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10 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
6b27e947ee Switch to using a patched GHC 2023-07-09 12:34:47 -04:00
Ryan Trinkle
ebdd46e76e Add a failing test for the plugin 2023-04-12 21:44:43 -04:00
Ryan Trinkle
ee8b926ab8 Minor cleanups 2023-04-10 22:32:12 -04:00
Ryan Trinkle
7a2d4162cf A couple more tests and test cleanups 2023-04-10 22:26:20 -04:00
Ryan Trinkle
e4f64347c9 Add a few things to .gitignore 2023-04-10 22:26:09 -04:00
Ryan Trinkle
f2ff3dbb09 UIO works, and now includes a plugin to eliminate the calls to uniqueState 2023-04-10 17:41:45 -04:00
Ryan Trinkle
25cf31c7dd UIO works and produces decent core, except for the noinline'd uniqueState calls 2023-04-10 15:37:08 -04:00
Ryan Trinkle
b6c2099b02 More UIO2 work 2023-04-10 11:30:30 -04:00
Ryan Trinkle
5da5ab9045 Initial implementation of UIO2 2023-04-10 11:15:20 -04:00
Ryan Trinkle
774e5fbb73 Add some weak action stuff 2023-04-09 17:35:22 -04:00
8 changed files with 536 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
import System.Mem import System.Mem
import System.Mem.Weak import System.Mem.Weak
import Data.IORef import Data.IORef
@ -19,6 +20,14 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Monad import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Foldable import Data.Foldable
import Data.These
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Semigroup
import UIO
import Test.UIO
main :: IO () main :: IO ()
main = do main = do
@ -28,6 +37,208 @@ main = do
testGraphX testGraphX
testGraphO testGraphO
type UIO = IO
data WeakBagInput a
data WeakBagOutput a
data WeakMutVarInput a = WeakMutVarInput (WeakWithLifespan (IORef a))
data WeakMutVarOutput a = WeakMutVarOutput (IORef a)
data WeakWithLifespan a = WeakWithLifespan (Weak a) Lifespan
newWeakMutVar :: a -> UIO (WeakMutVarInput a, WeakMutVarOutput a)
newWeakMutVar a = do
r <- newIORef a
l <- lifespanOfIORef r
w <- newWeakWithLifespan l r
pure (WeakMutVarInput w, WeakMutVarOutput r)
writeWeakMutVar :: WeakMutVarInput a -> UIO (Effect a)
writeWeakMutVar target = mapEffect const =<< modifyWeakMutVar target
modifyWeakMutVar :: WeakMutVarInput a -> UIO (Effect (a -> a))
modifyWeakMutVar (WeakMutVarInput w) = Effect <$> do
mapWeakWithLifespan' (\r f -> atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (f v, ())) w
readWeakMutVar :: WeakMutVarOutput a -> Coeffect a
readWeakMutVar (WeakMutVarOutput r) = Coeffect $ readIORef r
testEffect1 :: IO ()
testEffect1 = do
(i, o) <- newWeakMutVar "A"
e <- traceEffect id =<< writeWeakMutVar i
putStrLn "X"
runEffect e "B"
touch o
_ <- runCoeffect (readWeakMutVar o)
putStrLn "Y"
runEffect e "C"
putStrLn "Z"
testEffect2 :: IO ()
testEffect2 = do
(ia, oa) <- newWeakMutVar (1 :: Int)
(ib, ob) <- newWeakMutVar 1
modifyA <- traceEffect (const "modifyA") =<< modifyWeakMutVar ia
modifyB <- traceEffect (const "modifyB") =<< modifyWeakMutVar ib
let readA = readWeakMutVar oa
incrementA <- mapEffect (\() -> (+1)) modifyA
addToB <- mapEffect (\n -> (+n)) modifyB
addAToB <- withCoeffect readA addToB
e <- incrementA `andThen` addAToB
runEffect e ((), ())
touch oa
runEffect :: Effect a -> a -> IO ()
runEffect (Effect e) a = deRefWeakWithLifespan e >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just f -> f a
traceEffect :: (a -> String) -> Effect a -> UIO (Effect a)
traceEffect f = weakEffect $ putStrLn . f
-- Run the given IO action if the provided Effect is still runnable. Note that the IO action may run even if the effect is *not* runnable, depending on garbage collection timing.
weakEffect :: (a -> IO ()) -> Effect a -> UIO (Effect a)
weakEffect f (Effect e) = fmap Effect $ forWeakWithLifespan' e $ \fe a -> do
f a
fe a
runCoeffect :: Coeffect a -> IO a
runCoeffect (Coeffect c) = c
emptyWeak :: Weak a
emptyWeak = unsafeCoerce emptyWeakUnit
{-# NOINLINE emptyWeakUnit #-}
emptyWeakUnit :: Weak ()
emptyWeakUnit = unsafePerformIO $ do
w <- mkWeakPtr () Nothing
finalize w
pure w
newWeakWithLifespan :: Lifespan -> a -> UIO (WeakWithLifespan a)
newWeakWithLifespan (Lifespan l) a = do
deRefWeak l >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ WeakWithLifespan emptyWeak (Lifespan l)
Just r -> do
w <- mkWeakWithIORefKey r a
pure $ WeakWithLifespan w (Lifespan l)
underlyingLifespan :: WeakWithLifespan a -> Lifespan
underlyingLifespan (WeakWithLifespan _ l) = l
deRefWeakWithLifespan :: WeakWithLifespan a -> UIO (Maybe a)
deRefWeakWithLifespan (WeakWithLifespan w _) = deRefWeak w
-- Applies the function strictly; usually this is what you want, so that extra data is not retained
forWeakWithLifespan' :: WeakWithLifespan a -> (a -> b) -> UIO (WeakWithLifespan b)
forWeakWithLifespan' = flip mapWeakWithLifespan'
-- Applies the function strictly; usually this is what you want, so that extra data is not retained
mapWeakWithLifespan' :: (a -> b) -> WeakWithLifespan a -> UIO (WeakWithLifespan b)
mapWeakWithLifespan' f (WeakWithLifespan w l) = do
deRefWeak w >>= \case
Nothing -> pure $ WeakWithLifespan emptyWeak l
Just v -> newWeakWithLifespan l $! f v
bothAlive :: WeakWithLifespan a -> WeakWithLifespan b -> UIO (WeakWithLifespan (a, b))
bothAlive = undefined
-- This is impossible because it assumes that weaks *do actual work* when you retrieve them. This isn't what we want.
alignAlive :: WeakWithLifespan a -> WeakWithLifespan b -> UIO (WeakWithLifespan (These a b))
alignAlive = undefined
data Effect a = Effect (WeakWithLifespan (a -> UIO ())) -- Take an `a` and do a side effect with it
data Coeffect a = Coeffect (UIO a) -- Read an `a` without doing any side effects
-- Like `also`, but also guarantees order. But I'm not sure what the semantics should really be here, since we could want coeffects ordered separately from effects
andThen :: Effect a -> Effect b -> UIO (Effect (a, b))
andThen = also
also :: Effect a -> Effect b -> UIO (Effect (a, b))
also (Effect ea) (Effect eb) = Effect <$> do
myLifespan <- unionLifespan (underlyingLifespan ea) (underlyingLifespan eb)
newWeakWithLifespan myLifespan $ \(a, b) -> do
deRefWeakWithLifespan ea >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just fa -> fa a
deRefWeakWithLifespan eb >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just fb -> fb b
mapEffect :: (b -> a) -> Effect a -> UIO (Effect b)
mapEffect f (Effect e) = Effect <$> mapWeakWithLifespan' (\fe -> fe . f) e
withCoeffect :: Coeffect a -> Effect a -> UIO (Effect ())
withCoeffect (Coeffect c) (Effect e) = Effect <$> do
let f fe () = do
v <- c
fe v
mapWeakWithLifespan' f e
coAlso :: Coeffect a -> Coeffect b -> Coeffect (a, b)
coAlso = undefined
--TODO: This should use a WeakBag
newtype Lifespan = Lifespan (Weak (IORef [LifespanBacklink]))
newtype LifespanBacklink = LifespanBacklink (IORef [LifespanBacklink])
modifyWeakIORef :: Weak (IORef a) -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
modifyWeakIORef w f = deRefWeak w >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just r -> atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (f v, ())
lifespanOfIORef :: IORef a -> UIO Lifespan
lifespanOfIORef basis = do
mine <- newIORef []
w <- mkWeakWithIORefKey basis mine -- This exploits the fact that System.Mem.Weak references keep the value alive even when the weak reference itself dies.
pure $ Lifespan w
-- Return a lifespan
unionLifespan :: Lifespan -> Lifespan -> UIO Lifespan
unionLifespan (Lifespan a) (Lifespan b) = do
r <- newIORef []
w <- mkWeakWithIORefKey r r
modifyWeakIORef a (LifespanBacklink r :)
modifyWeakIORef b (LifespanBacklink r :)
pure $ Lifespan w
intersectionLifespan :: Lifespan -> Lifespan -> UIO Lifespan
intersectionLifespan a b = undefined
-- If we do readWeakMutVar v `bind` writeWeakMutVar v', we should only keep v alive if `v'`'s output side is alive
bind :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
bind = undefined
data Event a = Event
{ _event_items :: WeakBagInput (a -> IO ()) -- Allows adding items to the weak bag. Does not keep the weak bag alive; if the bag is gone, adding an item does nothing.
, _event_currentValue :: WeakMutVarOutput (Maybe a) -- Allows seeing the current state of the event: if Nothing, it either isn't firing or hasn't fired yet this frame; if Just, it has fired this frame.
--TODO: Position in topological ordering; only needed when we introduce Merge
data Trigger a = Trigger
{ _trigger_items :: WeakBagOutput (a -> IO ()) -- Allows retrieving the contents of the weak bag
, _trigger_currentValue :: WeakMutVarInput (Maybe a)
newEvent :: IO (Trigger a, Event a)
newEvent = undefined
fireTrigger :: Trigger a -> a -> IO ()
fireTrigger = undefined
data Hold a = Hold
newHold :: a -> Event a -> IO (Hold a)
newHold = undefined
-- Demonstrate that a Weak's key keeps its value alive, even if the Weak is dead -- Demonstrate that a Weak's key keeps its value alive, even if the Weak is dead
testWeakChain :: IO () testWeakChain :: IO ()
testWeakChain = do testWeakChain = do

runTest Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
ghc -O3 -isrc -ddump-to-file -ddump-simpl -ddump-prep -ddump-cse -fforce-recomp -package ghc -dynamic-too -Wall -main-is Test.UIO.test -o ./test src/Test/UIO.hs

src/Test/UIO.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin UIO #-}
module Test.UIO (test) where
import GHC.IO
import GHC.Magic
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import UIO
import Test.UIO.MultiModule
import Test.UIO.Builder
test :: IO ()
test = do
putStrLn "testUIOBuilder"
putStrLn "testUIOFix"
putStrLn "testUIOUnique"
putStrLn "testUIOReplicate"
putStrLn "testUIOBadTimeless"
putStrLn "testUIOMany"
putStrLn "testUIOCycle"
putStrLn "testIO"
putStrLn "testMultiModule"
putStrLn "testFloatIn"
putStrLn "testUIOPrintLots"
{-# NOINLINE testUIOUnique #-}
testUIOUnique :: IO ()
testUIOUnique = do
r <- runUIO $ do
-- The following two lines can be merged by common subexpression elimination (CSE), which is very bad
r <- timeless $ newIORef 2
r2 <- timeless $ newIORef 2
-- Note that the following two lines must be different, otherwise they will *also* be merged by CSE, which will make the test appear to succeed!
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 5, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r2 $ \v -> (v + 10, ())
pure r
7 <- readIORef r
pure ()
{-# NOINLINE testUIOFix #-}
testUIOFix :: IO ()
testUIOFix = do
r <- runUIO $ mdo
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 5, ())
r <- timeless $ newIORef 2
pure r
7 <- readIORef r
pure ()
{-# NOINLINE testUIOBadTimeless #-}
testUIOBadTimeless :: IO ()
testUIOBadTimeless = do
r <- runUIO $ mdo
timeless $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 5, ())
r <- timeless $ newIORef 2
pure r
2 <- readIORef r
pure ()
{-# NOINLINE testUIOMany #-}
testUIOMany :: IO ()
testUIOMany = do
r <- runUIO $ do
r <- timeless $ newIORef 0
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 1, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 2, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 3, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 4, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 5, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 6, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 7, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 8, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 9, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 10, ())
pure r
55 <- readIORef r
pure ()
{-# NOINLINE testUIOReplicate #-}
testUIOReplicate :: IO ()
testUIOReplicate = do
rs <- runUIO $ do
rs <- replicateM 10 $ timeless $ newIORef 2
forM_ rs $ \r ->
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 5, ())
pure rs
70 <- fmap sum $ mapM readIORef rs
pure ()
{-# NOINLINE testUIOPrintLots #-}
testUIOPrintLots :: IO ()
testUIOPrintLots = runUIO $ do
replicateM_ 1000000 $ unordered $ putStrLn "Task"
newtype CycleRef = CycleRef (IORef CycleRef)
{-# NOINLINE testUIOCycle #-}
testUIOCycle :: IO ()
testUIOCycle = runUIO $ mdo
r <- timeless $ newIORef $ CycleRef r
pure ()
{-# NOINLINE testFloatIn #-}
testFloatIn :: IO ()
testFloatIn = runUIO $ do
r <- timeless $ newIORef 0
x <- unordered $ atomicModifyIORef r $ \x -> (succ x, succ x)
let {-# NOINLINE blah #-}
blah :: IO ()
blah = IO $ oneShot (\s -> unIO (print x) s)
unordered $ replicateM_ 10 blah
{-# NOINLINE testIO #-}
testIO :: IO ()
testIO = do
r <- newIORef 2
atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 5, ())
7 <- readIORef r
pure ()

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin UIO #-}
module Test.UIO.MultiModule where
import Data.IORef
import UIO
import Test.UIO.MultiModule.Callee
testMultiModule :: IO ()
testMultiModule = do
r <- runUIO caller
12 <- readIORef r
pure ()
--TODO: I think this should fail because callee should get inlined here, and then CSE should take place, and it should find multiple newMutVar# operations taking the same state token as input, and they should be CSE'd away. However, that doesn't seem to happen. The callee might need a different internal structure to be susceptible to CSE.
caller :: UIO (IORef Int)
caller = do

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin UIO #-}
module Test.UIO.MultiModule.Callee where
import Data.IORef
import UIO
--NOTE: It's important that this NOT be marked INLINE; if it is, then the unfolding will be the *unoptimized* code, which will still contain `uniqueState` invocations. These will be eliminated by the UIO plugin in the caller, which will work correctly, despite the plugin's behavior being unreliable.
callee :: UIO (IORef Int)
callee = do
r <- timeless $ newIORef 2
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 5, ())
unordered $ atomicModifyIORef' r $ \v -> (v + 5, ())
pure r

src/UIO.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
module UIO
( module UIO
, module X
) where
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup
import GHC.IO
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Magic
import UIO.Plugin as X
data RemainingWork = RemainingWork
instance Semigroup RemainingWork where
{-# INLINE (<>) #-}
(<>) = seq
sconcat = mconcat . toList
stimes _ d = d
instance Monoid RemainingWork where
{-# INLINE mempty #-}
mempty = RemainingWork
mconcat = \case
[] -> RemainingWork
x : xs -> x `seq` mconcat xs
-- Unordered IO - we want to allocate things, strictly evaluate things, etc., but we don't actually care what order it is done in
newtype UIO a = UIO { unUIO :: State# RealWorld -> (RemainingWork, a) }
instance Functor UIO where
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
fmap f x = x >>= (pure . f)
instance Applicative UIO where
{-# INLINE pure #-}
{-# INLINE (*>) #-}
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
pure x = UIO (\_ -> (RemainingWork, x))
UIO m *> UIO k = UIO (\s ->
let (ms, _) = m (uniqueState# 1# s)
(ks, b) = k (uniqueState# 2# s)
in (ms <> ks, b))
UIO m <*> UIO k = UIO (\s ->
let (ms, f) = m (uniqueState# 1# s)
(ks, x) = k (uniqueState# 2# s)
in (ms <> ks, f x))
instance Monad UIO where
{-# INLINE (>>) #-}
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
(>>) = (*>)
UIO m >>= k = UIO (\s ->
let (ms, a) = m (uniqueState# 1# s)
(ks, b) = unUIO (k a) (uniqueState# 2# s)
in (ms <> ks, b))
instance MonadFix UIO where
{-# INLINE mfix #-}
mfix k = UIO (\s ->
let (ks, result) = unUIO (k result) s
in (ks, result))
runUIO :: UIO a -> IO a
runUIO (UIO m) = do
-- We use a bang pattern here instead of "evaluate", because "evaluate" leaves a "seq#" clutting up our core, but the bang pattern does not
(!RemainingWork, result) <- IO (\s -> (# s, m s #)) --TODO: This returns the same state we were given; should we call uniqueState# 1# or something on it?
pure result
-- The following is marked NOINLINE because unsafeDupablePerformIO is marked NOINLINE. I don't really understand it.
{-# INLINE unordered #-}
unordered :: IO a -> UIO a
unordered (IO m) = UIO (\s -> let x = case m s of (# _, x #) -> x in (x `seq` RemainingWork, x))
-- | Perform an action only when its result is needed. This action will be unique, but the computation will be considered finished regardless of whether this action has run. This is appropriate for functions like `newIORef`.
{-# INLINE timeless #-}
timeless :: IO a -> UIO a
timeless (IO m) = UIO (\s -> (RemainingWork, case m s of (# _, x #) -> x))
{-# INLINE listen #-}
listen :: UIO a -> UIO (RemainingWork, a)
listen (UIO m) = UIO (\s -> let (done, a) = m s in (done, (done, a)))
{-# INLINE after #-}
after :: RemainingWork -> UIO a -> UIO a
after w (UIO m) = UIO (\s -> m (w `seq` s))

src/UIO/Plugin.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module UIO.Plugin (plugin) where
import GHC.Plugins
--import Data.Generics.Schemes (everywhereM)
--import Data.Generics.Aliases (mkM)
plugin :: Plugin
plugin = defaultPlugin
{ {- installCoreToDos = install
, -} pluginRecompile = purePlugin
isSpecificFunction :: Id -> Bool
isSpecificFunction f = case nameModule_maybe (idName f) of
Just m -> moduleNameString (moduleName m) == "UIO" && getOccString f == "uniqueState"
Nothing -> False
install :: [CommandLineOption] -> [CoreToDo] -> CoreM [CoreToDo]
install _ todos = do
let myPass = CoreDoPluginPass ("Inline UIO.uniqueState") inlineSpecificFunction
return $ case insertAfterLastCSE myPass todos of
Nothing -> myPass : todos
Just newTodos -> newTodos
insertAfterLastCSE :: CoreToDo -> [CoreToDo] -> Maybe [CoreToDo]
insertAfterLastCSE myPass = fmap reverse . go . reverse
where go = \case
[] -> Nothing
passes@(CoreCSE {} : _) -> Just (myPass : passes)
(h@(CoreDoPasses subPasses) : t) -> case insertAfterLastCSE myPass subPasses of
Nothing -> fmap (h :) $ insertAfterLastCSE myPass t
Just newSubPasses -> Just $ CoreDoPasses newSubPasses : t
h : t -> fmap (h :) $ insertAfterLastCSE myPass t
inlineSpecificFunction :: ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
inlineSpecificFunction guts = do
let !binds = mg_binds guts
inlinedBinds <- mapM (inlineSpecificFunctionBindM inlineSpecificFunctionTransform) binds
return guts { mg_binds = inlinedBinds }
inlineSpecificFunctionTransform :: CoreExpr -> CoreM CoreExpr
inlineSpecificFunctionTransform (App (App (Var f) _) s)
| isSpecificFunction f = return s
inlineSpecificFunctionTransform e = return e
inlineSpecificFunctionBindM :: (CoreExpr -> CoreM CoreExpr) -> CoreBind -> CoreM CoreBind
inlineSpecificFunctionBindM transform (NonRec b e) = do
e' <- everywhereM (mkM transform) e
return (NonRec b e')
inlineSpecificFunctionBindM transform (Rec pairs) = do
pairs' <- mapM (\(b, e) -> everywhereM (mkM transform) e >>= \e' -> return (b, e')) pairs
return (Rec pairs')