Some p
createUser u (CanActAs p :: rs)
return uid
uBank <- makeUser "bank" pBank []
uAlice <- makeUser "alice" pAlice []
uBob <- makeUser "bob" pBob []
return (TestUsers with ..)
init_cash : Script (TestParties, TestUsers)
init_cash = do
ps@TestParties{..} <- init_parties
us@TestUsers{..} <- init_users ps
-- Issue some cash in the form of transfer proposals.
let cash = Cash with
_issuer = pBank
_owner = pBank
_obs = []
_quantity = 1.0
-- 2 positions of $1 for Alice
replicateA_ 1 $ submitUser uBank do
replicateA_ 2 $ createCmd CashTransferProposal with
newOwner = pAlice
-- 1 positions for Bob
replicateA_ 1 $ submitUser uBank do
replicateA_ 1 $ createCmd CashTransferProposal with
newOwner = pBob
-- Accept all transfer proposals
accept_all p = do
proposals <- queryFilter @CashTransferProposal p (\tp -> tp.newOwner == p)
submit p do
forA_ proposals (\(cid, _) -> exerciseCmd (toInterfaceContractId @IAssetTransferProposal cid) Accept_TransferProposal)
forA_ [pAlice, pBob] accept_all
-- Alice transfers 1 of her positions to Bob
alicePositions <- query @Cash pAlice
forA_ (take 1 alicePositions) (\(cid, _) -> do
submitUser uAlice do
exerciseCmd (toInterfaceContractId @IAsset cid) Propose_Transfer with
newOwner = pBob
return (ps, us)
test_swap : Script ()
test_swap = script do
(tps@TestParties{..}, tus@TestUsers{..}) <- init_cash
-- Alice proposes a swap
(cid, posa)::_ <- query @Cash pAlice
cid <- submitUser uAlice do
exerciseCmd (toInterfaceContractId @IAsset cid) Set_Observers with newObs = [pBob]
-- Cash for cash is all we can do...
let assetSpec = (pBank, "Cash", posa._quantity)
swapCid <- submitUser uAlice do
createCmd AssetSwapProposal with
requester = pAlice
receiver = pBob
offerSpec = assetSpec
requestedSpec = assetSpec
offerCid = toInterfaceContractId @IAsset cid
-- Bob accepts
(cid, _)::_ <- queryFilter @Cash pBob (\posb -> posb._owner == pBob && posb._quantity == posa._quantity)
submitUser uBob do
exerciseCmd swapCid Settle with requestedCid = toInterfaceContractId @IAsset cid
(cid, asset)::_ <- queryFilter @Cash pBob (\posb -> posb._owner == pBob && posb._quantity == posa._quantity)
return () |