Add some weak action stuff

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Ryan Trinkle 2023-04-09 17:35:22 -04:00
parent e49fb1ef18
commit 774e5fbb73

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@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Foldable
import Data.These
import Unsafe.Coerce
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -28,6 +30,208 @@ main = do
data WeakBagInput a
data WeakBagOutput a
data WeakMutVarInput a = WeakMutVarInput (WeakWithLifespan (IORef a))
data WeakMutVarOutput a = WeakMutVarOutput (IORef a)
data WeakWithLifespan a = WeakWithLifespan (Weak a) Lifespan
newWeakMutVar :: a -> UIO (WeakMutVarInput a, WeakMutVarOutput a)
newWeakMutVar a = do
r <- newIORef a
l <- lifespanOfIORef r
w <- newWeakWithLifespan l r
pure (WeakMutVarInput w, WeakMutVarOutput r)
writeWeakMutVar :: WeakMutVarInput a -> UIO (Effect a)
writeWeakMutVar target = mapEffect const =<< modifyWeakMutVar target
modifyWeakMutVar :: WeakMutVarInput a -> UIO (Effect (a -> a))
modifyWeakMutVar (WeakMutVarInput w) = Effect <$> do
mapWeakWithLifespan' (\r f -> atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (f v, ())) w
readWeakMutVar :: WeakMutVarOutput a -> Coeffect a
readWeakMutVar (WeakMutVarOutput r) = Coeffect $ readIORef r
testEffect1 :: IO ()
testEffect1 = do
(i, o) <- newWeakMutVar "A"
e <- traceEffect id =<< writeWeakMutVar i
putStrLn "X"
runEffect e "B"
touch o
_ <- runCoeffect (readWeakMutVar o)
putStrLn "Y"
runEffect e "C"
putStrLn "Z"
testEffect2 :: IO ()
testEffect2 = do
(ia, oa) <- newWeakMutVar (1 :: Int)
(ib, ob) <- newWeakMutVar 1
modifyA <- traceEffect (const "modifyA") =<< modifyWeakMutVar ia
modifyB <- traceEffect (const "modifyB") =<< modifyWeakMutVar ib
let readA = readWeakMutVar oa
incrementA <- mapEffect (\() -> (+1)) modifyA
addToB <- mapEffect (\n -> (+n)) modifyB
addAToB <- withCoeffect readA addToB
e <- incrementA `andThen` addAToB
runEffect e ((), ())
touch oa
runEffect :: Effect a -> a -> IO ()
runEffect (Effect e) a = deRefWeakWithLifespan e >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just f -> f a
traceEffect :: (a -> String) -> Effect a -> UIO (Effect a)
traceEffect f = weakEffect $ putStrLn . f
-- Run the given IO action if the provided Effect is still runnable. Note that the IO action may run even if the effect is *not* runnable, depending on garbage collection timing.
weakEffect :: (a -> IO ()) -> Effect a -> UIO (Effect a)
weakEffect f (Effect e) = fmap Effect $ forWeakWithLifespan' e $ \fe a -> do
f a
fe a
runCoeffect :: Coeffect a -> IO a
runCoeffect (Coeffect c) = c
-- Unordered IO - we want to allocate things, strictly evaluate things, etc., but we don't actually care what order it is done in
type UIO = IO
emptyWeak :: Weak a
emptyWeak = unsafeCoerce emptyWeakUnit
{-# NOINLINE emptyWeakUnit #-}
emptyWeakUnit :: Weak ()
emptyWeakUnit = unsafePerformIO $ do
w <- mkWeakPtr () Nothing
finalize w
pure w
newWeakWithLifespan :: Lifespan -> a -> UIO (WeakWithLifespan a)
newWeakWithLifespan (Lifespan l) a = do
deRefWeak l >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ WeakWithLifespan emptyWeak (Lifespan l)
Just r -> do
w <- mkWeakWithIORefKey r a
pure $ WeakWithLifespan w (Lifespan l)
underlyingLifespan :: WeakWithLifespan a -> Lifespan
underlyingLifespan (WeakWithLifespan _ l) = l
deRefWeakWithLifespan :: WeakWithLifespan a -> UIO (Maybe a)
deRefWeakWithLifespan (WeakWithLifespan w _) = deRefWeak w
-- Applies the function strictly; usually this is what you want, so that extra data is not retained
forWeakWithLifespan' :: WeakWithLifespan a -> (a -> b) -> UIO (WeakWithLifespan b)
forWeakWithLifespan' = flip mapWeakWithLifespan'
-- Applies the function strictly; usually this is what you want, so that extra data is not retained
mapWeakWithLifespan' :: (a -> b) -> WeakWithLifespan a -> UIO (WeakWithLifespan b)
mapWeakWithLifespan' f (WeakWithLifespan w l) = do
deRefWeak w >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ WeakWithLifespan emptyWeak l
Just v -> newWeakWithLifespan l $! f v
bothAlive :: WeakWithLifespan a -> WeakWithLifespan b -> UIO (WeakWithLifespan (a, b))
bothAlive = undefined
-- This is impossible because it assumes that weaks *do actual work* when you retrieve them. This isn't what we want.
alignAlive :: WeakWithLifespan a -> WeakWithLifespan b -> UIO (WeakWithLifespan (These a b))
alignAlive = undefined
data Effect a = Effect (WeakWithLifespan (a -> UIO ())) -- Take an `a` and do a side effect with it
data Coeffect a = Coeffect (UIO a) -- Read an `a` without doing any side effects
-- Like `also`, but also guarantees order. But I'm not sure what the semantics should really be here, since we could want coeffects ordered separately from effects
andThen :: Effect a -> Effect b -> UIO (Effect (a, b))
andThen = also
also :: Effect a -> Effect b -> UIO (Effect (a, b))
also (Effect ea) (Effect eb) = Effect <$> do
myLifespan <- unionLifespan (underlyingLifespan ea) (underlyingLifespan eb)
newWeakWithLifespan myLifespan $ \(a, b) -> do
deRefWeakWithLifespan ea >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just fa -> fa a
deRefWeakWithLifespan eb >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just fb -> fb b
mapEffect :: (b -> a) -> Effect a -> UIO (Effect b)
mapEffect f (Effect e) = Effect <$> mapWeakWithLifespan' (\fe -> fe . f) e
withCoeffect :: Coeffect a -> Effect a -> UIO (Effect ())
withCoeffect (Coeffect c) (Effect e) = Effect <$> do
let f fe () = do
v <- c
fe v
mapWeakWithLifespan' f e
coAlso :: Coeffect a -> Coeffect b -> Coeffect (a, b)
coAlso = undefined
--TODO: This should use a WeakBag
newtype Lifespan = Lifespan (Weak (IORef [LifespanBacklink]))
newtype LifespanBacklink = LifespanBacklink (IORef [LifespanBacklink])
modifyWeakIORef :: Weak (IORef a) -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
modifyWeakIORef w f = deRefWeak w >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just r -> atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (f v, ())
lifespanOfIORef :: IORef a -> UIO Lifespan
lifespanOfIORef basis = do
mine <- newIORef []
w <- mkWeakWithIORefKey basis mine -- This exploits the fact that System.Mem.Weak references keep the value alive even when the weak reference itself dies.
pure $ Lifespan w
-- Return a lifespan
unionLifespan :: Lifespan -> Lifespan -> UIO Lifespan
unionLifespan (Lifespan a) (Lifespan b) = do
r <- newIORef []
w <- mkWeakWithIORefKey r r
modifyWeakIORef a (LifespanBacklink r :)
modifyWeakIORef b (LifespanBacklink r :)
pure $ Lifespan w
intersectionLifespan :: Lifespan -> Lifespan -> UIO Lifespan
intersectionLifespan a b = undefined
-- If we do readWeakMutVar v `bind` writeWeakMutVar v', we should only keep v alive if `v'`'s output side is alive
bind :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
bind = undefined
data Event a = Event
{ _event_items :: WeakBagInput (a -> IO ()) -- Allows adding items to the weak bag. Does not keep the weak bag alive; if the bag is gone, adding an item does nothing.
, _event_currentValue :: WeakMutVarOutput (Maybe a) -- Allows seeing the current state of the event: if Nothing, it either isn't firing or hasn't fired yet this frame; if Just, it has fired this frame.
--TODO: Position in topological ordering; only needed when we introduce Merge
data Trigger a = Trigger
{ _trigger_items :: WeakBagOutput (a -> IO ()) -- Allows retrieving the contents of the weak bag
, _trigger_currentValue :: WeakMutVarInput (Maybe a)
newEvent :: IO (Trigger a, Event a)
newEvent = undefined
fireTrigger :: Trigger a -> a -> IO ()
fireTrigger = undefined
data Hold a = Hold
newHold :: a -> Event a -> IO (Hold a)
newHold = undefined
-- Demonstrate that a Weak's key keeps its value alive, even if the Weak is dead
testWeakChain :: IO ()
testWeakChain = do