289 lines
8.5 KiB
289 lines
8.5 KiB
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from functools import wraps
import binascii
import datetime
import inspect
import random
import re
import six
import string
REQUEST_ID_LONG = string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase
def camelcase_to_underscores(argument):
''' Converts a camelcase param like theNewAttribute to the equivalent
python underscore variable like the_new_attribute'''
result = ''
prev_char_title = True
if not argument:
return argument
for index, char in enumerate(argument):
next_char_title = argument[index + 1].istitle()
except IndexError:
next_char_title = True
upper_to_lower = char.istitle() and not next_char_title
lower_to_upper = char.istitle() and not prev_char_title
if index and (upper_to_lower or lower_to_upper):
# Only add underscore if char is capital, not first letter, and next
# char is not capital
result += "_"
prev_char_title = char.istitle()
if not char.isspace(): # Only add non-whitespace
result += char.lower()
return result
def underscores_to_camelcase(argument):
''' Converts a camelcase param like the_new_attribute to the equivalent
camelcase version like theNewAttribute. Note that the first letter is
NOT capitalized by this function '''
result = ''
previous_was_underscore = False
for char in argument:
if char != '_':
if previous_was_underscore:
result += char.upper()
result += char
previous_was_underscore = char == '_'
return result
def method_names_from_class(clazz):
# On Python 2, methods are different from functions, and the `inspect`
# predicates distinguish between them. On Python 3, methods are just
# regular functions, and `inspect.ismethod` doesn't work, so we have to
# use `inspect.isfunction` instead
if six.PY2:
predicate = inspect.ismethod
predicate = inspect.isfunction
return [x[0] for x in inspect.getmembers(clazz, predicate=predicate)]
def get_random_hex(length=8):
chars = list(range(10)) + ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
return ''.join(six.text_type(random.choice(chars)) for x in range(length))
def get_random_message_id():
return '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}'.format(get_random_hex(8), get_random_hex(4), get_random_hex(4), get_random_hex(4), get_random_hex(12))
def convert_regex_to_flask_path(url_path):
Converts a regex matching url to one that can be used with flask
for token in ["$"]:
url_path = url_path.replace(token, "")
def caller(reg):
match_name, match_pattern = reg.groups()
return '<regex("{0}"):{1}>'.format(match_pattern, match_name)
url_path = re.sub("\(\?P<(.*?)>(.*?)\)", caller, url_path)
if url_path.endswith("/?"):
# Flask does own handling of trailing slashes
url_path = url_path.rstrip("/?")
return url_path
class convert_httpretty_response(object):
def __init__(self, callback):
self.callback = callback
def __name__(self):
# For instance methods, use class and method names. Otherwise
# use module and method name
if inspect.ismethod(self.callback):
outer = self.callback.__self__.__class__.__name__
outer = self.callback.__module__
return "{0}.{1}".format(outer, self.callback.__name__)
def __call__(self, request, url, headers, **kwargs):
result = self.callback(request, url, headers)
status, headers, response = result
if 'server' not in headers:
headers["server"] = "amazon.com"
return status, headers, response
class convert_flask_to_httpretty_response(object):
def __init__(self, callback):
self.callback = callback
def __name__(self):
# For instance methods, use class and method names. Otherwise
# use module and method name
if inspect.ismethod(self.callback):
outer = self.callback.__self__.__class__.__name__
outer = self.callback.__module__
return "{0}.{1}".format(outer, self.callback.__name__)
def __call__(self, args=None, **kwargs):
from flask import request, Response
result = self.callback(request, request.url, {})
# result is a status, headers, response tuple
if len(result) == 3:
status, headers, content = result
status, headers, content = 200, {}, result
response = Response(response=content, status=status, headers=headers)
if request.method == "HEAD" and 'content-length' in headers:
response.headers['Content-Length'] = headers['content-length']
return response
class convert_flask_to_responses_response(object):
def __init__(self, callback):
self.callback = callback
def __name__(self):
# For instance methods, use class and method names. Otherwise
# use module and method name
if inspect.ismethod(self.callback):
outer = self.callback.__self__.__class__.__name__
outer = self.callback.__module__
return "{0}.{1}".format(outer, self.callback.__name__)
def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
for key, val in request.headers.items():
if isinstance(val, six.binary_type):
request.headers[key] = val.decode("utf-8")
result = self.callback(request, request.url, request.headers)
status, headers, response = result
return status, headers, response
def iso_8601_datetime_with_milliseconds(datetime):
return datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3] + 'Z'
def iso_8601_datetime_without_milliseconds(datetime):
return datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") + 'Z'
RFC1123 = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT'
def rfc_1123_datetime(datetime):
return datetime.strftime(RFC1123)
def str_to_rfc_1123_datetime(str):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(str, RFC1123)
def unix_time(dt=None):
dt = dt or datetime.datetime.utcnow()
epoch = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
delta = dt - epoch
return (delta.days * 86400) + (delta.seconds + (delta.microseconds / 1e6))
def unix_time_millis(dt=None):
return unix_time(dt) * 1000.0
def gen_amz_crc32(response, headerdict=None):
if not isinstance(response, bytes):
response = response.encode()
crc = str(binascii.crc32(response))
if headerdict is not None and isinstance(headerdict, dict):
headerdict.update({'x-amz-crc32': crc})
return crc
def gen_amzn_requestid_long(headerdict=None):
req_id = ''.join([random.choice(REQUEST_ID_LONG) for _ in range(0, 52)])
if headerdict is not None and isinstance(headerdict, dict):
headerdict.update({'x-amzn-requestid': req_id})
return req_id
def amz_crc32(f):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
response = f(*args, **kwargs)
headers = {}
status = 200
if isinstance(response, six.string_types):
body = response
if len(response) == 2:
body, new_headers = response
status = new_headers.get('status', 200)
status, new_headers, body = response
# Cast status to string
if "status" in headers:
headers['status'] = str(headers['status'])
# Doesnt work on python2 for some odd unicode strings
gen_amz_crc32(body, headers)
except Exception:
return status, headers, body
return _wrapper
def amzn_request_id(f):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
response = f(*args, **kwargs)
headers = {}
status = 200
if isinstance(response, six.string_types):
body = response
if len(response) == 2:
body, new_headers = response
status = new_headers.get('status', 200)
status, new_headers, body = response
request_id = gen_amzn_requestid_long(headers)
# Update request ID in XML
body = body.replace('{{ requestid }}', request_id)
except Exception: # Will just ignore if it cant work on bytes (which are str's on python2)
return status, headers, body
return _wrapper